Rhode Island Reds were created from Malay chickens, which are known to be incredibly hardy birds. Find The Right Chicken Breed For Your Personality Other than the fact that they are not as easily handled because of their size, Giants make good pets for children because they are extremely docile and calm. Overall, the Rhode Island Blue are incredibly healthy birds, and this is largely due to their Rhode Island Red lineage. Theyre curious, the first to check out new situations, absolutely love attention, and are intelligent, mellow pets. She would come running to me from where ever she was when called by name and just hang out with us. Many of the most popular chicken breeds today were created by crossbreeding other popular breeds of the time. Raising Goats The Complete How To Guide, Easter Egger: Everything You Need To Know About This Chicken, How To Tell A Rooster From A Hen (Is it a Boy or a Girl? An unexpected surprise was the SGs deciding that they preferred to sleep in the ficus tree next to the coop. MY 1st pet chicken was a Rhode Island Red. Rhode Island Blue | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens Another excellent characteristic of the Buckeye is their dual-purpose qualities which make them hearty producers of eggs and meat. They were developed after crossing the Rhode Island Red with the Blue Australorp chickens. Rhode Island Blue | All about Chicken Breeds in a Minute Rhode Island Reds are one of my favorite chickens. I have special needs granddaughter who has a small white Polish that adores her. Also known as the Sapphire Blue Plymouth Rock or Blue Plymouth Rock, the Sapphire Gem is all the rage for novelty and specialty chicken fanciers. Blue chicken genetics are a whole different ball game but they likely play an . Plymouth Rock chickens are a heritage breed. You are using an out of date browser. For me, Ive found the Australorpes to be the most friendly. Both the cockerel and the pullet sit on my shoulder daily, groom me lol, and hang out while I do chicken chores. Rhode Island Blue hens arent particularly broody, which is a common trait of breeds that are bred to produce a lot of eggs. This breed is a Rhode Island Red crossed with a Blue Australorp. 3) People-friendly chickens require chicken-friendly people. If you have an older line, your birds may be larger. Rhode Island Blue - Mt Healthy Hatcheries I think the cedar chips may be the problem. I have six of them and I also use all of my birds to work the huge mulch bed. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. By far, my Sapphire Gems are the most gentle of all of my babes now at 16 weeks. beautiful girls, Maybe they are not getting the right amount of nutichin. In fact, their egg-laying prowess brought them into the spotlight in the early twentieth century when they broke a record by laying 364 eggs in 365 days.