Evans was ordered to pay 100 compensation to the card holder for his "distress" as well as 50 to the lingerie shop. Your assault - cowardly - was from behind.". Brzezinski set up bank accounts in their names, took charge of cash cards, enabling him to get his hands on the victims' wages and tax benefits while they worked for Sports Direct in in Shirebrook and then Hammond Produce, near Nottingham. Face of 'manipulative' Chanel Bailey who made off with cash raised in DX: 702383 Nottingham 7. O'Neill pleaded guilty to 30 charges of procuring children as young as four for sex acts, including rape, and will serve 12 years before he can apply for parole. This Court has interview room facilities. So he alerted police and an officer studied the shop's CCTV, then recognised David Evans as one of the people who used the card. Miss Shital Maher, mitigating, said Mitchell accepted the terms of a sexual harm prevention order. He was locked up after pleading guilty at Nottingham Crown Court. He recommended that it should continue when he is released and put on probation. 28 April 2023 Transparency data Royal Courts of Justice Cause List. Business and Property Courts Rolls Building Cause List. Following a further search, two packets of tobacco were seized. If it isn't, there will be a substantial prison sentence.". Burglar with machete stole Pedigree puppy from a mum in gang raid. Lists are published throughout the day. A man thought he was talking to a teenage girl online when he asked: "What are you doing in a dirty chat room full of pervs?". Ricky Wheelhouse, 28, asked: "Did you hit her for the fun of it? Magistrates' court listings now published online - GOV.UK This page is run by the Nottingham Post. Tina Denning, Ann-Marie Fletcher, Sharon Doughty and Jamie Lowe were sentenced after admitting the charges. Zafar Iqbal Ahmed, 35, of Harcourt Road, Forest Fields; Asmat Asmatullah Khan, 33, and Mohamed Imdad Ullah Khan, 25, both of Claremont Gardens, Sherwood, appeared in court. The Case Tracker allows users to search for information on applications or appeals in the Court of Appeal, Civil Division. "It gives me no pleasure at all to send someone as young as you for so long, believe me. The building also accommodates the County Court and the Family Court. Named and shamed: 13 people who appeared in court this week Custody of four years nine months was ordered for Middleton. The judge said he expected Bardhosi would be held in detention until his deportation takes place, adding: "One hopes this time you do not return.". At times the firefighters faced aggression and threats from 33-year-old Hinchley, who has had a history of mental health difficulties. The restaurant is currently closed. To view the Daily Court Status of other Crown Court Centres that have XHIBIT return to the Court List. "He then realised how stupid and that it was extremely dangerous and that it was not his best idea. Lowe, 27, of Long Eaton, Derbyshire, admitted four offences of research by a jury member and was given a four-month sentence, suspended for 12 months, and ordered to carry out 80 hours of unpaid work. Sojad Miah, 32, of Hardstaff Road, Sneinton, will serve seven years on the cocaine charge and two years and eight months concurrently on the cannabis allegation. Edgar was banned from contacting the man or returning to his home in Chatham Court. Jailed in January: 13 offenders brought to justice in Nottingham Appearing at Nottingham Crown Court on February 14, he was jailed for 22 months. They were jailed at Nottingham Crown Court on Thursday, June 15 for the robbery at their victim's temporary home in Colley Moor Leys Lane, Clifton on June 22 last year.