This autocorrect does all those things and more. John: Its national coming out gay John: omg! MUST READ: 50 Best Funny Nicknames for Games. Not long after that, Mike took off with his mother's corpse. Greasy is just not a good look on anyone. Love it! 17. Really? Im a straight up G, the hamster life is the life for me. We cant decide what is funnier, the fact the autocorrect changed traffic to toilet or that Donna obviously has a problem with personal boundaries. 3. Fortunately, you dont have to let Sir-Auto-Correct-A-Lot commandeer your writing. We knew kids could leave a mess in a car, but kids leaving a mess on the car? Hey autocorrect, Im dressing up as Yoda for Halloween . Boy 1: How was the date? not doing well. No matter how many times you type gave it still insists you meant to say have. Or it may even think that swapping words like baked and naked, or stapler and stalker, is a good idea. Horny for Dong BuzzFeed News This unlucky person made not one, but two autocorrect fails in this hilarious message. Earlier this month, Apple announced a software update that may put an end to embarrassing autocorrects for good. Auto-correct, for God's sake, stop correcting proper nouns So, auto-correct corrects 'Dear Maran' to 'Dear Moron' , Tapish to rapist and Mrinal to Urinal. DAY! We all have had that oops moment once in our lifetime while texting someone something we did not mean to. I hope you shaved pussy. via 4. . B: Haha your phone doesnt agree, Brook: Im going to get drunk and sleep on my dads body B: WHAT??? Dads interested in dinner tomorrow., Another mom started her text by asking her child if they were sitting down, then shared, Youre brother was adopted. After the person on the other end freaked out she corrected herself, I wrote accepted and the phone changed it. The Best, The Worst, And The Most Hilarious #TextFails Ever There will be no second date.. 18. Thanks to the ease of taking a screenshot, many of the funniest and most. Ah, the alluring aroma of roast hickey. But typing a message quickly leaves you susceptible to the equally useful and highly annoying inbuilt autocorrect function on most leading smartphones. Autocorrect Fails: The Most Embarrassing Ever Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! Most of us spend so much time doing so many things on our smartphones that we really can't deal with typing out each damn word. Even if what they want and what they ask for may be two very different things. Men: WTF Beth? Its annoying Sam: You type good, April: Its so hot. Things can get pretty confusing (and silly) when autocorrect chooses the wrong word. Thats why weve created a mobile keyboard that finally brings the magic of Grammarly to your iPhoneembarrassing texts, tweets, and posts can become a thing of the past. At least she sent it to her boyfriend . 26 Hilarious Sext Fails That Definitely Didn't Get Anyone Laid We appreciate that it's so easy to take a screenshot on a smartphone, because now we get to enjoy these twenty-six hilarious sexting fails that prove you can be your own worst enemy when it comes to getting lucky: 1 of 27 Enjoy our gallery of funny sext fails? A: Im coming over and Im bringing cold hermaphrodites B: Uh, no! People Are Sharing Their Most Embarrassing Autocorrect Fails. Didn't know dreaming about Hitler was amazingoops! If these autocorrect fails crack you up, use these. Top 10 Most Embarrassing Autocorrect Fails Of All Time Then there was the person who asked hey can you get pregnant before you come over today, when he was really asking for some Pringles. He got accepted to Yale.. I am gollum. By subscribing, you agree to our Terms of Use and Policies You may unsubscribe at any time. Music for Charlotte Harbor and The Gulf Islands! B: I looove rap uncle nozomi B: AUTOCORRECT! Damn You Autocorrect 7 . STUPID AUTO CORRECT!!! SEE ALSO: Top 20 Funny Educational Hashtags. 24 Hilarious Autocorrect Fails 1. Matt J isn't surprised by her . I promise I meant castle., One mom texted their child just so you know dads in prison, leaving their kid going nuts, especially since mom didnt get right back to them. Autocorrect Fails That Are Hilarious - Damn You Autocorrect! Boy 2: Not quite. 2. (So long, barking dads!). The customer should always take priority. On January 27, 2011, this mom asked for a response to her boner. "Beyonc's Wonky Wine Glass". Here are 9 more spelling and grammar mistakes autocorrect wont catch. Friday fun Boy: Cant wait to see you babe. Matt: Can you trim my moist acne B: ??? We all know celebrities love to photoshop their pics to make themselves look super hot, but sometimes they go way overboard and end up looking like cartoon characters. Oh, NO! The text is riddled with autocorrect fails; it also seems like bad news for its recipient. Beyond being a winning word in spelling bees, has anyone really used antidisestablishmentarianism in a sentence since the 1800s? When auto-correct acts over-smart 'Missed' becomes 'kissed'. Robust, real-time communication assistance, Write, rewrite, get ideas, and quickly reply with GrammarlyGO, Features to polish, grammar, tone, clarity, team consistency, and more, Writing assistance on 500,000+ apps and sites across your devices, For desktop apps and websites like Word and Gmail, For sites like Google Docs, Gmail, and LinkedIn, Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes, Format citations in APA, MLA, and Chicago, Thats why weve created a mobile keyboard, Click here to download the keyboard for iOS. Autocorrect fails never fails to entertain. Kailie: l. Esme: you wanna go babdos? 6. A: Can I get my pencil back? 2023 Vox Media, LLC. If youre getting a laugh from these autocorrect fails, dont miss these 11 hilarious typos that have actually been printed in newspapers. Happy HumerrHelping the animals! Song about Hamster Paradise A: Im gangster. Damn You Autocorrect 5 Sometimes autocorrect can be almost poetic. Mom: Are you hungry? April had ambitious plans in mind for the weekend. 15 Autocorrect Fails That Will Make You Cringe So Hard The 30 Most Hilarious Autocorrect Struggles Ever We recommend our users to update the browser. Here are 7 such instances that Quora users shared and we bet it will leave you LOL-ing hard: 1. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. Whats worse is it doesnt seem like Jaime had a sense of humor to help the poor employee out of an impossibly embarrassing situation. When you send a text message, it checks spelling mistakes and corrects your writing. Since the rise of smartphones communicating via SMS or Short Message Service aka texting has been a fast and convenient way to chat. Avoid misunderstandings and show up as your best self at home, at work, and in romance. I have an exam in 30. Introducing a word into a professional conversation that should definitely never be there. *Facepalm* via GIPHY 2. A: HEINEKEN! Jessica Misener BuzzFeed Staff Posted on March 25, 2013, 8:09 am 1. And this person's diploma was inside their mother's anus. Here are twenty-five of the most hilariously embarrassing autocorrect fails known to man: 1 of 26 Enjoy these hilariously embarrassing autocorrect fails?