","tradeable":"no","lowalch":false,"weight":0.72,"highalch":false,"destroy":"You must manufacture another one at an Invention Workbench. When charged with ecto-tokens and carried in the inventory, if the player kills a monster that drops bones, the bonecrusher will automatically crush them, granting the player half the Prayer . If you don't have a charming imp, get one, and if you do, don't worry about looting. This video shows how to unlock the Bonecrusher Upgrade in Runescape 3. The experience is the same as a gilded alter with both burners lit. What training method grants the highest Prayer XP/HR? : runescape - Reddit ","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"4th July Event - Vic the Trader is Back! (Keep in mind there are two other necklaces with similar returns. ","tradeable":"yes","weight":0.056,"highalch":1,"destroy":"Drop","lendable":"no","release_update_post":"Skill Bonanza: Urns, Ashes and Shortcuts","id":"20268","disassembly":"yes","members":"yes","equipable":"no","gemw":{"name":"Infernal ashes","limit":5000},"bankable":"yes","name":"Infernal ashes","death":"reclaimable","stacksinbank":"yes","stackable":"no","noteable":"yes"}, Gilded altar&&SPLITPOINT&&Chaos altar (Wilderness), Prayer&&SPLITPOINT&&&&SPLITPOINT&&&&SPLITPOINT&&&&SPLITPOINT&&, Uses facility: Gilded altar, Chaos altar (Wilderness), This table assumes that two burners are lit while using the gilded altar, and excludes the cost of. . This video shows how to unlock the Bonecrusher Upgrade in Runescape 3. When carried it provides increased Prayer experience from ghosts, and also automatically scatters demonic ashes, using one charge for each ghost killed and ash scattered. The powder does NOT work with the bone crusher despite bonecrusher counting and burying for other items like the Demon horn necklace. The Bonecrusher should have an upgrade to allow it to destroy ashes (no Archived post. The attuned ectoplasmator now correctly restores prayer when used along with the Dungeoneering prayer restoring necklaces. I've been chilling out at the kharid bandit camp enjoying what is essentially infinite prayer points and was wondering what other locations are great for this combination. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. There is further information on this drop; see the associated page for details. This item now functions correctly when using a dwarf multicannon. Note that if you use demon ashes on the Ectofuntus, you . Scattering ashes already in a player's inventory does not fill the urn. It does NOT stack with the Dragon Rider amulet, and in fact the amulet takes priority awarding lower xp. For every bone you crush, you will be using one charge. Of those got noted people could come here and make like. The urn fills with experience the player would have earned if the ashes had been scattered instead of collected. 6. Some are based on charges, where they can perform a specific number of actions before needing to be recharged; others are permanent. If the ashes were instead used on the ectofuntus, this would instead result in 6,250 prayer experience. Once ashes have been collected into the urn, they cannot be removed.