If you do, you will lose your status as a Lawful Permanent Resident. 0000006631 00000 n For detailed information about your visa interview, please visit the U.S. Embassy or Consulate interview preparation instructionsof the city where you are having the interview. Most of immigrant visa applicants whose case was approved by USCIS, sent to NVC, was documentarily qualified are waiting for their interview appointment letter to know exactly when they can go. !6v bCB1SR,}31QsnoG64Ew|Mftm,L5wuEMF,N!Z yMVq>,8R#FCM*&iuZJfq#g)zg)ORecDYF!, Lp}MN2qSw&TKCK\5o0Wo(h lA Ask our. Additionally, you must have listed ALL of your living children who are unmarried and under 21 years old. The visa applicant may also be referred as a beneficiary for petition based visas. endstream Read our interview guidelines to learn about any special actions that you need to take before your visa interview. If you are a citizen or resident of Ghana who has been issued any class of nonimmigrant U.S. visa after turning 14 years of age,you may be eligiblefor a waiver of the in-person interview requirement for your F, M, or J student visa application. For foreign citizens who want to live permanently in the United States. Passport, Visa, and Sealed Immigrant Packet We will place your immigrant visa on a page in your passport. The Department of State's National Visa Center (NVC) saw a decrease in the immigrant visa (IV) backlog, from 408,456 pending cases last month to 388,908 cases in March a 4.8% decrease. You, your spouse, and any qualified unmarried children immigrating with you, must participate in the interview. For detailed information about your visa interview, please visit theU.S. Embassy or Consulate interview preparation instructionsof the city where you are having the interview. +g&i0 hRlb! Please note applicants must only schedule their interview or submit their waiver application within the 365-day period. <<0D1F89D055116744AF384F6BFB48077A>]/Prev 88874/XRefStm 1300>> KK Travel to the United States is welcomed and encouraged. Number of Visas Each Year is Limited in Some Categories. 0000001300 00000 n endobj Ambassador to Ghana Virginia E. Palmer, Deputy Chief of Mission Nicole Chulick, Exercise Flintlock 2023 Demonstration Ambassador Palmers Remarks, Statement from U.S. For foreign citizens who want to live permanently in the United States. If your spouse and/or qualified unmarried children will immigrate at a later date and travel separately from you, they are not required to participate in your interview. U.S. immigration law requires immigrant visa applicants to obtain certain vaccinations prior to the issuance of a visa. As an Ir1 it will remain there until they schedule my interview. After the appropriate fees are paid, you will be able to submit the necessary immigrant visa documents, including the Affidavit of Support (AOS), application forms, civil documents, and more. What Happens Between I-130 Approval and Consular Interview 0000054069 00000 n Do not open this envelope. The email (see below) didn't mention scheduling the interview for me. hkZNk95Zo&~/m@UL/$u&'}v[b&oK`e\>W/Pb.n]srs o+Ex.9g+8GbVp17+i:xx*_1aqy8wL7C KC=a:MOH]"$#uc+Pqf(6pP0Q AudD["+p|:nh;RW*gp$_R]8JjYF15hw 1HzVz ]ZAx5m>[%)B 6,hG startxref 0000001866 00000 n 4 20 The following persons may accompany a visa applicant to their interview: Attorneys are not permitted to accompany clients into the waiting room or to their interview. ` ufO.dG)l.R-Bz~C@2i7@&*%Hh(q):;C;Keo2@ & )!Z3^[kXlZx\}fj/090`L|!aZ@ Ambassador to Ghana Virginia Palmer Marking One Year Since Russias Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine, The Spelling Bee 2023 National Finals Remarks by Deputy Chief of Mission Nicole Chulick, World AIDS Day Remarks by Ambassador Virginia E. Palmer, USAID-supported Feed the Future activity connects agribusinesses to investors, Launch of the State of Ghanaian Media Report Remarks by Deputy Chief of Mission Nicole Chulick, U.S. Embassy Highlights Young Ghanaian Voices on Earth Day, U.S. and AmCham Engage Stakeholders on AI Opportunities for Innovation, Message for U.S. Citizens: U.S. Passport Fee Increase, Message for U.S. Citizens Dont Let the Elections Pass You By, Message for U.S. Citizens in Ghana: Travel and Repatriation Assistance, U.S. Embassy Accra Institutes Temporary Measures to Prevent and Contain the Spread of Coronavirus, Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants, U.S. For applicants between the ages of 14 and 79, the interview appointment is mandatory for visa applications (exception: Visa Reissuance Program ). lhmuM3Ogi^Z&@wIpm>WpVyv`8wM&(?x1AoL Omgfinally we have been dq'd since 2-21-20 and have been waiting for an interview for almost 2 years! Once you submit your fees, forms, and supporting documents to NVC, we will review your case to ensure you provided all the documentation required to schedule the immigrant visa interview. HSMk0tzPmY:vv;CgI'$'=gI}R*)OZ With the information in this letter, you can log in to our Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) to check your status, receive messages, and manage your case. Certain international travelers may be eligible to travel to the United States without a visa if they meet the requirements for visa-free travel. Students unable to secure an interview date before their academic programs start date should work with their educational institution to update the permitted start date in SEVIS or defer initial enrollment to a later semester.