Waitlists will not be considered after this time. To learn more about the New Haven Public School Choice Program please visit our www.newhavenmagnetschools.com, Director of School ChoiceMarquelle Middleton, (475) 220-1430nhpsregistration@new-haven.k12.ct.us. There could be several reasons a child is not placed at their preferred school. Apply to a School Choice Program Apply to a School Choice Program Overview Provided by: Department of Education Overview The Connecticut State Department of Education's (CSDE) commitment to public school choice is evident in the different types of public school choice programming available statewide. The Lafayette Parish Magnet Academies Applications will open on October 04, 2022 at 10:00 am for the 2023-2024 School year. Apply Now | Hartford Public Schools Questions about accessing the application? Important Choice Applications will no longer be accepted for the 2023-2024 school year. All students are eligible for Pre-K and Elementary Choice programs. The application is available online in English and . The School Choice Program supports students' educational success by offering a diverse set of schools with unique themes and programming designed to engage students' interest. Choice Enrollment The public school choice (Choice) program under the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was phased out in the 2017-18 school year due to the implementation of the ESSA. Please click here to access a short videoabout each CCS school. A student must be at least the following age on or before September 1: 4 years old for K4, 5 years old for K5 and 6 years old for grade 1. If you need assistance, please call the Magnet Academies office at 337-521-7044 or 337-521-7160. The Selective Admissions application will be available on January 9, 2023 for students who qualify and must be submitted via the School Choice link in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal by January 31, 2023. All rights reserved. Your first step is to enroll in CMS as a new student. Disclaimer: All school attendance boundaries are subject to change by School Board action. Do not attempt before January 6, 2023. Thesecond round of School Choice applications is now available. . School Choice Home | Schools | School Choice School Choice The mission of the Office of K-12 School Choice is to support quality public and private educational choice programs by providing information and assistance to promote successful outcomes for students, families, institutions and communities. Late applications will not be considered in the Choice lottery that takes place in March 2023. 10/31 Public sharing of available seats, 11/14 School Choice application opens, 01/31/23 School Choice application ends, 2/10/23 District runs Choice lottery, 2/17/23 District shares lottery results with families, 2/24/23 Deadlinefor families torespond to initial lottery offer, 3/1/23 Round 2 School Choice applications open for new applicants only. School Choice provides additional programs and school options through a randomized choice lottery application. View the 95% school list. You can see the magnet schools which have available seats in the links below. Families who wish to access Hartford Public School Magnet and Open Choice options apply only through the RSCO application. Choice options include innovative learning experiences, unique academic curricula, theme-based programs, eLabs, project-based learning, and individualized learning communities. Please review our Frequently Asked Questions. During this time, families placed on waitlists will receive offers as seats become available. Grade 8 students currently enrolled in a New Haven Public School who are not placed at a school of their choice or did not apply via the school choice application process, will be enrolled at their neighborhood zoned high school. Apply online by visiting. If you would like to be added to a wait list for the 2022-23 mid-year transfer request for school choice, please email: schoolchoice@4j.lane.edu. School Choice Applying to a Choice Program Applying to a Choice Program Lottery results for the 2023-2024 school year will be available after 4:00 pm on March 31, 2023. Use this link or the navigation to the left to view the School Choice Lottery process! Click here to access the After Lottery Application for Choice Programs: AFTER LOTTERY APPLICATION - ENGLISH AFTER LOTTERY APPLICATION - ESPA OL Choice Programs Our Districts commitment to School Choice uniquely offers students a variety of high-quality educational options at all levels by giving families a choice on deciding where their children attend school to learn and grow. Every student in Hamilton County is guaranteed a seat at their zone school. Hartford Public Schools. Choice Program EligibilityAll applicants must meet residency, age, and program eligibility criteria. Regional School Choice Office Home Page - ct Instructional Information Services - Blackboard, Elementary Transportation Information for School Choice, Transportation Info. If a student who is currently enrolled in a New Haven Public School has applied via the school choice process and is not placed at one of their preferred schools, they will remain enrolled at their current school provided the school serves their grade level for the next school year. In such cases our office will work collaboratively with school administrators and parents to exhaust school placement waitlists when a seat may become available prior to October 1st.