I get that, truly. The Schuylers Quentel Series RSV w/Apocrypha is the best all-around bible I have ever possessed and, even more importantly, used on a daily basis. I hope you enjoy it, brother. 10 point Milo font As for the RSVCE2 itself, it lacks an imprimatur. If I had my way, I would remove the thys along with the art from the Our Father during the liturgy. If you plan on stacking this Bible with other editions, it may be best to place it on top of the stack to prevent the stack from tilting. I hope that other leather goatskin colors (such as purple and blue) in full yapp covers will be forthcoming. There has been a bit of a buzz lately (growing ever louder since back when Jorge became pope), Of course this all started with a sketchy prophecy of Malachi about Francis being the last pope, and most Catholics just ignored it. I took the photos in this post with sunlight shining through a window. 4 Stars & Up & Up; 3 Stars . ExtensiveSchuyler Bible Maps, Adam Robitaille Overall, for external fit and finish and overall feel, I prefer the Cambridge edition to the new Schuyler Quentel. The Psalms are some of the best renderings of Hebrew poetry updated from the KJV English. There are no chapter and paragraph headings, but following in the tradition of the KJV and the RSV, I can understand why. William Paul Johnson, Jr. They include the standard Catholic Deuterocanonicals as well as 1-2 Esdras, Prayer of Manasses, and 3 Maccabees. A lot of people my age enjoy the RSV and I am grateful that this wonderful edition has been made available for us. These apocryphal books were positioned between the Old and New Testament (it also contained maps and geneologies). Because there are no paragraph headings (which I have grown to appreciate) I was initially concerned that reading through long passages (like in the historical books of the Old Testament) might become difficult. First is its 10pt Milo typeface, which is slightly smaller than the 11pt typeface of previous Quentels, yet still quiet comfortable to read (the folks at Schuyler confirmed my hunch that this decision was made in order to keep the editions of the RSV Quentel that include the Apocrypha from becoming too bulky). Im someone whos not crazy about drop caps, but I think it works really well in the RSV Quentel. Currently, the Kindle editions of the New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha (5th edition) and the Catholic Study Bible (3rd edition) are available for $9.80 each. This has GOT to be the end of the world! Such quality!!! 1 review The Revised Standard Version (RSV) is a revision of the American Revised Version (1901) which was itself a revision of the King James Version (1611). A viewer found one in the Prologue to Sirach, and I came across one in 1 Maccabees 2.24. Line Matching (In black goatskin). I agree. Having spent time last year in the ESV, as well as reading Mark Giszczaks book, I understand the appeal of the ESV. I am really happy to hear that you purchased a copy. I am looking forward to the upcoming CTS ESV CE I know it will only be Hardback but with the updated Grail Psalms used in Lectionary in my country will be nice to have and probably have an imperator from English and Welsh Bishops. The red and black theme looks awesome together. It wasnt cheap, but my wife pre-ordered it for me as a graduation present back in July. Schuyler Quentel RSV with Apocrypha by Anonymous | Goodreads Therefore the language used in a religious context is always more antiquated than the language used in any other context. Visit the help section or contact us. The word 'apocrypha' means 'hidden.' document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. However, I noticed immediately that I can read this without my cheaters, which I must use for my Douay-Rheims from Crossway. It is accurate, elegant, and eminently readable. If you want to wait until Schuyler publishes the ESV w/Apocrypha later this year or next, I totally get that as well. The RSV was translated by 32 scholars along with 50 representatives of cooperating denominational bodies. Cambridge ESV Diadem Hardcover Bible Review Blog The mirror-polished gilding on the Cambridge is extremely well-done, and the binding feels a bit tighter without the slightest hint of imperfections. Reply jacobr1c Anglican Church of Canada The Schuyler edition shows some minor page wrinkles near the gutter, and the feel of opening and closing the Bible is not as solid as the Cambridge. It is by far more pleasant to handle than the thick board cover of the hardback edition though. Overall, this Bible lives up to high standards. Might I also advocate for an RSV PSQ? I was gifted by a dear friend a new copy of the marbled mahogany RSV (w/ apocrypha) from Schulyers. Sure, but the RSV doesnt maintain the singular/plural distinction. NRSVue, Holy Bible with Apocrypha, Premium Goatskin Leather, Black, Premier Collection, Art Gilded Edges, Comfort Print. I withdrew to reading more dynamic translations, which led me to spending a long season in The Message: Catholic/Ecumencial Edition and writing a book about that experience. The apocrypha was a part of the KJV for 274 years until being removed in 1885 A.D. A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities, such as the Catholic church. Im glad Schuyler went for it even though the RSV probably isnt in as much demand as the other translations. Below is an article that explains Bible Yapp. The feel of the calfskin leather cover (and liner) was unlike any bible I had previously handled. Liberal Jews stopped using Hebrew, now they are almost all fully secularized. Fragments of Dead Sea Scrolls dating back to before 70 A.D. contained parts of the apocrypha books in Hebrew, including Sirach and Tobit [source]. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us It was so smooth and flexible. What a joy to read and study from this work of art! The RSV NT was revised in 1971, and many of the Catholic Edition changes were incorporated in the 1971 text. Ha ha! Because the typesetting of this Bible is so legiblenot only can it serve as a personal Bible but it could also be very useful as a pulpit and/or lectern Bible!