Pumpkin For the girl that stole your heart. Doctor nicknames: Doctor, DOCTOR, D O C T O R , D O C T O R Popular baby names: Top predicted boy & girl names in Wisconsin for Suns Baby Bear This is a fairly safe name to call a girlfriend. Its not too late to spice things up with your woman. Cute Mama The lady of your life who takes care of you & your kids. Flirty Nicknames for Girlfriend Unsplash 75 Cute Nicknames To Call Your Girlfriend 1. Pooh. Ver de Terre - worm (if she's timid) 3. Shes that smoking hot. Signs about the only child's traits, from being independent to having a high-achiever status. Find some cute nicknames for your friends based on their personalities and melt their hearts. If you like a nickname, click the Heart icon (Love), this would add the nickname to a cart/basket. Chipmunk Does she have an adorable voice and personality? Honey If your girlfriend is just as sweet as can be, use this term of endearment to melt her heart! 22. 25. And others use them to express their feelings more easily. Bodacious Babe- A good nickname for a brave girl. Weird as it may sound your sugar pie is a lot more comfortable than directly calling her by her first name. Chef She is an expert in the kitchen. no idea whyi call her melody, I call my girl Easy Rider because she a skank. Or has sweet-looking buns? Golden Girl Is she always the topic of attention everywhere she goes? 27. Vita mia meaning my life in Italian, 8. Peaches For a girl that enriches your life. 12. Weirdo Does she have the strangest, most peculiar personality ever? Hot Cakes- This is a throwback that she is sure to love. Amore means Love in Italian. Nicknames for a girlfriend are the best way to express your love and affection for her. These are likely to give her a sugar rush. Cutie- You can compliment her looks without being demeaning, 13. Stud muffin 23. Lover girl she is the girl you love, 45. Itty Bitty Shes so small, almost like that spider that went up the water sprout. A sweet, little surprise is enough to spark true love in her heart. 190 Nicknames That Will Sweep Your Girlfriend off Her Feet 21. So, lets start browsing through these amazing nicknames. Cuddle Bug This cute nickname works well with most of the women out there. She will definitely love your approach, and hopefully, in response, you might receive your new nickname. Queen Kong Has she got hair, like everywhere? Jack isn't allowed to poke fun at their 'child' (Picture: Getty/Instagram) Jack Whitehall 's girlfriend is pretty easygoing when it comes to his . Nicknames are supposed to convey how much she means to you. Shes that amazing. Kind Witch -On the off chance that she makes you entranced when every time you take a gander at her. Honey A classic pet name for a girl you love. Its the name for a girlfriend who likes the kitten a lot. Consider these pet names for your girlfriend or wife. Cutie Pie We are still on safe ground here were telling a young lady that she is a cutie pie, she looks alluring first thing in the morning. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Dear - For someone you hold close to your heart. Mon chou A cute French nickname for a girlfriend, it means honey. Get her a sentimental little gift with her nickname on it, forher birthday,your anniversary or just because. A list of endearing nicknames for your boyfriend or girlfriend that you can use as their contact name on your phone or in person. 37. Darling Darling conveys a sense of love in the world. Avoid using a nickname you already gave someone else, like an ex-girlfriend. Pikachu If your precious one is a Pokemon fan, she would love to be called Pikachu, Isnt that cute? Baby Doll For a girl with the perfect model body.