Grainger County will use ARP funds to address critical system needs for several of the utility systems providing service in the County and develop an Asset Management Plan. About Us Southwest Arkansas Planning and Development District &ATb"#,xY6.IZ'%i~G?YG8Gi"Wgc\#T,8/jV(Oo\]Nk3>W08a:S>x[]piJ%m3w&}JOO8!vk/5wZ{Nts}y,4[K+f$a.J}S`[d>J,}[^pJO?@s6/v ?hmU-{` doF The county will also make two connections between the Lauderdale County Water System and the City of Halls Water System to provide an additional layer of capacity in the event that either system is unable to produce water or has an emergency. These activities will aid the Town in water loss issues and help eliminate permit violations from aging infrastructure. Most of the towns water system and appendages, including the existing water main, are over 50 years old. Copy and paste this code into your website. Find Sevier County residential building & property records including ownership, land use & zoning, parcel & structural descriptions, market valuations, sales history, tax assessments, deeds & more. endstream endobj startxref The Town of Tennessee Ridge will use ARP funds to address critical needs in its drinking and wastewater systems and develop Asset Management Plans for both systems. Notice | Public Notice Website - Utah Funds will also be used to develop an Asset Management Plan, which will include GIS Mapping and an Inventory and Condition Assessment. Funds will also be used to replace 116 customer service lines, along with installing 12 new water valves and 12 new hydrant assemblies. 1 0 obj The Town of Kimball, in collaboration with Marion County, will use ARP funds to develop an Asset Management Plan as well as a Capital Improvement Plan and budget. Projects include the modernization of its Wastewater Treatment Plant by identifying lands for drip irrigation disposal and planning and designing a physical pipe connection between two decentralized treatment plants. If you need help setting up an account, please call 1-866-957-3764. Bell Buckle's wastewater project will utilize data from a comprehensive flow monitoring system to identify areas of excessive inflow and infiltration. Jackson County, in collaboration with Putnam County, will use ARP funds to address significant non-compliance and make critical water loss improvements. Cowan will make improvements to their wastewater system by identifying areas within the collection system that require rehabilitation through cleaning and smoke testing. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 37862 Telephone: (865) 453-3882 Fax: (865) 453-5923 . The Town of Benton will use ARP funds to conduct water loss improvement projects and replace approximately 11,020 linear feet of aged galvanized and ductile iron water lines including service lines, meters, valves, and hydrants. The projects will focus on renovations and modernizations to its water and wastewater treatment plants. Greenbrier's wastewater project will reduce excessive inflow and infiltration in the system. Approximately 180 service taps and approximately 80 manholes will also be replaced. Two members of the Commission and Jeff Ownby, Sevier County's Planner, testified that they could not recall an instance when the Commission intentionally denied a concept plan that satisfied the regulations, and typically, the Commission did not revoke a concept plan approval after the fact. The City of Eagleville will use ARP funds to address critical needs in their wastewater system and develop an Asset Management Plan. Required Documentation . The City of Dayton, in collaboration with Rhea County, will use ARP funds to improve its wastewater treatment plant and replace sewer lines. The Town of Huntsville will leverage ARP, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) funding to address critical needs, including significant non-compliance, and develop an Asset Management Plan. Projects include the replacement of approximately 5,280 linear feet of water line. Planning and Development ; Retail Food Store Wine License . Sevier County Planning and Zoning Department TDEC focuses these grants on the following goals: Cities and counties throughout the state were eligible to apply for these grants. Atwood will also replace the aged sewer lift station with a new station. Mail or hand deliver to: Sevier County Mayor's Office, 125 Court Avenue, Suite 102E, Sevierville, TN 37862 Attn: Carrie Strickland, HR Director. Beginning Monday April 24, 2023, we will begin using On-line permitting for all new building permit applications.Any questions concerning setting up your account will need to be directed to their helpline at 866-957-3764 or visit the website. The City of Bolivar will use ARP funds to upgrade and modernize water and wastewater infrastructure. Welcome to Sevier County, TN North Utility of Decatur-Benton will develop an Asset Management Plan and make water loss improvements to the Woodlawn Shores Resort area water system. Posted 04-10-23. Sevier County, alongside the Town of Pittman Center, will use ARP funds to address significant non-compliance and critical system needs for the East Sevier County Utility District. The Town of Dover will use ARP funds to develop an Asset Management Plan and address critical aging infrastructure needs. The remaining funds ($269 million) will go to state-initiated projects and competitive grants. Share this page on your favorite Social network. HWKoW!`Ebg6 xcFm%hj)MA|zu_/fm/Z/p35ezq7JU|U:- Projects include the development of an Asset Management Plan and an Inventory and Condition Assessment. City of Sevierville - Planning and Development <> The Town of Bell Buckle will leverage ARP, EPA, and capital funds to address critical wastewater needs, capacity, and significant non-compliance. PDF Sevier County Planning and Zoning Department Bradley County will develop a centralized Wastewater Treatment Plant, install 12,800 linear feet of new water lines, and replace aged water treatment plant filters. The City's drinking water project includes system improvements to the water system and installing new water infrastructure to improve system reliability. Washington County will develop an Asset Management Plan. Troy will also conduct planning, design, and modeling for the water system and explore the feasibility of water system expansion in order to provide clean drinking water to more Obion County residents. A new sludge handling unit will also be installed in the new Wastewater Treatment Plant currently under construction. Find Sevier County Residential Housing Units, Occupied Residential Buildings Construction Year, Occupied Residential Buildings Room Characteristics, Occupied Residential Buildings Bedroom Characteristics, and Occupied Residential Building Facility Characteristics. The Town of Thompsons Station will leverage ARP and SRF funds to increase the capacity of the Towns regional wastewater treatment plant. Madisonvilles funds will be used to conduct investigative work, including smoke testing, to find areas for improvement in the system, and subsequently replace or repair faulty wastewater lines and manholes.