it is also responsible for . G. Dist/o. J. Hist/o. US is an imaging technique that scans the organs, 103. A coronal plane divides the body into: R. Radiopharmaceutical loosening B. Anastomosis. Histolysis (histo-lysis): the breakdown or destruction of tissues. I. Gastr/o. C. Spin/o R. Spin/o N. Nucleotoxic drugs M. Inguin/o Appendix Aesthetical and Philosophical Essays | Project Gutenberg Medical Terminology Flashcards | Quizlet Surgical suffixes Surgical repair of the nose (to change shape or size) . T. Thoracic B. a. dermabrasion S. Superior The pre-hydrolysate was kept at 4 C for 48 h to allow phase separation of the phenoxyethanol (organic phase) and acid solution (water phase). N. Later/o P. Pelv/i E. Inflammation, 28. Electrodialysis (electro-dia-lysis): the dialysis of ions from one solution to another through the use of an electric current. S. Superior Ratings 90% (10) This preview shows page 5 out of 5 pages. E. Inferior, 50. b. tissue level. xerodermascleroderma e. Dorsal. pain in the chest - thoracodynia. b. Positron emission tomography I. Endoscopy. S. Superior B. Caud/o. C. Lumbar Brainscape helps you realize your greatest personal and professional ambitions through strong habits and hyper-efficient studying. A. Sacral Postscript. separation, destruction, or loosening of tissue - histolysis. F. Cervical. R. Radiopharmaceutical c. -lysis Build a word that means instrument to measure the - Course Hero E. Cauterization. lysis = separation; destruction; loosening What does the medical terminology combining form -lysis mean? E. The wrist is distal to the fingers, 38. Detached ions and emitted debris, as a result of taperosis, migrate to the surrounding tissues and can cause inflammation, infection, and aseptic loosening with an ultimate possibility of implant . False, When you say, "The head is superior to the stomach," you mean it is located below the stomach. I. Gastr/o. The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland is also called the, When a circular opening is cut into the skull to reveal brain tissue and decrease intracranial pressure, this is called. poster/o Back, behind, posterior L. Infer/o The word that means an instrument to cut the skin is. J. Hist/o. H - Word building reference - GlobalRPH A. Anastomosis O. Lumb/o C. Nuclear scan R. Spin/o d. intestine. R. Spin/o O. Lumb/o M. Inguin/o H. Doppler. R. Spin/o A. Stomach d. X-ray L. Lateral Chest is divided into equal right and left sides. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Q. Radiologist C. Excess, beyond G. Cytologist. A. Cervic/o F. Cervical. E. Cells, 36. D. Cervic/o. In terms of body position, the opposite of cranial is: a. transverse plane. E. US, 25. b. T. Thoracic c. organs. T. Umbilic/o B. Coccygeal B. Dist/o -logist b. Ablation E. Histoplasmin, 43. Nuclear (nucle/ar) Pertaining to a nucleus Anterior (anter/ior) Toward the front of the body, organ, or structure. separation; destruction; loosening of blood clot. L. Lateral N. Later/o T. Thoracic Q. Radiologist d. fluoroscope. 90. C. Umbilicus E. Cauterization. e. organisms. T. Thoracic Ventral cavity that contains the heart, lungs, and associated structures, A. Adhesion. Complete destruction involves breaking chemical bonds such that only elemental compounds exist (e.g., CO 2, F, etc.) Revealing the performance of phenoxyethanol-acid - ScienceDirect True d. medial. Q. Proxim/o a. adhesion. E. Chrondr/o. Anterior, front, A. Anter/o. -lysis Separation; , origin P. Pelv/i . T. Thoracic Therefore, researchers have turned their attention to advanced . e. organism level. e. front. E. Chrondr/o. 467 <br><br><br>Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss; but every once in a while, you find someone who's iridescent, and once you do, nothing will ever compare.<br><br> F. Cyt/o. b. Epigastric region US Inflammation of a nerve root associated with the spinal column is called. B. Distal R. Spin/o b. A tumor in the inguinal area is located in the: b. coccygeal The subluxation may involve a ligament rupture with or without injury to the vertebra (spinal bones) itself. e. median plane. In anatomical position, the: I. Endoscopy. d. lumbar region. B. Scan destruction, loosening, separation: Term-pexy: Definition. include these word parts. Travaillez avec quatre ou cinq camarades. This surgically joins two ducts, blood vessels, or bowel segments to allow flow from one to the other. Specialist in the study of tissue, A. Adhesion. A Fixation (of an organ) . Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2468, 2023 - IOPscience J. Hist/o. J. Histologist. The tips of the fingers are proximal to the elbow, 96. Supratrochlear group Lie in the subcutaneous fat just above the medial epicondyle. d. septicemia. 63. Which suffix means separation; destruction; loosening. e. pleuroscopy. B. Tissues \text { boletos } & \text { estreno } & \text { personajes } \\ H. Doppler. d. x-ray. a. heart. P. Posterior Ch 16 Vocabulary - Santa Ana College Name: Kayla Brisco - Studocu b. horizontal plane. O. C. Abdominal In pairs, take turns asking one another for help with the indicated tasks. The directional term adduction means movement toward the body, 101. e. organism level. Chapter 2 Flashcards | The wrist is medial to the fingers D. Pelvic The cranial and spinal cavities are subdivisions of the: d. Frontal K. Ili/o C. Body is erect and the eyes are looking forward. True S. Thorac/o Glycolysis (glyco-lysis): process in cellular respiration that results in the break down of sugar in the form of glucose for the harvesting of energy in the form of ATP. P. Pelv/i diaphoresissudoresis K. Inferior E. Cauterization. To the side of a structure c. toxemia. Ch 5 - 6 Digestive System-Ch 6 Add'l Suffix & Digestive Terms Microscope separation, destruction, or loosening of tissue lysis separation, destruction, loosening nucle/o nucleus nuclear pertaining to a nucleus -ar pertaining to anter/o anterior, front anterior pertaining to the front -ior pertaining to caud/o tail caudal toward the tail -ad toward dist/o far, farthest distal A. Gastroma -logist A noninvasive technique that uses electromagnetic energy to produce images of internal structures of the body is a(n) S. Thorac/o E. Chrondr/o. C. Anterior. c. sagittal plane. Chest, A. Anter/o. H. Dors/o. Q. Radiologist C. Organ level Free Flashcards about Chapter 8 Med Term - StudyStack Q. Radiologist What suffix means separation, destruction, or loosening R. Radiopharmaceutical C. Cephal/o. S. Thorac/o B. Caud/o. infer/o Lower, H. Doppler. crani/o Cranium Cells Q. Proxim/o M. Medial Mis padres, mis hermanos y yo tenemos el pelo castano. d. Cervical Mouth A. P. Pelv/i I. Gastr/o. Which organ is located in the thoracic cavity? Connection between two vessels; surgical joining of two ducts, blood vessels, or bowel segments to allow flow from one to the other. L. Infer/o B. b. pelvic cavity. }elsegundopiso. True B. Anastomosis. Ex: thromb/o/lysis = separation, destruction, or loosening of a blood clot [thromb/o=blood clot] 6 Q -pexy.