The first game in the series, Shantae, was released for the Game Boy Color in 2002, and was met with generally positive responses. Their loyalty knows no bounds, and like drones serving a queen they act as an extension of Risky's will. Bolo is commonly used as a punching bag or stool pigeon by Rotty, Sky, and Shantae. Now people will shut up about her being 16 and shit CStormblade 2 yr. ago I had a feeling she was never 16 from the start. After that happens, she is in much higher spirits and appears to have regained some self-esteem. So Risky swapped the plans for a fake set that built a doomsday weapon for her instead. Sky is Shantae's friend, a war bird trainer and the daughter of a Relic Hunter herself. Many of these features were ultimately implemented into later titles; background movement, swimming, and the mermaid transformation were introduced in Risky's Revenge, while flying on Wrench and all three transformations were used in Half-Genie Hero. Shantae also appears to have low self-esteem (possibly tied to the loss of her magic), as when she was threatened with losing her hair after getting dismissed as Guardian Genie, she says, "They can't take my hair, can they, Uncle? In Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, Risky reverts to being the antagonist, as she tries to take control of the Genie Realm, an ethereal place where all Guardian Genies were locked several years ago, when Shantae was only an infant. Shantae has olive/tan-skinned with blue eyes, and long growing purple hair tied back in a ponytail stem stalk. Rottytops appears as a playable character in Half-Genie Hero's "Friends to the End" mode. Shantae | Shantae Wiki | Fandom When she cut a deal with the Empress Siren, she anticipated the possibility she would turn on her and made sure she wouldn't be too strong for Shantae. Wayforward would have been in so much trouble. The parents of Sky. She is then comforted by her friends who tell her they will help her protect Scuttle Town. Adaptational Nice Guy: Played straight. Its poor sales are generally attributed to its late release on the Game Boy Color, which at the time had been succeeded by the Game Boy Advance. Risky Boots the lady-pirate is Shantae's evil nemesis and the series' primary antagonist. ", "WayForward Reveals Official Title and New Details for Shantae and the Seven Sirens", "Shantae returns in an all new adventure later this year", "Shantae Series Interview with Matt Bozon - Interview", "The Flop That Inspired 'Contra 4 And 'Duck Amuck'; 'Hot Coffee' Sequel; And More, In GameFile", "Apple Watch is getting an adventure game from Shantae developer WayForward - GamesBeat", "Renowned devs creating 'Big Name Games' for free WarioWare D.I.Y. For the first video game in the series, see, "Interview: Shantae Co-Creator Matt Bozon Discusses the Series' Future & Shantae in Super Smash Bros", "Shantae and the Seven Sirens Creator Matt Bozon Talks Monster Cards, an Animated Series, and the Future", "WayForward Announces Shantae: Risky's Revenge Director's Cut for Switch and Xbox One", "WayForward Fought "Many, Many Battles" to Keep Shantae as a Lead Character", "The Kickstart Shantae Is Back In 1/2 Genie Hero", "Best Visuals 2010 Shantae: Risky's Revenge DS IGN", "Best DS Game of the Year 2010 Shantae: Risky's Revenge DS IGN", "WayForward on Twitter: "#Shantae and the #PiratesCurse is on the Best Sellers for Nintendo eShop 3DS! You fight them in the very last stages of each of these games, too. Risky's former mentor, and the main antagonist in Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. Shantae is the protagonist of her eponymous series. Allies Shantae NSFW still removed. by Karosu-Maker on DeviantArt If the Empress Siren does betray her? In Shantae and the Seven Sirens, Shantae and her friends visit a tropical island, where she meets a group of other half-genies who are kidnapped by Risky and the island's rulers, the Seven Sirens. WayForward Dev on Shantae's age | Shantae | Know Your Meme She is a half-genie and the main protagonist. Shantae is a half-genie charged with protecting her home, Scuttle Town. He was summoning Squid Baron to exercise his merchandising rights. Mimic often uses Bolo as an errand boy, which given his single track mind works fairly well. She lives with her two brothers, Abner and Poe. or would've been if not for the Pirate Master's untimely revival, gloating over wrapping everyone around her finger, any other trap that would been actually fatal, mecha tank in the likeness of a Tinkerbat. For a Metroidvania, Shantae is filled with characters that progress the story. [23] In 2018, readers of Source voted Shantae as the 10th-top most wanted character for Super Smash Bros. Back to your old tricks, I see,". [7] Shantae and the Pirate's Curse reveals that she was once second-in-command to a very dangerous being named the Pirate Master, and was corrupted by dark magic while serving him. She also considers the zombieRottytopsas her friend, although Rotty's own attitude towards her, while friendly for the most part, is more ambivalent, as she does not hesitate in claiming she would like to eat Shantae's brains (which Shantae seems to take as a joke). Although not related to her by blood, he is Shantae's adoptive uncle, as he raised her after her parents' disappearance.[7]. The Armor Baron will outright, To further the point, during the final confrontation, he taunts Shantae over believing Risky's theories about the gathered dark magic actually being Shantae's own scattered magic, and is flabbergasted when it turns out to be the truth. Bolo is Shantae's friend and sparring partner. Shantae and Risky appear as Spirits in Super Smash Bros. If you don't support the games then your opinion really doesn't matter. She has Shantae right there in a cage, ready to break out when Risky is endangered and defeat the Empress Siren herself, thus letting Risky get away with the airship regardless. Rottytops' other brother. Cristina Danielle Valenzuela (born July 11, 1987), known by her stage name Cristina Vee, is an American voice actress and voice director.She provides voices for English dubs of anime, animation, and video games.. Vee's roles in anime include Louise in The Familiar of Zero, Nanoha Takamachi in the Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha series, Mio Akiyama in K-On!, Noel Vermillion in BlazBlue Alter Memory . [28] Daniel Alvarez for called Shantae a "famous Half-Genie Hero herself", describing her as "the undisputed queen of indie characters". befitting an organism whose real-life counterpart lives near hydrothermic vents. An entire realm of evil! A half-genie born with the powers of a Seer, capable of seeing the 'invisible world' that others cannot. Shantae's appearance in working mock-ups ca. She is then comforted by Bolo, Sky and Mimic, who tell her they will help her protect to Scuttle Town from Risky and other evil forces. It is mentioned several times that she doesn't know who her parents are, only that her mother was a genie.