Well let something nice slip by in context, but we will not let a negative personal comment through. 0000014412 00000 n Check out these similar (yet different) options. Can you get a C grade without using any quotes for English Literature? While Rate My Teacher was intended to give students a way to review their classroom experiences on a scale from 1 to 5 under categories like knowledge and helpfulness, the page known for its funny comments soon became anything but lighthearted for some teachers. You have a reduced timetable, a mentor you regularly meet with, and extra observations to get feedback. 0000009255 00000 n Just a heads up for people considering commuting PSA. 3 of the Best Sites to Rate Your Teachers Online In addition to the existing sections and circles, in their free time, children and adolescents participate in recreational activities on the school grounds or make excursion trips: for example, to the Aberdeen Science Center or for mini-hunting in the Hazlehead park. While it is a relatively new site, its growing in popularity. Yes, all professors added to these sites are added by students and carefully moderated by the sites with some exceptions (as noted for Rate My Professors). In 1967, the school celebrated its centenary. 0000022869 00000 n Over 49 million parents in the U.S. visit us each year for trusted school information and research-backed parenting guidance to help make decisions about their child's education and advocate for high-quality learning opportunities in their homes and communities. Albyn School - Wikipedia 19 0 obj <> endobj For now, you can only check out others reviews of professors across UK institutions. It was originally built as a villa for one of the owners of a paper mill. This page is not available in other languages. Welcome! Rate My Professors is the best college professor reviews and ratings source based on student feedback. Other activities (chess, Lego Club, coding club, needlework, euroquise, French radio school, historical club, Pocopops, Writers' Union). The Russell Group hurt/heal game (Part 5), Missed enrollment day due to late test results, Official University of Edinburgh 2023 Applicant Thread, Guy called me horrible names when I rejected him, Music A level composition plagiarism - urgent help needed, As part of an apprenticeship, do you give personal details to the training provider, Edexcel A-Level Geography Paper 1 | [17th May 2023] Exam Chat. RateMyProfessors.com Rate My Professors is likely the most popular and famous name in the rating space. %PDF-1.4 % Follow schools to receive email updates when new information is available. The school is located in the western part of the city: buildings on the campus are a harmonious ensemble of traditional 19th-century mansions and modern technological buildings. It asks for six ratings for different aspects of a teacher's performance and allows the student to enter the pros and cons for the lecturer manually. Look for your teacher/course on RateMyTeachers.com in New Jersey, United States Child Protection Coordinator & Named Person) Miss Zibby Brown BEd (Hons) - Nursery - P2 Deputy Head Mr Peter Macklin BEd (Hons) - Lower School Acting Deputy Head (P3-7) Miss Carly Blair BSc PGDE - Senior Teacher and Exams Officer [4], The building at 21 Queen's Road, the former boarding house taken over by the school in 1920, dates from 1884 and is a listed building. The food Albyn School offers its students is a healthy diet with a variety of dishes. Rate My Teacher Reviews - 28 Reviews of Ratemyteacher.com - Sitejabber Add the stench of fags and that's Miss X". Goes above and beyond to make sure her students are more than successful. According to their website, they have had nearly 20 million ratings added to their site, for well over a million teachers. Its certainly worth visiting if youre a university student looking for extra assistance. It appears that some might have taken personal vendettas too far though, as comments dating all the way back to RMTs creation back in 2008 are now no longer available to view. Rate My Professors is likely the most popular and famous name in the rating space. Albyn School is a private high school that provides full-cycle secondary education for students from 2 to 18 years of age: in the format of full-time education or with full board.