Review appeals pertaining to the disallowance of pension benefits. State of NJ - Department of the Treasury - NJDPB | Member Guidebooks NJ Treasury Division of Pensions & Benefits Home Member Guidebooks Member Guidebooks Pension System Member Guidebooks Public Employees' Retirement System Member Guidebook PERS Guidebook Addenda for: Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) Legislative Retirement System (LRS) );.Ka2[]tSEA?ivc#6bIHhV,9.i%T}Dddvg$2DG8lEdFhVUvjn@0i:^LVqR!$6Cy0iAWy")+Doy/mu{yjsA-R}}+fA$uD kuPR[ -X0\e :P &f~ v/a#op'G3oV|0=xgHa|=Uk(k >8 -w!/P2CMQZLiwK`gd!T|sA@ You will then see a list of all the candidates, and you can make your selection. function setup_Params(from_form, to_form) {
Need to change your name or address? H\n@E|E/E !KH^Cvb@/ed KT}7440SS ]dkfZ~K=&i,>sTKyM;c0u=]zG~v+^6bo.eO6S\\gi6\ SCRgY'o%*U\3\K\@m3pNYg!d&(Y))"%gy~%qr9(JgYtV8+JgYtV8c1e2dY,C1e2dY,[8s08s0*Cey?fq+.5ik?_=U& Please see our Pension Loan video and Frequently Asked Questions for additional information. Render determinations regarding Disability Retirement cases and approve retirements. How PBGC Operates. If you have additional questions, call DCF customer service at 844-830-6178. if (document.forms[from_form].error_redirect) {
To submit feedback, you must enable Javascript in your Browser. xref
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0000008158 00000 n
Nominations must be received online or arrive in the Board Office on or before 4:00 p.m. Monday, May 15, 2023. See the Life Events below to learn more. Raymond Heck Elected by the active police members of the PFRS Term ending 1/31/25, James Kompany Appointed by the NJ State PBA president, Marc Morgan Appointed by the NJ FOP president, Matthew Lubin Elected by the active fire members of the PFRS Term ending 1/31/27, Ed Donnelly Appointed by the NJ FMBA president, Tim Colacci Appointed by the PFANJ president, Stephen Trowbridge Elected by retirees of PFRS Term ending 1/31/27. Retirees can also verify their beneficiary designations by written request to: Beneficiary ServicesDivision of Pensions & Benefits P.O. View Updating Your Address in our Video Library. 0000019838 00000 n
Meetings are held every month at 10:00 A.M. SEHBP Plan Design Committee meetings are held at the following location: State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) Plan Design Committee Members, School Employees' Health Benefits Program (SEHBP) Plan Design Committee Members. 0000003470 00000 n
Retired members are retirees of the State of New Jersey, Local Government, and Local Education. if (!userProfile) {
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0000004446 00000 n
Any amount that you receive over the maximum shall be reported to the IRS as a deemed distribution and subject to additional tax. letter with your name, address, retirement number or last four digits of your Social Security number, and the check date to the New Jersey Division of Pen-sions & Benefits, Pension Payroll Section, P.O. }
Trenton, NJ 08611
Nominations are being accepted to fill the County representative position on the PERS Board of Trustees. endstream
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Adopt rules and regulations to (a) provide for the payment of benefits and collection of monies as required by the statute and (b) to prevent injustices and inequities that may arise in the operation of the Retirement System within the limitations of statutes and opinions of the Courts. If you miss the deadline, your spouse/partner will be enrolled on the first of the month following a 60-day waiting period. 5555. document.forms[to_form].thankyou_redirect.value = document.forms[from_form].thankyou_redirect.value;
Upon returning to employment from a leave of absence, you may be eligible to purchase service credit . If a delegate/alternate has not established an MBOS account we recommend that they do it by accessing it through the Division's website. 0000019202 00000 n
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Google Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a purported language translation. endstream
16 0 obj
Active Employees Group Life Insurance coverage may be of one or two types: Conversion When you retire, go on a leave of absence, or terminate your employment, coverage ends 31 days after you stop working. % 0000147592 00000 n
Public Partnerships cannot guarantee on-time payment for timesheets received after the deadline. `Oth1P}g< If you have an outstanding pension loan balance and plan to take another loan, you must repay the combined balance of the original loan and all subsequent loans within five years of the issuance date of the first loan. Fact Sheets. 6 0 obj