Files on individual sailings are included, to safe havens such as Canada, USA, and South America. It is another variant of the surname Schaefer, which is derived from the German word schaf meaning sheep. It was an occupational name for those who worked as shepherds. The name comes from the German word rot that means the color red., This is an ornamental name, which is a combination of the German elements rot meaning red and berg meaning hill or mountain., It has been taken from the Middle High German elements rot meaning red and schilt meaning shield or sign., This is a metonymic occupational name composed of the Yiddish elements ruder meaning rudder or oar and man meaning man., It is a toponymic name for those who belonged to the state of Saxony in Germany. This is a metonymic name derived from the Yiddish word nudl meaning needle. It refers to someone who originally had the occupation of a tailor or needle-maker. Meaning: Alter, Alt, or head of a craft building. When it reached Europe, the ship was able to dock in Antwerp, where the passengers disembarked. Hoberman, J. })(); Early Remittance Lists:The Transmission Department of the JDC was established in 1915 to deliver personal remittances to those areas in Europe and Palestine where normal transmission agencies were incapable of functioning due to war conditions. It is the German word for bird. The name is a metonymic occupational name for a bird-catcher or someone who took care of birds. JDC also supported two kosher kitchens in Vienna and furnished medical and religious supplies. The name refers to those whose ancestral profession was that of a Shamash. Refugees Arriving in Japan and Receiving JDC Aid, 1941(PDF 8.61 MB)These 1941 lists detail Polish and German Jewish refugee subjects, as well as refugees from other locales, arriving in Kobe, Japan in 1940-1941. This surname refers to those with the occupation of comb making. JDC contributed to a general relief fund for all victims, and, through the local Jewish community, provided loans to the 130 Jewish families in the city who were rendered homeless and whose businesses were destroyed. The biblical figure of Daniel was a wise man of Israel living in the Babylonian court, as written in the Book of Daniel. German Jews in Lisbon for Whom JDC Covered Emigration Costs, 1941(PDF 14.1 MB)JDC and its partners helped German Jews flee Nazism to North and South America, and other safe havens via ships from neutral Portugal. For Jews living in the United States, the 1940s were the years of the draft and of the Pearl Harbor bombing. It is derived from the German word mehl meaning flour. This surname refers someone whose ancestors worked as a flour merchant or miller. Jewish surnames are based on familial ancestry and culture, and several variations of the last names have evolved over the years. s.async = true; gtag('js', new Date());
These lists, along with thousands of personal files relating to requests for landing permits and search requests for missing relatives are stored in the archives of Jewish Care, the major Jewish social service organization in Melbourne, and in the Archives of JDC and HIAS. Eight-letter names with beautiful meanings and origins from around the world. This surname is taken from the Hebrew personal name Yitzchaq meaning may he smile, may he rejoice, or may he always stay happy., It is the variant of the name Jablonski that is derived from the word jablon, which is the Polish word for apple tree..
This list includes names of Jewish refugee children in France, their parents names, the childs birth date and place, and names and addresses of U.S.-based relatives or friends from whom assistance was sought for affidavits. 20. These 1946-1948 lists include the beneficiaries of parcels, as well as the date of package delivery. It is the German word for glazier. It is an occupational name for someone who worked as a glassblower or glazier a person who fits glass panes and windows. These exotic and sensual names with deep meanings can set one apart. 101 Most Common Surnames in Israel (in . Oh, and youre not the only one searching for them and their meaning, either. Between 1938-1979, the JDC expended some $7,434,000 for the relief, rehabilitation and resettlement of Shanghai refugees. Gerrer Rebbe from 1948 to 1977. According to the latest search data available, Jewish last names are searched for nearly 15,000 times per month. 5. function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
Elie/ Ellie This unisex name meaning my God in Hebrew honors Elie Wiesel, a famous Holocaust survivor and author of the memoir, Night. Refugees Assisted in Brazil, 1957(PDF 1.99 MB)These lists include information about Jewish refugees from Egypt, Hungary, Israel, and other places helped by the Conselho de Assistencia, a JDC-supported organization in Sao Paulo. It is an occupational name for a manufacturer of any form of goods or a factory owner. It typically carried up to 800 passengers per sailing, departing from Lisbon and often stopping in Casablanca to pick up additional passengers.