Not scrolls. Leave the cave and cross the bridge. PDF Pathfinder kingmaker troll lair sun Cut your way through three Hodags and when you reach a cave entrance, buff up seriously. If you brought Jubilost with you, he will give you. The check is made by your main character, so choose whichever one is most likely to succeed. This should be an easy fight. There are two more bas reliefs which are DC19 and DC27 to decipher. Head back out of the room. If you are able to make an Athletics check (DC24 - you can try multiple times but it will fatigue you), you will clear the rubble and create a second exit. This is not essential but it moves the quest along organically. Continue north and observe that the footprints change. Make use of spell scrolls and wands and things {you should have lots by now} and, yeah, turn down the difficulty level just in case {there are at least 5 settings you can adjust in the options menu}. Hostilities will ensue. There are also traps, including on the supposedly safe path to Bartholomew's house. You will have random encounters with cultists as you travel. . Before entering, you may want to remove useful stuff from your companions - +2 light armour and what have you. Go northeast at the next junction and cross back over into Shrike Hills. Examine the box next to the cart. If your main character is a Paladin, you're in luck. The loot container in the corner holds an Ancient Cyclops Coin. Do not go through the gate. Approach the column in the centre and you will be thrown into battle against the Lonely Warrior, a level 15 undead. Choose the Lawful Good option if you want the best outcome. There are two traps just beyond (DC22 and 25), one immediately in front of the other. There are a couple of loot stashes here, one of which is locked (DC21). Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). STR: 10, DEX: 14, CON: 12, INT: 19, WIS: 8, CHA: 12. Maybe. Speak to him again and he will buy the coins, tokens and dog tags that you've picked up. If you tell him to free the troll, Valerie will come over all Lawful Stupid. Then you simply need to withstand Hargulka's melee assault - Mirror Image and Displacement are perhaps more useful than Shield and Barkskin here - while Ekundayo burns through his HP pool. Head northeast from your current position and cut your way through four bears. These are properly nasty. Kill the lot of them and open the nearby chest to find the Galt Ragout recipe, a Soot Blackened Brand (2/5) and some gold. Show him the coins you gathered from the Ancient Will-o'-Wisp and his pals for an XP reward. Outside the door to Bartholomew's laboratory is a group comprising a Branded Troll and four Ferocious Trollhounds. If you use my Valerie build, she has True Strike, Mirror Image, Displacement and Dragon Breath (which is quite effective). For the upcoming mission, you will want one or more of the following: You may want to equip yourself with equipment that boosts these abilities: Strength and Dexterity boosting gear, Boots of Elvenkind, Eyes of the Eagle and so forth. Annexing the region will unlock a new project, "Restoration of the Bronzeshield Fortress". You will see the Swamp Witch's Hut to the south. Afterward, loot the bodies to acquire Iron Dwarven Key, Headband of Alluring Charisma +4, Ring of Protection +2, and Ring of Luck; loot the chest by the throne to acquire Bracers of Armor +3, Iron Dwarven Key, and Soot-Blackened Tongs. There are two initial options to end this conversation: 1) say you want to look around (NG moral choice) or 2) start combat (LE moral choice). I would not actually recommend starting the battle here, since you will risk triggering the enemies at both. Go there to confront the fool. Head a short distance up the slope and Jubilost will announce that this is the place he was searching for, giving you 1800G. J1. Instead, proceed further up the corridor and kill another Branded Troll and three Trollhounds. Start making your way back east, keeping an eye out for traps all the while. We're heading east. When they're dead, pick up the one, special Fish from the Silverstep Lake from among all the others lying on the shore. Get Resist Electricity on your party before you start making your way up the path. If not, cast Expeditious Retreat (if you can), drink a potion of Invisibility and head up the stairs by the Manticore. If you search around the nearby houses, you will find a couple more loot containers. Anyway, you are presented with a good / evil choice as to whether to hunt down the idiots who just tried to murder you. Troll Lair - Chapter 2 - Troll Trouble - Gamer Guides Hopefully, you can charge them down before he causes you too much trouble. When they're dead, search the top left corner for a locked chest (DC15) containing a Dwarven Helm Shard (3/10) and a couple of scrolls. Focus your frontline's energies on the former while your backline focuses Tartuk. Use a Stinking Cloud on them if you have one to spare. There is also one group of bandits who help distract the trolls. After speaking with him, he'll head off. The Lost Sister has a nasty ability called Blinding Beauty which can strike nearby allies blind if they fail a Fortitude 25 saving throw. Statute. Upon arrival, a dog will lead you to him. After you've cleaned their blood off your blades, loot their camp for some tasty loot including a Phylactery of Negative Channeling and an Arcane Protector dagger. You will pass Iron Mine, a kingdom resource, to the north. When they're dead, climb up and grab a suit of Leather Armor +2 and other stuff from a couple of loot caches. T. Branded Troll (Humanoid 6, Barbarian 3), Trollhound x7 (Magical Beast 4). Speak to the chieftan (King Vesket) who will at first prove unwilling to part with the child. Among the Kobolds prioritise the Boomsayer and Sniper. Head northeast to a wooden house close to the eastern edge of the map and search a crate for a Frost Scythe +2 and minor loot. The Kobold Blades carry. As you approach the house, you will find summoned Giant Spiders fighting trolls, handily serving as a distraction while you murder them.