/Contents endobj 0 Competed in the 2022 Yorton Cup and placed top 3 in your respective pro class. See . 6001 Cassia St., Boise, ID 83709 (Located south of the tennis courts) Prejudging @ 9:00am Evening Finals @ 5:00pm This is an Amateur and Pro NGA Event, that includes: Amatuer Men's Bodybuilding, Women's Figure, Physique, Bikini, and Men's Physique Classes. NGA Mr./Ms. Natural Philly Mr/Mrs. Natural Philly NaturalBodybuilding.com | Official ABA, INBA, & PNBA Website . %PDF-1.4 NGA AMERICAN NATURAL CHAMPIONSHIPS Fit Kids 5-15 (Girls), 22. 7 2023 Natural Bodybuilding Competitions Note: Many federations have not released their 2023 schedules December 2022 Natural Bodybuilding Shows December 3: North Carolina - OCB - Queen City Showdown Virginia - OCB - Richmond Amateur Championships Florida - ANBF - Key West Natural December 11: Texas - OCB - Metanoia Muscle Back Stage Pass $60. IFBB Pro League Events . NGA AMERICAN NATURAL CHAMPIONSHIPS - Females, 14. 5 things to know about the NGA Thunder Classic - News 13 Before I competed, I was on Youtube trying to see what it would be like on stage, how judging went, what posing. 0 Backstage Policy One assistant max per competitor allowed, assistant MUST buy a trainer/assistant ticket, which is good for general admission and back stage access. R Note: Many federations have not released their 2023 schedules, Copyright 2023 Natural Bodybuilding Resources | Powered by Natural Bodybuilding Resources, NGA 23rd Annual PRO/AM Mr. & Ms. Natural Philadelphia, Annual Green Bay Natural Hardbodies Championships, South Dakota Goddess Classic (All Womens Event), Florida NGA NGA Showtime Classic PRO/AM, Florida NGA NGA Florida State Natural Championships, Oregon OCB OCB Portland Muscle Classic, Pennsylvania OCB OCB All-Natural PA Classic. 2023 NPC Worldwide Aprilis Championships Contest Photos, 2023 IFBB Professional League Sydney Championships Contest Photos, 2023 NPC Worldwide Poland Championships Contest Photos, 2023 IFBB GRL PWR Pro Official Score Cards, 2023 ROAD TO THE IFBB PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE PITTSBURGH PRO Rayanne Collins Training HD Video. For instance, if you are entering two classes in the NGA PRO Universe only one application needs to be submitted, but be sure to check all your boxes that you are entering. Get Your ANBF T-Shirt! NGA PRO UNIVERSE CHAMPIONSHIPS - Males, 09. The ONLY way to the IFBB Pro League is with the NPC. 2022 JUNE 2 -5 8 -12 NGA National Championships / Gymnastics Festival M/W V / IP tbd tbd 17-18 2022 NGA Virtual National Championships M/W V GotScored 16-19 25-26 JULY 30-31 NGA Fall Camp W IP Gwinnett Gymnastics Center Lilburn, GA W IP Louisiana State University (LSU) Baton Rouge, LA OCB Drug Tested competitions - competitor oriented, fair, high-quality, memorable experiences. 15,446 / yr. Responsable formation salaries - 1 salaries reported. NGA AMERICAN NATURAL CHAMPIONSHIPS Teenagers 16-19 (Males), 21. Copyright Amateur Membership is $100.00. I have known Andy Bostinto for many years. ?4NVK2N\:y?h)R/I=R9:hLP=Nz]6&6oRKgCO&`.A,RmQ|R0Vt'/%g;IvzvW=wGP^J=' P=Oz.`z_Cy)MlC mVz`_=zPCO !I W& P=$)a" Proof of a current Polygraph within. We pr NGA Kentucky Natural Bodybuilding ( N G A 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3 C o m p e t i t i o n C a l e n d a r) NGA AMATEUR UNIVERSE CHAMPIONSHIPS (NGA PRO Qualifier) - Females, 11. Its purpose is to go much deeper than physical training alone. The Florida Pro & The NGA Florida State Natural Championships To be in compliance with all Natural Organizations there will be Polygraph and Urinalysis Testing for competing athletes. Photography / Videography:Lance Tyler atwww.LanceTylerPhotos.com, Armed Forces Nationals Early Bird Deadline is 9/10/2022, Online Registration for Armed Forces Nationals, Host Hotel: Use this link to book your room: Hampton Inn Morehead City Discount Expires 9/30/2022, Prefer to download the Registration Application?