CLICK HERE to see the latest N.C. COVID-19 County Alert System. Customer Service Center: 1-800-662-7030 Visit RelayNC for information about TTY COVID-19 orientation: "portrait", Webnc county alert system. NC rolls out county alert system to illustrate severity of pandemic When opting in, peopleshould select a preferred method of communication text message or email. North Carolinians have more reason to be hopeful than ever, he said. Now isnt the time to give up and let more people get sick and die. To find a Port of Entry in your state or territory, select it in the map below or use the form in the right column. 2 LOOK OUTCheck for official mail, email, or texts with instructions on when and how to renew coverage or benefits. Percent Positive: The percent of tests that are positive over 14 days Cooper discusses coronavirus in North Carolina days before the state's Phase 3 extension is set to expire FOX 5 DC. The metrics are based on the case rate, which includes the number of new cases in 14 days per 100,000 people, the percent positive rate, and the hospital impact. WebLearn more about long COVID Stay Safe, Stay Informed Latest Updates General Guidance Download/Share Materials Individuals & Families Businesses & Communities Educators & Fax: 910-259-1402, Fill out Application for Public Use of County Facilities, View Information about the Hazard Mitigation Activities Meeting, View all Pender County Boards, Committees, and Commissions, Statewide recount in Supreme Court Race begins later this week, 2022 Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Master Plan, Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP), Request for Proposals - Classification and Compensation Study and Benefits Survey, PENDER COUNTY ROCKY POINT / TOPSAIL WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT HAMPSTEAD / SCOTT'S HILL WELL PROJECT ISSUED FOR BID - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION, Hampstead Scotts Hill Well Project Manual. MEDICAID recertifications (renewals) began April 1, 2023 and will continue based on the beneficiarys renewal date. function evvntDiscoveryInit() { Click here to view the interactive experience. Eligible community members in the Brunswick County area are now able to schedule their COVID-19 vaccination at the mass vaccination clinic here. Find the latest information about vaccines and other opportunities for vaccinations at New Mexico Department of Health to end COVID-19 Exposure COVID-19 Information Hub | We wanted to identify the counties that were having the worst problems, the viral hotspots.. An official website of the State of North Carolina. State to work with key counties to bring numbers down. Click here to view the interactive experience. (Feb. 19-26). Red zone' back on NC's pandemic map If your last COVID vaccine was before September 2022, youre due for an updated dose. Your best protection from COVID-19 will be a combination of getting a COVID-19 vaccine, wearing a mask, staying at least six feet away from others, avoiding crowds, and washing your hands often. This new county alert system shows our states viral hotspot, Cooper said. COVID-19 vaccines are available to everyone 5 and older. Not sure who to contact? Red and orange counties need to do even more to slow the spread of COVID-19 in their communities; it is strongly recommended these counties go further and build upon current requirements as outlined in the COVID-19 County Alert System. "Hope must drive our efforts to bridge the gap and slow the spread of the virus until vaccines help us snuff it out. Raleigh, NC 27699-2000. Greene County. Please click the above icon (or here) to learn more about Flood Preparedness! One of the things that means is free COVID-19 tests arent guaranteed after May 11. The alert system uses metrics informed by the White House Coronavirus Task Force and North Carolina's key metrics to categorize counties into three tiers:Yellow: Significant community spreadOrange: Substantial community spreadRed: Critical community spread Health officials are using a mix of criteria to determine what tier is assigned to a county. DC's COVID Alert Notice (DC CAN) COVID-19 Exposure Notification System will shut down on May 11th. publisher_id: "7056", Of the states 100 counties, 40 are still considered to have substantial (orange) or critical (red) spread. Two weeks earlier and just days ahead of being it set to expire, Gov. #ThisIsThePlace, High School Job Shadowing Program/Senior Projects, Brian Chism sworn in as Brunswick County Sheriff, Town of Leland releases Economic Development Strategic Plan for the next 5 years, Boiling Spring Lakes holds special meeting on dam reconstruction project, Elderly and those with disabilities can receive fans through Operation Fan Heat Relief. By pinpointing counties with high virus transmission and asking everyone in those counties to work with us and do more right now to slow the spread of the virus, we can succeed, Governor Cooper said. U.S. Customs and Border Protection Cooper signs executive order to strengthen mask mandate in N.C. N.C. sees record high for COVID-19 hospitalizations, 3K+ new cases, Gov. The county alert system is designed to give individuals, businesses, community organizations and public officials a tool to understand how their county is faring from the virus and how to take actions on slowing the spread. The COVID-19 County Alert System gives North Carolinians an easy way to see how their county is doing and know what they can do protect their family and