Also, an outdated BIOS can cause problems shutting down your laptop. Heres how it works. Hence, it is advisable to check for such possibilities as well. 7 Reasons Why Your Laptop Suddenly Shuts off and How to Fix It - Technize If it fixes the issue, you should have found and fixed your problem. I can add: I played Hitman: Absolution trough the end. Note: This feature is only found on laptops running Windows OS. Follow the steps below to do: 2) Remove the power, hard drives, the battery, and any attached peripheral devices. But these approaches aren't recommended for beginners and those who don't work with hardware as engineers. Therefore it is essential to get everything right beforebuying a laptop. You may have to resort to third-party software. There is no temp on hwmonitor for the SSD could that be a problem? How to find out why your PC shut down for no reason on Windows 10 and So run a virus scan across your entire Windows system. MSI laptop shuts down immediately upon turning on Please check out. So a bad battery and giving false readings. Sometimes, the battery may be old and cant hold a charge for long. 2. it's the equivalent of a hard reset. Apart from these ways, there are others you can use to fix this issue such as updating BIOS and checking up on the hard drive. Many people have resolved the issue that laptop randomly shuts down with the solutions below. Copyright 2009-2023 Easeware Technology Limited. Check the log information to determine the time and reason for the shutdown. Sounds more like a CPU overheating problem. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, The solution in this scenario is to update your BIOS. Why is my laptop doing this? MSI GF65 shutting down randomly (no overheat) It is used so widely these days that we just expect it to be there whenever we need it. The screen goes black, the keyboard stays on. The first few search results will show the exact name and manufacturer of your GPU. Question - My computer shuts off when I play games It`s either overheating ( and not necesarilly the video chipset itself , the mosfets might be the cause ) . After it turns off , can you imidiatley turn it back on again ? Your laptop may randomly shut down when the Fast Startup option is enabled. However, you may need to know these details to determine if an issue needs attention. JavaScript is disabled. But with the Pro version, it takes just 2 clicks (and you will get full support and a 30-day money back guarantee). Restarted the laptop and ran FurMark without AA, ran for a few minutes, then still shutdown. Fan was running at full speed. Overheating is often the result of dirt blocking the fan or clogging the vents or grilles - which are part of your laptop's ventilation system. If it doesnt turn off, your operating system may be corrupted and youll need to factory reset your laptop and reinstall Microsoft Windows. Are you in a situation where you are working, and your laptop randomly turns off? An MSI laptop might shut off by itself for a few reasons. You can use any genuine antivirus software from the market, such as Avast, AVG, or Kaspersky. If your computer keeps shutting down especially when you are playing a game or doing a demanding task, this might be the culprit. It might be the same case with you, and a virus or malware makes your laptop randomly turn off. (The Best Laptop CPU), How To Fix A Laptop That Wont Connect To WiFi (7 Simple & Easy Solutions). You can also try to visit a repair store and take the help of an experienced repair technician. You can also opt to increase the laptops storage if feasible. To update the drivers, go to Device Manager and update all the drivers. Choose the .msi file that matches your current OS Build and click Next. Therefore, we hope that one of the reasons weve given here applies to you and that the solutions weve given you work for you. Or click Update All to automatically download and install the correct version of all the drivers that are missing or out of date on your system (this requires the Pro version youll be prompted to upgrade when you click Update All). But dont panic. All rights reserved. Also note that the actual range for overheating depends on the computer, and you should check your manual to see what ranges your laptop can produce. In this video, our Certified Technician works through the step-by-step process that we would u. Windows will automatically look for, download, and install the latest updates on your OS and drivers. In addition to writing about the latest gadgets on the market, he also covers topics such as how to set up your home network or troubleshoot any computer problems you may have. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Try downloading a free antivirus program like Malwarebytes and scan for the problem. You can have the motherboard, CPU, RAM and even the graphics cards checked by an expert. my msi laptop randomly shuts down when i play league of legends (but when i plug it and turn on performance mode and play its good but still there is noise) and doesnt want to start till i plug it it does that when i open the game with the laptop not pluged charging model is gf 63 9sc can someone please explain whats happening + it also started making noises but not constantly like errr quiet and errr again the sound its like coming from center it hasnt been a year sice i got it like 6 months, I was playing league of legends the other day on battery and the laptop, randomly shutdown and didn't start up till I pluged it into charger this is the second time to happen. This is especially common with old or even new laptops, which can shut down abruptly after excessive charging or prolonged use. If you use the PowerShell or Command Prompt option, you can also export the output to a text file with these instructions. The answer is to help our laptops run efficiently. Your rating has been submitted, please tell us how we can make this answer more useful. All right, did a reading on the power adapter, rated for output of 19V. If replacing a power supply solved the issue, it indicates that there may be some problems with the replaced device. Sometimes, your OS might lag or crash randomly if you have not installed the latest updates. If there is no load, the laptop will stay on all day. Remain the motherboard with CPU, CPU radiator fan and a single RAM memory (installing on the second RAM's DIMM slots up by the CPU socket). As an Amazon affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The CMOS battery is an essential part of the laptop responsible for saving the BIOS settings. When u go to advance power options - there is option at the top for time to switch off Disc while its idling.