Time flies but couldn't be happier with the results . So after a month (or three) your beard may look like it has patchy spots but not to worry, at this point there is no reason to believe those areas will be forever beard barren. So I try to spend time in here to get some confidence. As with dyes, make damn sure to match the color to your facial hair. If your skin is itchy, the beard oil can help cut down on the itchiness, moisturize the skin, and tame any flyaway strands you may be dealing with. Sometimes I am so sure that I want to grow it but there are moments where I feel uncomfortable. Plus, balms are typically packed with nourishing ingredients like shea butter and essential oils that might help promote growth by keeping everything healthy. And, it will also help you get rid of tangles or knots. The beard hair is long enough and thick enough to cover up the patchiness seen at the one-month mark. That might mean rocking your beard in all its patchy glory or rocking just a mustache or disconnected goatee. If you are younger than 35 then your beard has yet to reach its full potential. Get a beard trim that accentuates the strong parts of your beard. 100 Days of Beard Growth Time Lapse time lapse progression H Hayley's Life Style 2k followers More information time lapse progression Beard Growth Faster Beard Growth Stages Beard Growth Tips Diy Beard Grow Beard Beard Growth Remedies Patchy Beard Daily Progress Black Men Beards More information . Tky for your kind words. Remember, thats not the case for everyone though. This stage determines how long your beards can grow as the hair strands grow at a rate of 1cm every 28 days. This is where the rubber meets the road and your beard growth journey truly begins. (Its like a combover, but for beards.) This is a sure way to make your beard stand out and free from patches and brittle. No man grows a thick, Viking style beard overnight. If the goal is a show-stopper of a beard, then of course you need to let it grow out. You should do plenty of research if you are thinking about going the minoxidil route, and it has been known to cause side effects such as headaches and increased heart rate. Let It Grow As obvious as it is, this advice still needs to be said first. 20 weeks. Can you use minoxidil to fill in a patchy beard? I've seen some GREAT looking gray/silver beards in this forum. By combing yourfacial hairdownwards, all those longer strands from other areas of your face are going to work together to fill in all the gaps. Every day . Whether your beard is short or long, you want to take the same care with both. The bodys temperature lowers during sleep, leading to increased blood circulationincluding circulation to hair follicles and roots. 171. r/beards. Where you have growth, it looks fine, and should continue to. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'mybeardgang_com-medrectangle-1','ezslot_30',173,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mybeardgang_com-medrectangle-1-0');report this ad. In the photos below, Sly is around 100 days of growth. Time plus patience grow beards but are also challenging to our thinking and our natural wish for big results fast. When was the last time you went,Wow, that guy has a beard with missing connectors? Never. The reality is that we all have patchy beards in the first month (or three). Do not Shave off your Beard: A beard as a whole does not like being shaved off, although, there is a myth that when you shave your beard, it grows fuller. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. In other wordsif youre under 25, give your beard time to mature. Hello Sean. That being said, dont use this as an excuse to to ignoretrimming the beard a little along the way and letting your neckbeard grow out. Tky mate. This in return, affects the hair to grow faster and thicker. Wet your beard, make sure its dry with the towel then comb it on downwards. Basically you say goodbye to your razor, and don't shave your beard for 12 months. It's when you most likely start to notice a heavy-stubble forming. While consuming more saturated fats can help, going to the gym, chopping wood, etc. Zoom out for a better perspective of how your beard lookswe tend to scrutinize things too closely early on. For argument sake, experts have to call it a patchy beard, but in the real sense, your beard can fully grow. Im going to go over them with you here in a second, but just keep in mind what I mentioned above. Fill Sparse Beard with 3% Peppermint Oil Dilution 6. And of course, stay well hydrated. Ad Choices. Different parts of your beard grow at different rates. 5. Genetics. A Beard Brush can help your beard hair lay in a more uniform directionwhich, when long enough, can help you cover up some of those patchy areas. I recommend these because they have been proven to trigger the growth of beard in a thicker or fuller condition. Check out the video below to see it in action: There is no shortage of businesses looking to take advantage of your insecurities about your patchy beard.