Logistics surcharge of $250 will apply. With a 64" stance and an upgrade to high clearance A-Arms, 30" tires, Walker Evans shocks, front bumper and a 4,500 lb. Given that you are riding on plain terrains with little variations, you don't need to switch to ATV tracks as they will slow you down. However, in recent years, technology has gifted ATV riders with lightweight, cheaper, rubber-tracked kits. However, the Apache 360 LT mounting kit, Engine pre-filter kit, and Track DPS module are required to support this conversion kit, which you need to buy separately. Race-proven sport performance features including sculpted sport seat to reduce fatigue, wide floorboards, and the Industrys only sport-tuned rolled Independent Rear Suspension. It reduces ground pressure by 75%, which reduces the load on the clutch and engine. As far as height goes, tracks will add about 6 inches. Industry's only EFI vehicle with enhanced safety and kid-friendly performance features for youth riders age 6 and older. This assembly does not fit the selected vehicle. Polaris Camso UTV 4S1 Tracks - CAMSO ATV / UTV TRACK SYSTEMS Adding a plow system to your ATV, UTV or SxS is easier than you think with our Plow System Builder. Conquer Any Terrain: These tracks will allow you to ride anywhere, anytime and in any conditions. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Adding Camso 4S1 tracks to the Polaris Ranger is the right move. The COMMANDER WSS4 track kit is a great UTV track system for anyone looking for a durable and easy-to-use snow tracking system. Therefore, if you primarily want to make your Polaris Ranger a snowmobile, going for a higher ground surface area rating (75%) is pretty much a must. Failure to do so may lead to ratcheting, hesitation and excessive wear to the rear suspension and track. This shape enables it to cover a massive ground area and optimize weight distribution to reduce down-pressure and avoid sinking into the snow. May be shown with additional modifications or accessories. For riders age 10 and up. Class-leading 60" trail capability delivers uncompromised agility and comfort. The 6x6 version of the conversion kits is engineered explicitly for high-load bearing ATVs that cover extended ground areas. Buy at Kimpexfor:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'huntorshred_com-netboard-1','ezslot_21',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-huntorshred_com-netboard-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'huntorshred_com-netboard-1','ezslot_22',119,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-huntorshred_com-netboard-1-0_1');.netboard-1-multi-119{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}, UTV: $4,495 (including shipping and adapters), ATV: $3695 (including shipping and adapters). What speed will the Rhino travel over fresh powder? MSRP also excludes destination and handling fees, tax, title, license and registration. These conversion kits are famous for being versatile and resistant that allow maximum traction and floatation but decreased friction so you can enjoy a smooth ride without compromising the pulling power of the ATV. But its true youre going to need an extra clothing layer or three depending on the ambient temperature. 112cc 2x4 with standard features for youth riders ages 10 and older. We get a lot of wind blown hard pack with soft spots and unless you want your head to bounce off the roof, break your neck and put your back out of place you have to run a reasonable speed to compensate for the rough terrain of the snow. Let us know what you drive & we'll help you find, Starting April 26th at 9:00 pm CST, we will be undergoing server maintenance to improve your shopping experience. They are engineered to back your ATV season after season with performance, reliability, and durability without compromising your vehicle's cargo capability or pulling power. Availability may vary between different dealers and can change at any time without notice. These are more durable than rubber tracks, more stable, and able to go over more challenging terrain, but are also much more expensive and are usually less cushiony. The conversion kit is in a more symmetrical triangular shape than most other ATVs. Copyright GearUp2Go. A good pair of gloves is a must for winter driving. Moreover, it comes with rubber tracks with a double-sided bearing that increases the ATV's floatation by spreading the vehicle's load when confronted with ice-build up on elevated altitudes. Features the comfort of the RANGER XP 1000 NorthStar Edition plus enhanced capability with high-clearance arched A-Arms, self-leveling suspension, and Active Descent Control to help you do even more. The shape-changing suspensions provide better control in deep snow while maintaining the superior quality of the Mattracks conversion kits.