This returns the status of your API Account (this information may also be retrieved at, Note this only works for valid API Accounts. See below for list of types. As it happens with Companies House, a key is also needed . 2021-08-15 - 2021-08-21 Removal of officer Ivan Elias, director. Returns all subsequent registrations matching the given search term. Our Purpose - OpenCorporates This documentation covers the main API (the so-called REST API). Where a company register makes available the industry codes, we now store that code, together with the code scheme which it belongs to, e.g. the type of statement, e.g. Access to all the data is free for open data projects under the same open licence conditions as the rest of OpenCorporates. Term filters can be supplied as a single term, a comma separated list (the record must match all terms; e.g. It was launched by Chris Taggart and Rob McKinnon, both veterans of the UK open data scene, as more-or-less a proof-of-concept, with three million. 0/100. Note that this will not affect the results for control relationships where we do not know the percentage (e.g. See all events. Timestamp in ISO 8601 format, An event is either calculated based on the difference between two snapshots of a company observed on different dates, or by a single piece of information that reflects a real-world event (such as a specific filing or gazette notice). OpenCorporates: the largest open database of the corporate world For example, subsidiary statement may have been parsed from a filing at the US Securities And Exchange Commission, or a user may have made a statement that one company is a parent of another. "[3] The project was represented on the European Union's Core Vocabularies Working Group's Core Business Task Force. (TermsofUse,PrivacyPolicy, Manage Consent, Do Not Sell My Data). This returns information on a statutory filing for the a company. Being OpenCorporates however, we asked ourselves: how has the global company universe changed in this time? Looking for the right auto insurance plan? This returns a collection of companies whose name matches the given search term (submitted as :q in the query parameters). For users logging in via Facebook. 35/100. Please note that not all company registries record and publish this date. Description: Relationships are directional and we use the terms 'parent' and 'child' to indicate the direction of the relationships. The response is paginated (see pagination). This may be the URL of a specific datum, or the download URL of a data_dump, or if this is not available the URL of the publisher. Public Records Privacy Policy :: Info :: OpenCorporates The company was launched on 20 December 2010, by Chris Taggart and Rob McKinnon. To fetch the address of the company and return it as a Location Entity, run the To Address [OpenCorporates] Transform. Over the next few months, we will be migrating all 'datum' items to 'statement' ones. E.g. To accept or reject analytics cookies, turn on JavaScript in your browser settings and reload this page. This is useful for data such as the US banks, for which we hold good data going back over 10 years. Included in the response will be the core data on the company (incorporation date, company type, registered address, etc), a summary of other data held on the company (e.g. At OpenCorporates we're obsessive about provenance of data it not only gives confidence in the data by showing the source, Jenifer A. The largest open database of companies in the world - OpenCorporates Number of results to be returned on each page. I went in to get a facial which was my first time ever getting one. Filter by jurisdiction of company registration. An API key is required in order to use the OpenCorporates API, and usage limits depend on your account type and plan. This call returns the details of a specific code. See ( Thats also because corruption is hidden behind a veil of corporate opacity, often through legal entities acting as getaway vehicles instead of legitimate businesses. However, this can be overridden by passing a numeric value here, for example 50 or even 0 (for every relationship, regardless of percentage). Are you lagging behind? when the api_plan runs out. Many commercial organisations look to OpenCorporates data as part of their due diligence process, to help verify the identity of their prospective customers. Images or videos: Similarly, any images or videos of your personal information can often be removed by issuing a removal request. People for OPENCORPORATES LTD (07444723) More for OPENCORPORATES LTD (07444723) Registered office address Aston House, Cornwall Avenue, London, N3 1LF . Find Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok profiles, images and more on IDCrawl. Free company information about GX APPLETON LTD including Companies House registration information, overview of GX APPLETON LTD business activities, filing history and legal events, assets trademarks, VAT registration, trading addresses and event history. If a date range is given it should be in the form 2009-08-22:2012-01-08. This call returns all the code schemes we know about, including links to the official pages for the code scheme. Description: Note: All dates should be given in ISO 8601 format. Authentication is through a simple API token at present (see API accounts, below), and this should be submitted with each request in the query parameters. Press release: OpenCorporates unifies official company data from all 50 For example for Canadian business numbers the uid would be the business number (e.g. Sign up now. So Tom and Prncipe. OpenCorporates is the largest open database of companies in the world, with over 200 million companies in 140 jurisdictions. If no value is supplied it will not filter by inactive status. None of our businesses appear on those sites you mentioned. To get an API Account go to Filter by branch status (boolean). Sorting is possible by the following two attributes: Integer. Description: The attributes returned are the same as for GET companies/:jurisdictioncode/:companynumber/events described above. Default is page 1. The API by default returns JSON, a lightweight but powerful way of representing data that is natively understood by Javascript (and therefore perfect for widgets, etc), Lower case, with country & region codes separated by underscore ("_"), The identifier given to the company by the company register. By default you're allowed up to 200 requests per month, and 50 requests per day, but usage limits depend on your account type and plan.