You can have a beautiful assortment of peaceful and non-aggressive cool freshwater fish for your aquarium if you know what you are doing. Generally, cory julii should have small spots, be smaller in size, and with a more shorter head and a rounded nose. All trademarks are either the property of Central Garden & Pet Company, its subsidiaries, divisions, affiliated and/or related companies or the property of their respective owners. Some species such as serape tetras and tiger barbs are peaceful in larger groups but can become aggressive if kept singly or in pairs. They also require a lot of oxygenation and do not tolerate nitrite, so adequate air pumps and filtration systems are necessary for their tanks. As a side note, I would not suggest keeping the three-spot or Paraguay tetra with C. hastatus or any other small, peaceful fish for that matter. This extremely popular species has two very attractive qualities it stays small at 2 inches (5 cm) long and its pattern looks like a black and white panda. Baby Bristlenose Pleco (Eggs) Care Guide (Steps for Maximum Yield) Male Vs. I have not seen that fish for sale in many years, but since it was common at one time, it is possible it will be available again. To date, there are over 170 named species of corydoras, the freshwater catfish. You can breed them as a colony in a heavily planted tank with dense foliage like java moss, or you can remove the eggs to raise the fry in a separate tank. They are awesome schooling fish and will form tight groups of up to several dozen individuals as they forage around the tank. Bluespotted corydoras are also easy to manage and prefer neutral pH waters that may vary in hardness from soft to moderately hard. There are so many to choose from and as you all know, Goldfish are not always golden and are often lazy, curious, and peaceful. Albino bronze corys are solidly built little cory catfish that get a little larger than most other types of corydoras. Bronze and peppered corydoras are two of the most commonly kept species because of their low maintenance. It eats all types of food and behaves very actively in a tank. That generally results in several dozen to several hundred fry, depending on the age and size of the spawning adults. At some point, most corydoras owners will want to breed their fish. Also, this species can go a bit cooler down to 70F (21C), so it can hang out with coldwater fish like hillstream loaches and dojo loaches. A really large female may top an inch and an eighth (28 mm), but thats about it. Some hardy fish can get along with other fish under the right circumstances when others simply shouldnt be kept without another species of tropical fish under any circumstances. They are almost bulletproof. Moreover, they are a peaceful species that like to graze at the bottom of the tank, meaning corys rarely get in the way of larger or quicker fish when maintained together. Excludes Frozen Foods. big thank you to all those who gave footage.. true corydoras pros ! Its a good idea to add more males than females to the tank, something like two or three females and up to six males. What Are the Different Types of Corydoras? This species is fondly called Teniente Cory or Lieutenant Cory (English #6 Inka Cory (Corydoras sp. We couldnt end this list without talking about the peppered corydoras and its high contrast pattern of dark and light splotches. But, they can be weaned onto frozen foods, but these foods need to be packed full of protein to keep the fish healthy. You can find my reviews here. As their name suggests, pygmy corydoras are among the smallest species of corydoras, reaching just over an inch in maximum length. To encourage breeding, lower the pH and soften the water with lots of leaf litter. They thrive with sandy or rounded gravel substrates in the bottom of the tank and appreciate at least a few aquarium plants for shelter. They come in a wide variety of colors, are very small, and look very pretty inside your tank. I set it up with a mature sponge filter, a big mass of Java fern (Microsorum sp. There are also playful and known to respond to human interaction and put on a show. The Complete Guide On Caring For Betta Fish. Bronze Corydoras have managed to attract the attention of aquarists worldwide. Expect the adults to reach up to 2.5-2.75 inches (6-7 cm) in size with bubbly personalities that are enjoyable to watch. Sadly all these Corydoras are very expensive and They also enjoy investigating every nook and cranny of the aquarium. The dorsal fin is usually mostly black, and they sport a rounded snout. Most Expensive/rare Cory trevo878. Then you will need to condition your corys via temperature and lighting control, and feeding the fish live-food (inducers). Top 7 tankmates for your Corydoras | Tank Facts This is the most expensive corydoras CW111One of the most beautiful and rare.For beautiful pictures pls join #corydoras_breeding on Instagram. As long as temps are in the low to mid 70s F (22 to 25C), there isnt a need to lower the temperature further. From the Corydoras Convention, there was talk about a new species. Maintain your three stripes in a school of 6 or more, and other small to medium sized companions such as danios, dwarf cichlids, gouramis, rasboras, tetras, and small peaceful catfishes.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'aquariawise_com-banner-1','ezslot_3',149,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aquariawise_com-banner-1-0'); The mainstay three lined cory diet in an aquarium should be a high-quality sinking pellets tablets or pelleted food. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Since corydoras are social beings, it is best to keep at least five of each species you choose to purchase and be sure to provide additional nutrition on top of the algae and leftover food theyll scavenge from the bottom of the tank. WebCorydoras CW111 - zebrina Cory or vulcan Cory, the most expensive Corydoras catfish Guide to the rare and expensive Corydoras species from the Serra do Cachimbo in Brazil, including the famous CW111 or zebrina Cory / vulcan Cory. Manage Settings One of the advantages that this fish has is that its appearance allows it to blend into natural environment. Pygmy corys also love frozen bloodworms or other tiny live worms. They do also have an exceptional lifespan and can live for more than 100 years. C. hastatus and C. pygmaeus are schooling fishes and spend the day exploring the mid-water level of the tank in a loose, evermoving group. Most of them will even wink at you! Depending on the type of cory catfish youll have, their size range anywhere from above 1 inch to 4.7 inches with the average somewhere around 2.5 inches.