Commissioned 15 April 1944. { 'Ar n~AlZ'^Q9|04b!p`]C>$h6om&V >{M aADwJC4m8p'o/ The transmittal letter is usually folded and placed in a slot on the outside of the manila envelope with your return address showing. 13) Sanctuary Counteroffensive 1 May 30 June 1970 In general, the process is fairly straight forward, although sometimes lengthy. Several aircrew members that I knew wore both awards To qualify for award of the Vietnam Service Medal an individual must meet one of the following qualifications: (1) Be attached to or regularly serve for 1 or more days with an organization participating in or directly supporting military operations. The palm for this award measures 9/16 inch in length with a 1/8 inch stem and four front leaves attached like a branch. Personnel aboard a ship are eligible when the safety of the ship and the crew were endangered by enemy attack, such as a ship hit by a mine or a ship engaged by shore, surface, air or subsurface elements. 1l~ G0 The sorties from the US Embassy numbered 72. Special Warfare Craft (SWCL) The following amplifying remarks are furnished as guidance. An award will not be made to a unit for actions of one or more of its component parts, unless such unit performed as a total team in a manner justifying the award. Paul, This is from MarAdmin 218/04 (Awards Update), 4. A. ;":Nk 8>N-V\}Uw:OWRMzkZzzK'[X>MJ'k A clarification in your letter may help because all of the unit awards were based on service with particular groups or units for certain time periods. Wearing Small Craft Insignia. Operation Frequent Wind - Wikipedia See THIS PAGE for a list of Navy Unit Awards, and links to citations that we have on hand. Forces Vietnam and all subordinate units. He also hopes his situation will bring attention to the factthat many other service members have encounteredsimilar difficultiesgetting the medals they've earned. We merely provide this information for your convenience. USS Thomaston (LSD-28) - Navy The palm for this award measures 9/16 inch in length with a 1/8 inch stem and four front leaves attached like a branch. I go, 'Thats not the point. and were not on active duty before 1/28/73. MILITARY PERSONNEL RECORDS (3) Participate as a crewmember in one or more aerial flights into airspace above Vietnam and contiguous waters directly supporting military operations. The NDSM may be awarded for both active and reserve service as defined below. The carrier was destined for the Pacific Fleet. (2) Any Servicemember on temporary duty (TDY) or temporary active duty to serve on boards, courts, commissions, and like organizations. Wed make the pilots ditch the helos. We hereby congratulate you on the receipt of your unit awards and other medals and ribbons you so richly deserve. Saunder, P.O. Y|}'E=y\|*+S?7)|e~x,?|?~w_t[n?>}zgW7Ep,\)mR|;.wWgsSq]b}gDMmYEPVnx&:-SWV:{wO/lVxpg/Fz-l Mo{uE@~reiz'XGUVVvpDSR_)a:mk??+h{"Zvw>~goywd7|?._lwzuD]6kE0/|CWvUiu9y~(/c/u`ZV-^v-%GWn8+nw~`Xwt9?~ z:5}91/A%{.Q}Z?+)W_|c>k\=@MU5Hw-(;Ek^`}nJKA7V(RGvm/~rqq[?7rpW4jp,M(%6:0R_| High Speed Boat (HSB), Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB) permanently assigned to support SEAL Team operations or Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadrons or High Speed Maneuverable Seaborne Target (HSMST) operations. List of Authorized Campaign Stars. 3) Vietnamese Counteroffensive 25 December 1965 30 June 1966 Article - Operation Frequent Wind 29 April 1975 | Page 2 Only one award per operation is authorized. <>>> -Individuals qualified for the AFEM for reason of service in Vietnam between 1 July 1958 and 3 July 1965 (inclusive) will remain qualified for that medal. Graco Industries, P.O. endstream endobj 102 0 obj <>/Filter/CCITTFaxDecode/Height 3270/ImageMask false/Length 35905/Name/background_Page_32/Subtype/Image/Type/XObject/Width 2520>>stream An individual whose eligibility has been established in combat in any of the following listed operations, is authorized the award of the CAR. 4. (No ships qualified), Grenada. Patrol Boat (PB, PBM, PBR, PCF) After 1 July 1958, the Joint Chiefs of Staff will designate U.S. military operations that qualify for the AFEM, and they will specify the degree of participation in designated operations warranting award of the medal. Box 3133, Naples, FL 33939, (941) 775-2100 This group is here so that those of us US Navy folks who participated in the evacuation of Saigon, aka Operation Frequent Wind, can amass and share thoughts, ides, and feelings about that "war.