I forgot to ask If anybody else ever experience this or have any idea what it may mean. If these channels become blocked because of stress or other problems, it can cause neck pain. Learn how your comment data is processed. Lol!!! There are of course some positive signs of Spiritual Awakening, which you can learn more about here! Back and neck pain are not just physical, but also spiritual. If you feel like something in your spiritual life is causing physical manifestations, such as neck pain, then it could be a sign that something needs to shift for you to continue growing on your journey. A spiritual awakening can be triggered by anything, from the completely mundane to the completely life-altering. Neck pain can also be a sign of difficulty letting go of control. Spiritual Meaning of Bees in the House: Unlocking Natures Mysteries, Spiritual Meaning of Moth in the House: Unveiling the Hidden Message, Spiritual Meaning of Mice in the House: Hidden Messages from Our Furry Visitors, Spiritual Meaning of a Pigeon in the House, Spiritual Meaning of Seeing a Coyote: A Journey into the Mysteries of the Animal Kingdom, Spiritual Meaning of a Cat Attacking You in a Dream: Unlocking Your Inner Power, Spiritual Meaning of Traffic Lights in Dreams, Spiritual Meaning of Traveling in a Dream: A Journey to Self-Discovery, Spiritual Meaning of Losing a Watch in a Dream An Urgent Reminder. We are all getting better at striking a balance. Spiritual Awakening And Neck Pain-Real Truth About Spirituality Suppose we constantly have to make decisions for others or obsessively try to keep everything a certain way; in that case, this lack of freedom can manifest physically in tightness around the neck area. Thank you so much for sharing this wisdom! Dentists, doctors, and physiotherapists may be helpful to diagnose and . Which is trying to tell you that youre only focused on your point of view and youre looking at the wrong side of things. I guess what I want to know, am I really going thru Ascension or just worse fibromyalgia. Are you feeling achy-ness, or pain in areas of your body that you have not overexerted, or maybe discomfort in any area of your physical body but you dont know why? 5. Be aware of those around you, this person is starting to give a few hints that they dont want you to succeed. The opposite of war isn't peace, it's creativity. Kundalini awakenings will be different for everyone, and some say it can feel like a bad drug trip or psychosis. Last updated 26.12.21. 2021 is your turning point!555 Portal on 5 May 2021 Be Your Own Fairy GodpersonTalking Sticks and Throat Chakra HealingSmoothies and the Throat Chakra Throat Chakra Healing tip! Plus Im doing stand up comedy! Headaches Heal the connection between your head and heart, as well as the one between your inner man and woman, in order to see both sides. Im from Long beach CA. Increased sensitivity is a common ascension symptom As you become more spiritually sensitive your physical sensitivity, and emotional sensitivity may increase too. Very weird experience. If you feel like youre losing friends Dont worry. Many times it has been simply seen that a person has dreamt of some deity or Goddess who has given some messages. Neck pain can also signify a spiritual awakening as we open up to growth within ourselves. You may have a quiet mind. This may also cause you to feel a bit funny, ungrounded, spacey and even physically disoriented at times. Any kind of pain in this area can be attributed to a fear of expressing oneself, asking questions and a blockage in creative expression. Pain here is associated with separation from your own Inner Being. "They don't have to be related but can be.". Click The Button Below & Get Energy Healing With Your Angels FREE! Theres so much material here that eventually Ill figure it out. So enjoy as much as you can. It is a spiritual omen that encourages people to become self-confident and self-dependent. Back and neck pain are two of the most common types of pain we experience as humans. It can also mean its time to lower the negative energy around you. Donna Edens Energy Medicine and Caroline Mysss Anatomy of the Spirit are good textbooks if you want to know more. My new energies feel so, great but yet so foreign, Im welcoming them at every moment, not fighting it is the only way to go. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from State University of New York at Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. Wherever we feel stuck in life or unable to express ourselves fully, back or neck aches may be clues pointing towards inner work that needs doing so we can come back into balance with ourselves. We cannot choose our own point of view because we can only look in a single direction. . 7 Spiritual Meanings of Pain in Body Parts: Right Side & Left Side Here are some of them: Experiencing extremely vivid dreams or lucid dreaming. After I woke up I tried to figure out what was that. Pain in the neck and shoulders is extremely prevalent. 2. This region of the spine is where the last seven vertebrae, often known as the cervical vertebrae, can be found. Its time to speak up with love. But it usually is because that person has emotions they have not dealt with yet. Its awesome that you mention time. So, making you feel pain in a place you cant ignore, its a good way to catch your attention. The connection is the divine, God, or whatever you choose to call that which lies beyond the physical realm. Most Migraine sufferers report, not only severe pain behind the eye but also acute sensitivity to light. The back of the head is thought to be the seat of spiritual experiences. Its time to listen to what your body needs. I send all of you reading this post much Love & Light. Spiritual awakening can happen if someone is fond of reading or traveling. Feeling the emotions of others is known as being empathic. Achy legs, neck pain, and shoulder tension are common places for dense energy and stress to be stored.