10. He is not open to trying new methods that are more effective. 14. Wait in a petient way for the upload of your Supervisor Comments On Logbook. Select the Get form key to open the document and start editing. His work continually fails to scale through the inspection stage. Furthermore, a great team thrives on a healthy relationship, not just among team members, but also with the team leader. 9. I must commend your punctuality in the last conference meeting, but your presentation showed a lack of preparedness. They must be handed out as often as it necessitates if the best is going to be seen. He is always putting on a superior attitude towards his coworkers which is very unfriendly and demeaning. 7. It is, therefore, necessary to remind employees of the expected standard through performance appraisal comments on the quality of work, to ensure the quality of work is always maintained. He is always responding late to clients emails without informing them why. Relationships matter anywhere, whether, Read More How to Build Relationships at Work: 25 Proven StepsContinue, I am convinced that nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people. A leader with good leadership skills will be of positive influence to the followers while a poor leader will have followers, workers, or team members giving average performance or output. He begins each day with renewed strength and vigor. He is quite industrious and diligent in carrying out his work. She is often late for work and, despite frequent warnings, does not follow the attendance policy. Sample of A logbook for Bachelor of Science in computer science It is great having him on my team. Logbook Weekly Evaluation by HOST COMPANY SUPERVISOR Instruction to Host Company SupervisorPlease refer to the student's detailed report for that particular week before assessing his/her performance.Please mark in the appropriate box based on the following score : [5] Excellent [4] Good [3] Average [2] Below Average [1] Unsatisfactory Student's He is careful to provide employees with the needed resources and training required to fulfill their responsibilities. It will help ensure a seamless transition. Your lateness in delivering customers orders will ruin the companys reputation, would advise you to sit up. Try to be more flexible but reasonably though. I cant help but notice how you turn up late for important meetings. 6. 9 0 obj
12. Congratulations! She goes out of her way to see that every client leaves the organization highly satisfied. You can consider these examples while addressing this: 9. 15. What were the intern's major strengths? He will be a great asset to the team. stream
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One of the challenges of leadership is assessing the performance of your subordinates and giving them constructive feedback. 13. endobj
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He maintains a good standard of work with a high level of productivity. Mothers Day is a special occasion to show appreciation and love towards the mothers in our lives. 2. You have shown great commitment to the growth of this team through your sacrifices and by going the extra mile to accomplish every given task. 4. 12. It is disrespectful to peoples time. The following are sample comments for you to make reference. He does not commend the efforts of his team instead, he tries to take all the praise for the collective efforts of the team put together. 8. PDF Supervision Logbook EXAMPLE 1 (DPsych Clinical) - Monash University As a manager, head or supervisor of a unit of the team, you will be expected to give out supervisor comments and recommendations for improvement on performance review of your workers and team members. He is able to build positive relationships with people. 2. Student's industrial attachment logbook - SlideShare Related Post: Work Hard And Have Fun Quotes. We will be able to achieve more in lesser time with this. 3. Your failure to recognize your team members efforts tells on their attitude to work even when they are making considerable progress. Fill in the date, carrier name, main office address, and terminal address. I know you have your subordinates best interest at heart ( thats the reason why you are reading this right now) and though you may lack words to convey the intentions of your heart, you would love to leave a supervisors comments and recommendations that would keep them on an upward trajectory in their careers. K Quickly add and highlight text, insert pictures, checkmarks, and symbols, drop new fillable fields, and rearrange or delete pages from your document. He is thorough in ensuring accuracy and quality in his work. Your financial management skill is so poor, please consider enrolling for the end of the year financial management training. 13. 15. It is disappointing to say that your lateness to work is reflecting on your subordinates. endobj
How to shield your sample log book report pdf when accomplishing it on the internet?