Refer to fee 2.5 under Fire Safety Inspections. Marcello Chiodo - Group Manager Business Technology and - LinkedIn $1,450 for the 1st dwelling for multiple dwelling developments, $850 for dwellings 2-5 and $725 for any additional dwelling, $4,000 plus 0.025% of the amount in excess of $1,000,000, As defined in State Environment Planning Policy (SEPP) (Exempt & Complying) 2008, Up to 80% of original CDC fee (at the discretion of area manager). Customer service phone: 02 4221 6111. Explore the determination process and find out who to talk to for more information. When calculating the cost of carrying out these works Council will cover all direct costs and overheads and where appropriate add a profit element. In accordance with Section 67 of the GIPA Act, if an access application is made for personal information about the applicant (the applicant being an individual), Council cannot impose any processing charge for the first 20 hours of processing time for the applicant. Shellharbour City Council Inspection . Council has developed a Let's Chat page to help you understand the changes and ask questions of our Planning team. Follow our document viewing instructions to open any attachments. Shellharbour City Council acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Dharawal Country and recognises their continued connection to the land. You can appoint usto be your certifier or can appoint an accredited certifier. The fee for an internal review is $40 as stated in Section 85 (1). Discounted rate for weekly bookings: Stay 7 nights only pay for 6 nights, Low Season: 01 Jul 22 - 22 Sep 22; 23 Apr 23 - 08 Jun 23 & 12 - 30 Jun 23. 317 were here. The following fees are prescribed under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000: Section 7.11 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment (EP&A) Act enables Council to levy a contribution on any development that will, or is likely to, require the provision of or increase the demand for public infrastructure and services. Hire rates charging will be in accordance to private works charging. In accordance with the provisions of Section 566 (3) of the Local Government Act, 1993. DA0107/2023. Track an Application - Liverpool City Council Minimum fee of $3,152 and by quotation of Manager Building. Our office hours are 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday, Shellharbour Local Environmental Plan's Business and Industrial Zones are being replaced by the new Employment Zones on 26 April 2023, Cadetships, apprenticeships and traineeships, Tullimbar Town Centre Development Applications. View an Application | Wollongong City Council Additional lines and motifs will be charged at cost including GST. Occupation fee is calculated per metre per month, Assessment of Construction Traffic Management Plans and Event Traffic Management Plans, Reinstatement Rate up to 10m per linear metre, Reinstatement up to 3 lintels per lintel, Reinstatement Rate greater than 3 lintels, Bond for the protection of Council street trees (maximum per tree), Digital copy of Shellharbour Images private use (per image), Digital copy of Shellharbour Images commercial use (per image), Government, Registered Non-Profit hire - per hour, Government, Registered Not-Profit hire - per day, Damaged library material (minor damage that can be repaired), Replacement of lost, damaged or non-returned items, Copy of a record containing the information, b) Development applications and associated documents lodged after July 2010, c) Open Access information not available either on Council's website or in a hard copy publication, A1 prints Whole Local Government Area (800mm x 375mm), Certificate Under Section 735A Local Government Act (per Property ID), Certificate Under Schedule 5 (EP&A Act) - (per Property ID), Financial history or Rates / Valuations related searches, Bin Upsize Fee (applies only to garbage bin), 240 Litre MGB per service per annum (comprises fortnightly service of 240L garbage bin, 240L recycling bin and weekly collection of 240L Food Organics Garden Organics bin), 140 Litre MGB per service per annum (comprises fortnightly collection of 140L garbage bin, 240L recycling bin and weekly collection of 240L Food Organics Garden Organics bin), All 140 Litre service (comprises fortnightly collection of 140L garbage bin, 140L recycling bin and weekly collection of 140L Food Organics Garden Organics bin), 80 Litre MGB - per service per annum (comprises fortnightly collection of 80L garbage bin, 240L recycling bin and weekly collection of 240L Food Organics Garden Organics bin), Multi-Share Service (for multi-unit dwellings), Weekly Service for Special Needs Households (conditions apply), Availability Fee per property per annum, Additional Food Organics Garden Organics Bin, Additional FOGO Kitchen Caddy Bags - Pack of 75, Full Commercial Service (includes fortnightly collection of garbage bin, recycling bin and weekly collection of Food Organics Garden Organics bin, Part Commercial Service (Food Organics Garden Organics bin only), Part Commercial Service (garbage and recycling only), Bulk Recycling Service (i.e. Mid Season: 03 Oct 22 - 20 Dec 22 (excluding October Long Weekend) and 29/01/23 to 05/04/23 (excluding all public holidays, long weekends and the Easter Long Weekend). An agency is not entitled to impose any processing charges for work done in connection with an internal review Section 87 (1). Concession rates apply to school age children, full time students, unemployed, pensioners and senior cardholders. Any increase in the State Waste levy will be directly passed onto users of waste collection services. Works will be quoted on a job by job basis. 759 Downloads Shellharbour City Council ANIMAL INFORMATION FORM (RECORDS - Pl. Our office hours are 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. If your DA is refused or granted with unacceptable conditions, you may: For further information contact us on 4221 6111. Development Application. Should you wish to view all publically available documents or require additional information, you can contact our Customer Service Centre on (02) 4868 0888. Applications On-Line. For Application fee, Public Notice and Licence preparation fee refer, For Application Fee, Public Notice and Licence preparation fee , 50% subsidy of per day fee excluding call out fee and services provided by Council, Transportation to be an additional "at cost" charge, For Application fee, Public Exhibition and Licence preparation fee .