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Dollar amounts set by MCOs (managed care organizations) that limit the amount a member has to pay out of his/her own pocket for particular healthcare services during a particular time period. Does Blue Cross and blue shield of Texas (bcbstx) have a dental Wellness Center? 0000013821 00000 n
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Pursuant to Section 1557 Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Dental does not discriminate, exclude people, or treat them differently on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex (including pregnancy and gender identity). An individual or organization that offers care directly to the member. 0000012040 00000 n
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If the member elects to receive care from BlueCare Dental network providers: If the member elects to receive care from providers outside of the network, they may choose: In addition, members have access to the BlueCare Dental ConnectionSMprogram. 1-800-267-8221. 0000003753 00000 n
PDENT is your dental plan. 0000014575 00000 n
by: Nichole Niemann. Blue Cross Blue Shield BlueCare Dental Choice PPO - This is known as an active plan design. 0000003118 00000 n
. The deductible is usually a set amount or percentage determined by the members contract and is set for a given period of time. Check out our Member Education Materials to get more information aboutBlue Cross Download a paper application and email to or fax to 847-220-9280. Alberta Blue Cross Coverage for Seniors The network comprising those physicians, hospitals and other healthcare providers PPO members may elect to use to obtain the highest level of PPO benefits. You can buy this plan if you live in any Michigan county. 0000076479 00000 n
BlueCare Dental Connection integrates dental care management and health care management with a focus on preventive care and individual involvement. . Any dental plan offered by an organization that provides a benefit plan that differs from a traditional fee-for-service plan. Limited to once every 24 months for primary teeth, and once every 48 months for permanent teeth. PDF Outline of Coverage - Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts 0000076164 00000 n
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Get access to your employer portal. Get access to your provider portal. Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Dental 0000046543 00000 n
To give you an accurate price, we'll need some information. Major services like crowns and bridges. With BlueCare Dental PPO, you'll get: One of the highest maximum annual benefit levels available - up to $1,500 per person per year Up to a 20% discount, up to a maximum savings of $1,000 for orthodontic services at participating dentists For more information on coverage and benefits, view the BlueCare Dental Outline of Coverage