The Northeastern OMBA is a premium, fully online learning experience offered at an affordable price. 7 Types of Jobs in Physical Therapy: Which Is Right For You? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management: Gloria Barczak, Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Research in Marketing: Koen Pauwels, Senior Editor, Journal of Business Research: Paul Fombelle, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Interactive Marketing: Yakov Bart, Editorial Board Member; Koen Pauwels, Editorial Board Member; Fareena Sultan, Editorial Board Member, Journal of International Marketing: Amir Grinstein, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Marketing: Koen Pauwels, Associate Editor; Amir Grinstein, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Marketing Analytics: Fareena Sultan, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice: Jay Mulki, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management: Felicia Lassk, Editorial Board Member; Jay Mulki, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Product Innovation Management: Gloria Barczak, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Retailing: Koen Pauwels, Editorial Board Member, Marketing Education Review: Felicia Lassk, Editorial Board Member, Psychology & Marketing: Jay Mulki, Editorial Board Member, Yakov Bart: 2018 DMSB Ronald Copeland Best Paper Award Finalist, Yakov Bart: 2017 Recognized as one of the 40 Best Undergraduate Business Professors by Poets & Quants, Yakov Bart: 2017 Research Award from the Center for Emerging Markets at D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Yakov Bart: 2017 Journal of Interactive Marketing Best Paper Award, Yakov Bart: 2017 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grant, Northeastern University, Yakov Bart: 2016 Knowledge Exchange Program Award, NSF Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub, Yakov Bart: 2015 and 2016 Research Grant Recipient, Marketing Science Institute, Paul Fombelle: 2017 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants, Northeastern University, Amir Grinstein: 2016 Research Grant Recipient, Marketing Science Institute, Jay Mulki: 2017 Research Award from the Center for Emerging Markets at D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Koen Pauwels: 2018 Winner of Gary L. Lilien ISMS-MSI Practice Prize, Marketing Science conference, Koen Pauwels: Top 100 Inspirational Alumnus, UCLA, Koen Pauwels: 2017 Davidson Best Paper Award, Journal of Retailing, Koen Pauwels: 2017 Research Award from the Center for Emerging Markets at D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Koen Pauwels: Named D'Amore-McKim School of Business Distinguished Professor of Marketing, Mary Steffel: 2018 Recognized as one of the 50 Top Undergraduate Business Professors by Poets & Quants, Mary Steffel: 2016 DMSB Ronald Copeland Best Paper Award Finalist, Fareena Sultan: 2017 Journal of Consumer Marketing Best Paper Award, Fareena Sultan: 2016 Research Grant Recipient, Marketing Science Institute, Jennifer Yule: 2018 DMSB Teacher of the Year Award Winner (peer nominated award), Jennifer Yule: 2016 DMSB Best Teacher of the Year Award Finalist (student nominated award), Yakov Bart: Named Joseph G. Riesman Research Professor and Thomas E. Moore Faculty Fellow, Paul Fombelle: Named Thomas E. Moore Faculty Fellow, Amir Grinstein: Named Patrick F. & Helen C. Walsh Research Professor and Thomas E. Moore Faculty Fellow. To stay ahead of change, and advance your professional career and personal life, you need to keep learningnow and throughout your lifetime. . Marketing & Communications Resources. He is the Founding Co-Director of the Digital, Analytics, Technology and Automation (DATA) Initiative and Faculty Affiliate at interdisciplinary Global Resilience Institute and SHARE Research Team at Northeastern University. Register for an admissions event hosted by the D'Amore-McKim School of Business. Vancouver Staff Team - Northeastern University Vancouver The concentration embraces an approach that is analytical, creative, and practice oriented. Certificates are the fastest-growing form of postsecondary credentials in the United States (Chronicle of Higher Education, 2012). Faculty Fellow, Center for Emerging Markets, Academic Advisor, Graduate Certificate Programs & MS in Management (MS x), Darla and Frederick Brodsky Trustee Professor in Global Business; Distinguished Professor, International Business and Strategy, Associate Professor, Management and Organizational Development, Part-Time Lecturer, Management and Organizational Development, Assistant Director of Marketing, Graduate Programs, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs; Associate Professor, International Business and Strategy, Center for Health Policy & Healthcare Research. Woo Professor, Law; New York University, JD, Darien Wood Professor, Physics; University of California, Berkeley, PhD, Dori C. Woods Associate Professor, Biology; University of Notre Dame, PhD, Sarah Woodside Associate Teaching Professor, Management and Organizational Development; Boston College, PhD, Adam Woolley Associate Clinical Professor, Pharmacy and Health Systems Sciences; Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, PharmD, Benjamin Woolston Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD, Lisa Worsh Senior Cooperative Education Coordinator, College of Social Sciences and Humanities; Bridgewater State College, MEd, Shu-Shih Y. Wu Assistant Teaching Professor, Mathematics; Northeastern University, PhD, Kinde Wubneh Assistant Professor, Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Pharmacy and Health System Sciences; University of Texas, Austin, PhD, Sara A. Wylie Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology and Health Sciences; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD, Xia Xiao Assistant Professor, Accounting; University of Arizona, PhD, Wei Xie Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Northwestern University, PhD, Mofei Xu Assistant Cooperative Education Coordinator, College of Engineering; Northeastern University, MA, Xiaolin Xu Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering; University of Massachusetts, Amherst, PhD, Milen Yakimov Professor, Mathematics; University of California, Berkeley, PhD, Shiawee X. Yang Associate Professor, Finance; Pennsylvania State University, PhD, Hideaki Yano Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences; Columbia University, PhD, Mohammad Abbas Yaseen Assistant Professor, Bioengineering; Rice University, PhD, Lichuan Ye Associate Professor, Nursing; University of Pennsylvania, DNSc, Mishac K. Yegian College of Engineering Distinguished Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD, Edmund Yeh Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD, Roi Yehoshua Assistant Teaching Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Bar-Ilan University (Israel), PhD, Boris Yelin Assistant Teaching Professor, World Languages Center; Purdue University, PhD, Benjamin Yelle Associate Teaching Professor, Philosophy and Religion; University of Miami, PhD, Sheng-Che Yen Associate Clinical Professor, Physical Therapy, Movement, and Rehabilitation Sciences; New York University, PhD, Ayce Yesilaltay Assistant Teaching Professor, Biology; University of Massachusetts Medical School, PhD, Caglar Yildirim Assistant Teaching Professor, Computer Sciences; Iowa State University, PhD, George Yip Distinguished Visiting Professor, International Business and Strategy; Harvard University, DBA, Moka Yoo-Jeong Assistant Professor, Nursing; Emory University, PhD, Mark L. Yorra Senior Cooperative Education Coordinator, Pharmacy and Health Systems Sciences; Northeastern University, EdD, Yizhi You Assistant Professor, Physics; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, PhD, Gary Young Professor, International Business and Strategy and Health Sciences; State University of New York at Buffalo, PhD, Lydia Young Associate Teaching Professor, College of Professional Studies; Boston College, PhD, Neal Young Teaching Professor, Computer Sciences; Princeton University, PhD, Sarah C. Young-Hong Assistant Clinical Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders; University of Pittsburgh, MA, Shuishan Yu Associate Professor, Architecture; University of Washington, PhD, Lua Yuille Professor, Law and Management and Organizational Development; Columbia University, JD, Nizar Zaarour Associate Teaching Professor, Supply Chain and Information Management; Northeastern University, PhD, Adel Zadeh Associate Teaching Professor, College of Professional Studies; University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), PhD, Michelle Zaff Associate Cooperative Education Coordinator, College of Social Sciences and Humanities; Suffolk University, JD, Christos Zahopoulos Associate Professor, College of Professional Studies; Northeastern University, PhD, Carl Zangerl Associate Teaching Professor, College of Professional Studies; University of Illinois, PhD, Victor Zappi Assistant Professor, Music; Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia/Universit degli studi di Genova (Italy), PhD, Alan J. Zaremba Associate Professor, Communication Studies; State University of New York at Buffalo, PhD, Daniel Zedek Professor of the Practice, Journalism; Columbia University, BA, Ibrahim Zeid Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; University of Akron, PhD, Moira Zellner Professor, Public Policy and Urban Affairs; University of Michigan, PhD, Hongyang Zhang Assistant Professor, Computer Sciences; Stanford University, PhD, Jie Zhang Assistant Teaching Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, PhD, Ke Zhang Associate Professor, Chemistry and Chemical Biology; Washington University, St. Louis, PhD, Ning Zhang Associate Professor, Pharmacy and Health Systems Sciences and Nursing; Cornell University, PhD, Shuo Zhang Assistant Professor, Economics and Computer Sciences; University of California, Santa Barbara, PhD, Yang Zhang Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering; University of Iowa, PhD, Yue May Zhang Associate Professor, Accounting; University of Pittsburgh, PhD, Qianqian Zhang-Wu Assistant Professor, English; Boston College, PhD, Pu Zhao Research Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Northeastern University, PhD, Qing Zhao Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD, Kuncheng Zheng Associate Professor, Finance; University of Michigan, PhD, Yi Zheng Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Columbia University, PhD, Lin Zhou Assistant Teaching Professor, College of Professional Studies; University of Hawai'i at Manoa, PhD, Xiaomu Zhou Associate Teaching Professor, College of Professional Studies; University of Michigan, PhD, Yan Zhou Zelevinsky Postdoctoral Researcher, Mathematics; University of Texas, Austin, PhD, Zhaohui S. Zhou Professor, Chemistry and Chemical Biology; Scripps Research Institute, PhD, Hongli Zhu Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; South China University of Technology (China), PhD, Xuwen Zhu Assistant Professor, Mathematics; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD, Sali Ziane Teaching Professor, World Languages Center; University of Paris XIII (France), PhD, Nathanial Ziegler Associate Cooperative Education Coordinator, College of Engineering; Indiana University of Pennsylvania, MEd, Emily Zimmerman Associate Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders; University of Kansas, PhD, Gregory Zimmerman Associate Professor, Criminology and Criminal Justice; State University of New York at Albany, PhD, Kathrin Zippel Professor, Sociology and Anthropology; University of Wisconsin, Madison, PhD, Steven Zoloth Professor, Health Sciences; University of Pennsylvania, PhD, Rose Zoltek-Jick Associate Teaching Professor, Law; York University (Canada), LLB, Elizabeth Zulick Associate Teaching Professor, College of Professional Studies; Boston University, PhD, Ronald Zullo Senior Lecturer, Accounting; Bentley University, MS. Gnther K. H. Zupanc Professor, Biology; University of California, San Diego, PhD; University of Tbingen (Germany), Dr. rer.