Computer Science and Information Security (AS) - Dual/Joint with John Jay. The General Education requirements listed here are part of the degree requirements at Queens College. Candidates submit the graduation application via CUNYfirst. Faculty are holding office hours either virtually or in person. A graduation application should be filed as long as there is a reasonable certainty that all degree requirements will be satisfied by the end of the semester preceding the graduation date. English vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, writing and speaking through various tools and activities in theme-based modules. The following students are exempt from the CUNY Assessment Test in Mathematics: students who have received an SAT Math score of 500 or higher; students who have scored 530 or higher on the SAT Math Section (exam date of March 2016 or later); students who have received an ACT Math score of 21 or higher; students who have a NY State Common Core Regents score of 70 or higher in Algebra I or a score of 70 or higher in Geometry or a score of 65 or higher in Algebra 2; students who have received a NY State Regents score of 80 or higher in Integrated Algebra, Geometry, or Algebra 2/Trigonometry and successfully completed the Algebra 2/Trigonometry or higher-level course; and students who have received a score of 75 or higher in one of the following: Math A, Math B, Sequential II, or Sequential III. General Education Requirements | Queens College Catalog The European Languages staff is thoroughly committed to scholarship, and has produced numerous books and articles in a wide variety of areas. The languages we teach were spoken by generations of immigrants to America, and they are all still spoken in Queens todayby families that have maintained ties to the languages of their forebears and by recent immigrants. a minimum of 45 credits in residence at Queens College during the students undergraduate career, and at least 30 of the last 64 credits credited toward the degree taken at Queens or the CUNY Graduate Center; a cumulative grade-point average of 2.0 or better based only on work done at Queens; and. Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Humanities Languages | Undergraduate Admission, Queen's University, Canada In addition to taking courses in the Department, students have the opportunity to earn college credit by taking advantage of one of Queens Colleges several study-abroad programs. Undergraduate | Study | Queen's University Belfast Search Undergraduate Courses for 2023 Watch Virtual Subject Talks. When you finish the course, you will receive a digital badge of completion. Since the amalgamation in 2011, Linguistics is part of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures. All courses, workshops and textbooks are free to NYC Public High School students. Students should be aware that the graduation rate varies significantly based on individual preparedness. Their listening and reading comprehension and spoken and written communication of main ideas and details will also be enhanced. We're a Russell Group university that prioritises academic excellence, meaning a relevant and valuable degree for you. Choose from our wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs, and postdoctoral fellowships. Nursing (AAS) - Dual/Joint with School of Professional Studies. Undergraduate. Free weekly drop-in session with a native English speaker. Neither blanket nor equivalent credit shall be granted for introductory courses in a foreign language from which a student has been exempted by examination. Spanish has been taught at Queen's since 1896, became an independent department in 1920, and expanded its program and curriculum in the late 1960s. Students follow the requirements for the major or minor that appear in the colleges Bulletin at the time of their matriculation. There are three aspects to Linguistics: language form, language meaning, and language in context. COPT - QNSLANG (QC Language), COPT - QNSLIT (QC Literature) 3 Lecture Hours Undergraduate FREN 206 Introduction to French Literature 3 - The credits are transferable to any CUNY, SUNY or private college. Curriculum | Queens College Catalog - Queens College Course Catalog Students are then referred to the Testing Center (Kiely Hall 232) for an appointment. Linguistics is a highly interdisciplinary study with connections to Philosophy, Psychology, Computer Science, Cognitive Science, and Health Sciences. Electives may be used to supplement the major (an English major may want to take a course in French or Italian literature) or to fulfill interest in a different area (an English major may be fascinated by mathematics and choose electives in that department). Graduate Programs and Degrees | Queen's University International students are 11% of our undergraduate community and 27% of our graduate student and community. Normally, one year of study of a foreign language at the high school level is the equivalent of one semester of study at the college level. Reading Day., Jaclyn Eng Office Information. Students participate in classes, trips, activities, volunteering, clubs, and student council to make this experience your own. The student must achieve a grade-point average of at least 2.0 at the end of the first semester (or first 10 credits) to remain in the program; thereafter, the student must maintain a 2.0 average. The test is taken via a computer with a camera and includes a proficiency score, video interview, and writing sample, which are shared with Queen's University when you . 3. Note that classes will be added over time. Queens College 65-30 . Students with physical or learning disabilities that require special accommodation are served through the following procedure: Students make a request for special test accommodation to the Office of Special Services (Frese Hall 111). Flexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues, Global Portuguese Literature in Translation, Language Workshop for Spanish Heritage Students, Language Workshop for Non-Spanish Heritage Students, Introduction to Hispanic Literary Studies, The Culture and Civilization of Latin America, Cultures and Literature in Medieval and Renaissance lberia, Art and Ideology in Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Literature, Realism and Naturalism in Spanish Fiction, Gender, Sexuality, and Feminism in Spanish Literature, Culture and Ideology in Modern Spanish Literature, Spanish Literature Since 1964: From Dictatorship to Democracy, Colonial Literature and Emerging Criollo Voices in Spanish America, Contemporary and Post-Modern Literature in Latin America, Native Peoples, Slaves, and Campesinos in Latin America, Theatre and Film in Latin America: From Text to Performance, Hispanic Caribbean Literature and Culture, Culture and Identity in U.S Latino/Latina Literature. Tuesday, May 16. Flexible Core - Scientific World. Apply for Graduation, and then click the Go icon. Students can complete a 12-16 month, paid, professional internship that tops up your degree with hands-on experience. See page 44 for the list of courses that satisfy the College Writing 2 requirement, and page 53 for the courses that currently are designated as writing intensive. The Department of French Studies offers undergraduate students interested in pursuing the subject in-depth the chance to study French as either a minor, a medial, or a major.