If your air filter is blocked then you need to get it changed for a new one - an easy and fairly low-cost procedure. It has the warning light of two cars crashing, but I wasn't near any other cars. From the service manual: ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV) SYSTEM WARNING LIGHT. If the light is flashing instead of being a solid light then the problem is most likely fatal for the engine and requires you to switch it off as soon as possible. 2018 Nissan Maxima sl. The blind spot is commonly known as the area of vision that is missing from most drivers' fields of view. If this warning light appears even after you have filled up with fuel then seek help from your dealership or trained mechanic. Description: The red exclamation mark is the brake warning light symbol. You're driving at 70, interstate, heading west around 10 am. If you experience a circle with an arrow and the letter "A" in the center or even an exclamation mark then this would suggest the auto stop-start system has experienced a fault. 10 EVs with Best Range in 2023 - Suitable for Interstate? An outline of a car with the visual of a flap extending out from the right-hand side would suggest that your trunk is still open. A warning light on the dashboard showing 2 cars with a star symbolizing a crash with the word "OFF" underneath would suggest that the forward collision detection system is turned off. Armada When the system detects that a collision is about to happen, it will warn the driver with a blinking visual and audio warning. Get the latest news, advice, reviews and offers to help keep your motoring costs down. This light could indicate a number of faults, from minor issues like a broken electrical sensor to a much larger mechanical issue, like a fault with your emission control system or catalytic converter. These symbols indicate that the Forward Collision Warning system has been turned off. Where can I get new windshield wipers for my Nissan? Water can prove fatal for engines and so your fuel filter can remove some of this and store it to be emptied later. While driving the light may come on momentarily. After refueling, this icon should disappear within a few driving trips. Due to factors beyond the control of Freerepairguide, no information contained in this video shall create any express or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Or, if you have RAC Breakdown Cover, call for recovery. Nissan Emergency Braking Malfunction Lawsuit Investigation If you notice the light turn on when youve just topped up on diesel the fuel may be contaminated. Transmission warning indicator -- click for more Electric shift trouble indicator -- click for more Steering lock fault indicator -- click for more Check suspension indicator -- click for more All wheel drive trouble indicator -- click for more 4 wheel drive trouble indicator -- click for more Diesel particulate filter indicator -- click for more If you are not experiencing a lack of traction and the light is stuck on then your Nissan is. Yet still, I failed to snap a picture fast enough. These indicator lights let you know that a system or feature is active, such as your high beams, or is currently switched off, such as your vehicle's dynamic control (VDC) system. Read our guide to checking your engine coolant. I'm getting a warning on the dash of my 2019 Rogue that says "Malfunction See Owners Manual". Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Click. In this case call for recovery if you have breakdown cover, as driving any further could damage the engine. Your Nissan's brakes use a complex combination of mechanical and hydraulic components to slow and stop your car. Check the official manual: Welcome to WarningLights.co, where we strive to explain all of the warning lights you might see in your car.