Cells 7 (8), 98. doi:10.3390/cells7080098, Stone, J. H., Frigault, M. J., Serling-Boyd, N. J., Fernandes, A. D., Harvey, L., Foulkes, A. S., et al. doi:10.7150/ijbs.45538, Yang, Y., Shen, C., Li, J., Yuan, J., Yang, M., Wang, F., et al. Sodium transport is the main ion transport involved in the AFC. Hyponatremia in Infectious Diseases-A Literature Review. Water and sodium disturbances along with the unusual serum potassium levels are most common. Woman dies half an hour after vaccine: Autopsy shows pulmonary edema Aspirin: Generic, Uses, Side Effects, Dosages, Interactions - RxList Raising evidences suggest that the effect of kinins on bradykinin receptor triggers the inflammatory responses, which have been observed in patients with COVID-19. Therefore, drugs targeted at the humoral mechanisms might turn out to be highly effective against SARS-COV-2 infections. Multiple TCMs have been already clinical applied for COVID-19 in China and achieved high recovery rate. (2020). Physiol. (1999). JAMA 323 (11), 10611069. doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00161.2020. (2021). It has already been shown that the dysregulated release of cytokines is one of the key factors behind poor outcomes in COVID-19 patients. Supportive cares for COVID-19 include respiratory support and circulatory support. The Lancet 395 (10223), 497506. doi:10.4049/jimmunol.1302421. The stimulation of TRPA1 can cause coughing, hypersecretion of mucus, rapid shallow breathing as well as bronchoconstriction (Bessac and Jordt, 2008; Birrell et al., 2009), which, if persistent, may cause ARDS and other chronic diseases. Generalized Edema and Pseudothrombocytopenia After ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case Report Reports of side effects of vaccines against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) are increasing worldwide. Since hypokalemia is a major issue in severe COVID-19 patients (Lippi et al., 2020), amiloride with its potassium-sparing diuretic activity (Bull and Laragh, 1968) can potentially be used to restore normal serum potassium concentrations (Maronde et al., 1983). Disclaimer. We argue for expeditious clinical testing of this inhibitor in COVID-19 patients with respiratory malfunction and at risk for lung edema. However, among all current treatments mentioned above, little attention has been paid to the abnormal humoral metabolism and pulmonary edema, which is a key factor threatening patients lives. ACIP reviews data. Semin. (Imai et al., 2007; Zhang and Baker, 2017). COVID-19 can cause blood clots, even months after diagnosis. J. Pharmacol. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. Ann. Dis. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is also a risk factor for severe COVID-19 which can be observed in the CT scans of COVID-19 patients (Xu et al., 2020; George et al., 2020). Among all vaccine recipients, 66.6% reported at least one systemic reaction in the 7 days after vaccination. The Origin, Transmission and Clinical Therapies on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak - an Update on the Status. SSRN. (2020). Chem. Physiol. getting a COVID-19 vaccine is one way to lower the chance of developing . He had no cough, expectoration, nasal discharge or sore throat. Infection of Mice with Influenza A/WSN/33 (H1N1) Virus Alters Alveolar Type II Cell Phenotype. 103, 7888. 308 (7), L628L638. CFTR and NKCC inhibitors show promise in treating pulmonary edema. Some others will likely be approved soon (Kaur and Gupta, 2020; Thanh Le et al., 2020).