35,000 worksheets, games,and lesson plans, Marketplace for millions ofeducator-created resources, Spanish-English dictionary,translator, and learning. The branch of biology dedicated to the study of organisms that live in caves and are collectively referred to as. The science of life and life processes in water. Take any verb ending in -er: comprender (to understand, to comprehend), for example; Remove the -er to get the verb's root: comprend- Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. The study of picture writing, especially crude. The physiology or study of the functions of the cells and tissues in health. "Ologies" redirects here. However, this term is not in popular circulation within the United States, perhaps as it may be confused with the preceding "ology. Most Common -Ology Words Directions. The art of using a blowpipe, and often a charcoal block, to analyse minerals and metal salts. The study or art of creating new words or. The statement or discussion of the first principles of any science or art. A branch of science that is concerned with the study of the principles and characteristics of the development of children with physical and mental defects and the problems of their training and upbringing. Psychology : psych OLOGY (sie kil o jee) n.The study of the mind and its junctions20. The science of determining timescales for. Pharmacology : pharmacy OLOGY (far ma kol o jee) n.The study of drugs17. Definition: "Look into" is a phrasal verb that means to investigate, research or examine something in order to gain more information or to determine if it is worth pursuing. The part of linguistics that studies words. Ology is the root-word for many other words. - English for Students The study of the aesthetic and science of forms of human movement by special notation. [9] In these Greek words, the root is always a noun and -o- is the combining vowel for all declensions of Greek nouns. The study of how people throughout history have progressed and thrived with limited government (, The medical specialty that deals with male health, particularly relating to the problems of the. (Network topology) Configurations of computer or biological networks. List of words ending with OLOGY sorted by frequency in the English language Here are the most frequent words ending with OLOGY in English: technology, psychology, biology, theology, mythology, anthology, ideology. The study of the biologic relationships of humans as a species. The study and interpretation of behavior in terms of simple and complex reflexes. First recorded in 17951805; extracted from words like, Dictionary.com Unabridged The branch of biology that studies the origin and development of acquired characteristics. The study of the processes and procedures used in the preparation of slides for. It is a commonly used phrase in English that is understood by most native speakers. The scientific study dealing with natural and artificial, A multi-disciplinary approach which uses the techniques and subject matter of, The scientific study of the origin and evolution of, The study of alleged references to geological events in. Therefore Greek had a noun ( the-sis) that meant "a placing.". Osteology : osteo LOGY (os tee ol o jee) n.Science which treats of the bones of vertebrates The study of ecological processes that operate in agricultural production systems. Words that end in ology | Words ending in ology - The Free Dictionary Phrenology : phren OLOGY (fri nol o jee) n.The study of the shape of the skull as indication of mental faculty19. Also describes the training of teachers of handicapped children. Etymology of -ology. The study of languages to determine when they diverged from being the same language. Criminology : Crimin OLOGY (krim i nol o jee) n.The study of crime and its social implications7.