The need for counseling in public and private schools: Which is greater? 110+ Strong Education Research Topics & Ideas In 2023 - ThesisRush In other words, large lecture-hall classes need not be barriers in providing the kind of interactive, engaging, and investigative experiences that enhance student learning. The modular learning approach focuses primarily on learning outcomes. The students, for instance, reported that the time allotted for block teaching (of a single course) is too short and thus had exposed them for more extensive test and quizzes within 6weeks. students usually expect group assignments and insist instructors for it because they know that instructors simply give better marks to assignments regardless of the quality of the paper submitted. within such shortage of time, you are expected to administer re-tests for those who fail to achieve the minimum pass mark in the test and/or quizzes which is another burden. First, I have to give coverage for all the contents in the course given that students have no access of supportive materials as textbook and/or reference. Distance Learning During The Coronavirus Pandemic: Equity And - Forbes os2~Hi*a45V. The previous studies and scholars in the field of education indicate that student-centered activities should be incorporated into modularized programs more to enable students to be the managers of their own learning (Adesope & Ahiakwo, Citation2016; Ali et al., Citation2010; Billing, Citation1996; Brown & Saunders, Citation1995; Cornford, Citation1997), and instructors role in the modularized classroom should be that of facilitator and a guide. For this reason, instructors simply mark group assignments with a maximum of one or two marks differences among groups and/or individual students to avoid possible complaints from students. Mixed research design was employed. The research design that will be used for this study is going to be called a modular learning design. Assessment is the process by which the instructor collects information about students that he/she will use to make educational decisions about them. You might observe instructors quarrelling for a classroom with electric power supply. A depositor with a savings account in a certain bank may withdraw his cash Also there is a tendency in a modular curriculum to crowd the assessments with the result that students are handing in multiple assessments at the midway point and at the end (Donnelly & Fitzmaurice, Citation2005). 2. The emphasis must be on the oneone students with unique abilities, aspiration, and influencing experiences and, again to provide quality education, the teacher must personalize and individualize the instructional program. Exceptional education tutors: Is the need for higher pay justifiable? Continuous assessment is the underlying principle of modularization. We get bored easily as the teaching methods are too teacher focused. The word new normal also applies to education and modular learning is the new normal in the education system. Second, I am expected to deliver the course using student-entered teaching strategies in a classroom setting where more than 100 students sat on fixed desks arranged in traditional row forms. Here are some elementary education title research ideas. You might think that do instructors cant teach without LCD?? lse. This research is important because it will determine how the new paradigm shift in education affects the academic performance of the students. We are confident in what we do, so we remove your doubts from the equation. The data were collected from both groups(controlled and experimental) analyzed and interpreted by using mean, standard deviation and t-test through the use of statistical package SPSS. This study discusses the scope of modular distance learning from various perspectives, how these modes of delivery compared with traditional face-to-face approaches, and its potential, impact on students and affordances in student learning. "The impact of learning modality to the psychological aspect of KVSHS students", Suggest a 5 Quantitative Research Title/Topic for General Academic Strand, Give your own example of a research topic/title that can be considered as quantitative research. Students' time management can also affect stress level of students as they need to cope with their tasks and their personal achievements. Accordingly, the semi-structured interview items were reviewed by experienced academic staffs for relevance and clarity. 2) The effects of online classes on mental health of Grade 12 HUMSS strand. Every instructor came to class with LCD and laptops read the slides and handover the class for another instructor with another LCD and laptop. The academic difficulties experienced by online students. 4. Students usually come to my office and report that their instructor has let them free for electric power-cut. The modular learning approach focuses primarily on learning outcomes. These universities are found in the same cluster (eastern cluster) and located in the eastern part of the country, Ethiopia. These research title examples about education answer important questions and they can also be argumentative essay topics. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. PDF Student Learning: Attitudes, Engagement and Strategies - OECD Teaching Through a Pandemic: A Mindset for This Moment Assessing quick computer literacy among elementary school pupils. These days, there is a move toward modular approach to curriculum implementation. This study seeks to investigate the effects of MDL in . Some of the research title examples about education include: We have provided some reliable examples of a research topic about education you can use for your thesis.