Alaska is divided between the Alaska time zone and the Hawaii-Aleutian time zone. You can also check out Council's Ward Map. Open between 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.; close between 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Oregon conducts its elections largely by mail. Arizona generally observes Mountain Standard Time; however, the Navajo Nation observes daylight saving time. For a listing of recent and upcoming election dates, see below. We answer six common questions about how prepolling works. There are four options available in the NSW election: Early voting in person at a pre-polling station, Telephone-assisted voting, but this is only for people who are blind or have a vision impairment. You can vote early by pre-poll from Monday 22 November to Friday 3 December. If you are eligible to vote in New South Wales and live in the City of Rydes West Ward, you must vote in this by-election. Interstate in-person voting is available until Friday, 24 March. Edmund Rice College, 112 Mount Keira Rd, West Wollongong, NSW 2500. Voting opens at 8am on election day and closes at 6pm sharp, but not everybody will be able to do so on the day. A post-election review by the Liberal Party has revealed what it believes were the main reasons behind the Coalitions heavy defeat in 2022. Voters who are blind or have low vision can cast a vote using our dedicated phone service from any location. Pick your state and find your polling place below. The Government introduced the Electoral Legislation Amendment (Contingency Measures) Act 2021, recognising the possibility of the need to expand early voting due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Polling booths will be open from 8am to 6pm. State elections Early voting. After lodging an application, you can also stay updated on its status and find out when you will receive the ballot papers by mail. A by-election will be held on Saturday 15 October 2022 for the election of one Councillor for West Ward. log in. Where you can vote early in the Goulburn electorate Pre Poll Voting - Rosmairi Dawson Voting on election day will begin at 8am and close at 6pm. Polling places open at noon and close at 9 p.m. in all other counties. If youre not in the state where youre enrolled to vote on election day, you will need to vote at an interstate voting centre. If you have any questions or comments about the information on this page, please email us. The hours can be extended if polling times are delayed or interrupted by more than 15 minutes. 426-440 Goonoo Goonoo Road, Hillvue NSW 2340, Calrossy Anglican School William Cowper Campus, 242 Moore Creek Road, Moore Creek NSW 2340, Assisted access, Building has lips and/or steps, Path of travel from car park may be difficult, No accessible toilet, No designated accessible parking spot, 144-152 Conadilly Street, Gunnedah NSW 2380, 78-94 Hillvue Road, South Tamworth NSW 2340, Assisted access, Access ramp does not meet standards, Building has lips and/or steps, No designated accessible parking spot, No accessible toilet, Path of travel from car park may be difficult, New England Highway, Willow Tree NSW 2339, Assisted access, No designated accessible parking, Building has lips or steps, Path of travel may be difficult, 18 Heffron Street, Tweed Heads South NSW 2486, 2 Eucalyptus Drive, Banora Point NSW 2486, Assisted access, Path of travel from car park may be difficult, No designated accessible parking spot, Building has lips and/or steps, 29 Crabbes Creek Road, Crabbes Creek NSW 2483, Assisted access, Access ramp does not meet standards, Building has lips and/or steps, No accessible toilet, 1 Tweed Coast Road, Hastings Point NSW 2489, 1 Tweed Coast Road, Pottsville Beach NSW 2489, Assisted access, Building has lips and/or steps, No accessible toilet, Path of travel from car park may be difficult, 10 Heffron Street, Tweed Heads South NSW 2486, Tweed Shire Council Civic and Cultural Centre, Assisted access, Building has lips and/or steps, May have limited circulation space in voting area, Path of travel from car park may be difficult, Mid Coast Council Gloucester Council Chamber. Mailing of postal voting packs commence on 8 November 2021. Every adult Australian citizen who lives in NSW must vote in the election, unless there is a "sufficient reason" like being so unwell you can't make it to a voting centre for failing to do so. The federal election will be held on Saturday, May 21, with voting across New South Wales opening at 8am and closing at 6pm sharp. Due to COVID-19, postal delays are expected so it is best to apply for it as soon as possible. Arizona generally observes Mountain Standard Time. Closed. They can also be returned to a designated ballot drop box or returned in person to the county elections department by 8 p.m. on Election Day. NSW elections Find your state electoral district launch east Find your local government area for council elections launch east Work at a state or local election launch east Local government elections Early voting launch east Online Postal Vote Application launch east Apply for iVote launch east Register to vote Enrol to vote launch east The NSW Electoral Commission has published a list of pre-poll voting locations and the Election day polling venue. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Central time zone); 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Mountain time zone).