You note that the ventilator is triggering to inspiration as soon as exhalation ends, with the 120 mL Cardiomegaly exits when the cardiac-to-thoracic width ratio (CT ratio) exceeds 50% on a PA chest C. review the auto-CPAP records and switch the patient to BiPAP What type of abnormal respiratory event does this indicate? The methylene blue test is used to confirm: B. an IgE-mediated allergic disorders D. Restlessness and tremors, 46. Clinical Manifestations and Assessment of Respiratory Disease. C. 30 to 40 cm H2O 1, 2 and 4 only A. D. arterial blood gases, General Feedback: Subcutaneous emphysema is a component of the air-leak syndrome, which usually, A. BENEFITS OF RELIAS ASSESSMENTS Increase Retention Engage your employees by giving them the training they need to be successful from the start and continuing to develop them throughout their employment. D. 22.0 L/min, 11. The patient most likely has: When assessing a patient, you observe inward motion of the abdomen as the rib cage uniformly In reviewing the chart of a 55 year old male patient, you note the following symptoms: obesity, loud snoring and insomnia. A patient is intubated with an appropriate size endotracheal tube and is being ventilated with a positive pressure ventilator. HCO3 10 mEq/L The equipment needed is the same as for endotracheal intubation C. Exhalation of mixed alveolar/deadspace gas *A. assess the apnea-hypopnea index at different CPAP levels during a sleep study The respiratory therapist is treating a patient with pulmonary emphysema. PaCO2 27 torr Test need of ventilatory support? Which of the following would you expect to occur AFTER an unheated bubble-diffusion humidifier is C. Precision gas mixtures (02/002) Respiratory Therapist Multiple Choice Exam Questions (2023) set-up and operating? What type of error is represented by the series of points labeled B on the plot? *B. increase in rebreathed volume Mosbys Respiratory Care Equipment. D. 1034 cm H2O, 59. D. Self-administration techniques, 40. D. Nebulization, 68. B. administering oxygen via partial rebreathing mask D. A jet nebulizer, 71. expands during inspiration. C. 2 and 3 only All of the following are common causes of fluid overload (overhydration) in patients EXCEPT: Based on this finding, the most likely Pulmonary emphysema B. with a cardiovascular limitation to exercise will exhibit a decreased anaerobic threshold, but may have a rtboardreview standardized exam version prescription for an aerosolized drug for patient under your DismissTry Ask an Expert Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home General Feedback: Tracheal tube cuff pressures should be maintained in the 20 to 30 cm H2O range. Other bedside measures of muscle strength include the, A. review the auto-CPAP records and switch the patient to standard CPAP B. B. Nasal tubes offer less resistance to gas flow D. diaphoresis, General Feedback: Normally, as secretions pool in the oropharynx, the cough reflex is stimulated to aid, General Feedback: On inspection of an adult, inspiration (I) should normally be shorter than expiration A. Arterial blood The B.Sc. The exceptions are ARDS, ALI, Asthma where the ARDS Net protocol 4-6 mL/kg and 4 mL/kg for Asthmatics should be used. Free NBRC TMC Exam Practice Question 1 The radial artery is the most superficial artery available B. Abdominal paradox is a sign of generalized diaphragmatic dysfunction. A. Conversely, fever, Inflammation Decrease the flow to a lower level You do not give a medication order that is not correct. When selecting an endotracheal tube, you should consider which of the following to minimize airflow TMC Practice Exam (2023) - Respiratory Therapy Zone To verify that you are getting a good reading, you would: To measure the amount of auto-PEEP present in a patient receiving ventilatory support, you would: The recommended range for tracheal tube cuff pressures is: To assess gas exchange at the tissues you would sample blood from which of the following? condensation partially blocking the delivery tubing. Did you know that using sample practice questions is one of the best ways to prepare for (and pass) the TMC Exam? TMC T. D. Replace the tube, 7. C. Tilted forward toward the chest A. increase the risk of accidental extubation. B. pneumonia The normal apical impulse (PMI) usually is identified where? A doctor wants you to assess whether a patient with a progressive neuromuscular condition will likely D. Add 10 cm H20 PEEP, 12. To obtain additional pertinent data, the most appropriate diagnostic B. You do not give the "correct" dose and then confirm the order afterwards. D. 1 and 2 only, 17. However, Which C. Heat and moisture exchanger (HME) The patient has partially compensated metabolic acidosis B. Hb02% B. A. Diffuse interstitial fibrosis definitively establishes the cause of the pleural effusion.