13. These are inspired Prayers for those who desire to prayerfully obtain deliverance as first born Children or standing in the gap for first born Children this season, by the potent and efficient weapon of Spiritual Warfare. 12. The Devil Will Hang on His Own Gallows | Desiring God Every Mountain Standing Against Divine Purpose Must Fall By Fire. These prayers will connect you and your household, with the Covenants of Divine Success , in Jesus name. Every plot of Haman in my life and family shall be exposed in Jesus name, amen (Esther 7:6). 49. 4. All evil advice given against my favour, crash and disintegrate, in Jesus name. Every ancestral chain of slavery, binding my people from prospering in life, break in my life by the hammer of God, in the name Jesus. We at Bridges for Peace will never stand aside! Do you also remember that there was a conspiracy to eliminate Daniel in the Book of Daniel 6:24, And the King commanded, and they brought those men who had accused Daniel and they cast them into the den of lions, them, their children and their wives.? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. 73. Haman is any power or personality that relishes the act of conspiracy to eliminate the children of God, because of their fervent faith and uncompromising stance on the Word. The spiritual Haman is the focus of todays warfare prayers, his brutal threats against destiny fulfilment and how to prayerfully compel him to die by his own counsel. I cancel all the enchantments, curses and spells that are against me, in the name Jesus. kung oo makipag-ugnayan sa amin: dakany.endre@gmail.com, Franois Mpendi de nationalit congolais de Brazzaville, 90 Prayer Points Against Giants In Your Destiny, Deliverance Prayers From The Arrow of Pain, Deliverance Prayer From Enemy of Progress, Deliverance Prayers From The Captivity of Ancestral Power, Midnight Prayers For Financial Breakthrough, 40 Intercessory Prayer For Church Members. 8 Warfare Prayers Against Spiritual Haman By Dr D.K. Olukoya How Do I Know When My Prayer Is Answered ? 50. 2. No more delay so Let's pray Prayers Against The Spirit Of Haman. I break loose from every inherited evil curse, in Jesus name. 14 I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries. Powerful Prayer Points To Crush Serpents And Scorpions. Weapons of death prepared against my life, I am not your candidate, kill your owners by fire, in the name of Jesus. By these prayers, all powers delegated against your laughter, Joy and testimonies, this season, will die by fire, in Jesus name. Psalm 81:14: My Father! Every satanic programme, emanating from the coven of darkness, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus. 20. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. Click this link to join Now, https://t.me/joinchat/RPiiPhlAYaXzRRscZ6vTXQ . Responsibility is not a license for spiritual bullying. God bless you. 65. 17. His spirit has found a home in the hearts of many a deceived and deluded soul. These prayers will connect you and your household, to the story changing Power of God, in Jesus name. Cambridge University Press, 2010. It works in secrecy, and its goal is to destroy the secret place of prayer by bringing shame to God's people. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. These events unfolding around the world remind me of Haman in the book of Esther. There is a demonic spirit unleashed against God's people which is not easily discerned or exposed. Evangelist At Fresh Flames Ministries. I thank You Father for this appointed time and season of total victory over the Spirit of Haman in Jesus Name. Let those who rejoice in my tears be put to shame. The spirit of Haman is a specialist at constructing instruments of deaths for uncompromising children of God. To overcome protracted obstacles against comfort and Joy, with their negative effects on destiny fulfilment, you will pray with holy violence and your victory is assured. 3. Biblically, we know the Amalekites to be one of the archenemies of the Jewish people. 8. My Father! This outgoing month and year, the awesome Power of God is available, to those who prayerfully speak into the Spiritual atmosphere of the Season. Olukoya, Warfare Prayers: Stubborn Obstacles Must Die, By Dr D.K. 70. 64. However, here is a good news for every prayerful target of Haman, God has a dedicated and special mode of engaging and dealing with Haman and his lethal threats, beginning with the biblical Haman the system has not changed. I thank You for the opportunity to engage with the season with Fasting and prayer in Jesus Name. Every spirit of Egypt, fall after the order of Pharaoh, in Jesus name. 62. 48. Slogans such as: dirty Jew, rape their women, we will finish what Hitler started and more are chanted through megaphones. Every wicked power monitoring my destiny, die by fire in Jesus name. Christians who stand with Israel are also a target of anti-Semitism, and Chris found himself flying to Johannesburg to offer support to a government schoolteacher (and his family) who was fired for posting a statement on WhatsApp in solidarity with Israel. 32. You the wicked Haman after my life and destiny, your time is up! However, here is a good news for every prayerful target of Haman, God has a dedicated and special mode of engaging and dealing with Haman and his lethal threats, beginning with the biblical Haman the system has not changed. Prager, Dennis & Joseph Telushkin. These prayers will release the oil of divine revelation upon your life, to expose and disgrace every ancient and generational secret, in Jesus name.