But no doubt that sag tendancy to blurt stuff out can really get to a Pisces woman! The Sagittarius man is a fire sign and so he's so energetic and passionate. She has to deal with her insecurities, and he has to become more emotionally available. Important traits of a Sagittarius man in relation to a Pisces woman A Sagittarius man loves freedom and spontaneity. Yet if this couple makes it to the stage of even considering marriage, it means their relationship has stood the test of time. As the sign of the eternal bachelor, a Sagittarius is happy to have lots of lighthearted, casual flings. Their moods change constantly. im a pisces and this true cause I was with a sag and our chemistry was everything, but they said pisces should date a Capricorn or a Virgo and those guys especially capricorns broke my heart the most so a guy will just be a guy no matter his sign. They need to trust each other to manage the aspects of the relationship that each excels in, understanding there is very little overlap. i am a sag female i live with a pisces man we are just friends but our chemistry is right at the same level i think we would be good together. Well Im currently dating a sag Im a Pisces girl, well we not together now we had terrible fight saying he is cheating and he says he is not. He loves his freedom above all else. I try not to take it personally because I grew up with a Sag sibling so I know how they function but I cant help but feel that his actions are a bit selfish and inconsiderate. Completely wrong information, in my case i am sagittarius girl, my husnand is pisces.. we r going through divorce, our relationship lasts only for 3 months only.. and that was the worst time period of my life our characters are completely oppositedont expect loyalty nd emotions from pisces.. their only need is sexual, dont expect emotions nd caring and responsibility from their end better to judge them as mothers boy rather than independent, Well this is talking about a MALE SAGITTARIUS and FEMALE PISCES. We're in this together! A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years for most of the couples who are really intimate. Usually, the answer is no. Yet if he isnt able to bring more emotion into the relationship, hell become frustrated. Are a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man a good match in marriage? Im a Pisces woman and I know for a fact that if that man hasnt changed then shes definitely bouncing back and also will regret that she ever left u to begin with. Sex keeps it strong and just Oracle states, we are so different and things are great or we get into fights which is not normal for me. in the beginning it seemed like we were unstoppable, we were so obsessed with each other. Show her you're having a good life! Hes fine with passion and exuberance, but any further exploration of emotional depths will only scare him. A Sagittarius male gives his woman all the fun and laughter to enjoy each moment of their relationship. Saggitarious men are what I prefer! he on the other hand is super romantic but i had to bring that side of him out. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2021 Ask Oracle. He can win a woman over with brilliant eloquence, romantic displays, generosity for expensive gifts, and pleasant surprises. When he keeps coming back to you, it's . Join the conversation, be positive, and stay on topic. Pisces are so emotional, I think the fish need to remember not to get trampled by the wild horse that is Sagittarius. How to Get your Sagittarius Woman to obsess over you? Hell want to maintain his many connections to friends. This man wants a long foreplay that is completely in line with the Pisces woman's desires, as a Taurus man can take offense if the Pisces woman is in a hurry. I love him so much and while he has changed his ways and like he tells everyone when they say wow you settled down; he replies because I finally found the right woman. Capricorn its a connection i didnt know was possible. Aries man obsessed with sagittarius woman LOL. We can share the upmost comfortable silence, although I feel like I have to speak at time to compensate lol Im intrigued by him and I think hes intrigued by me.