Joint Information Center - Montana $449,760 for detection and mitigation of COVID-19 in homeless service sites and community-based residential facilities. If actual expenses exceed $3.4 million, DPHHS shall report to the Interim Budget Committee at the next scheduled meeting. Montana Healthcare Programs is extending the required revalidation date for any provider who has received a revalidation notice. Each eligible provider may only be awarded one behavioral health grant. Approximately 94% of the land mass is National or State Forest Land, Wilderness, Agricultural, and Corporate Timber Land, thus confining development to the remaining 6% of the area. HELP enrollment exceeds estimates, leading to elevated federal fund expenditures. This category may include expenditures such as emergency assistance or a lump sum offered to families in lieu of ongoing assistance. $5,640,385 allocated to Montana through the SABG to provide substance use disorder (SUD) prevention, treatment, and recovery services to youth and adults at risk for or with a SUD. Detection and Mitigation of COVID-19 in Confinement Facilities. the Montana was notified that it will not be receiving any CSFP funds through ARPA because it was projected to have a decrease in its CSFP caseload for fiscal year 2022. Funding would support wages and benefits, related to the recruiting, hiring, and training of individuals to serve as case investigators, contact tracers, social support specialists, community health workers, public health nurses, disease intervention specialists, epidemiologists, program managers, laboratory personnel, informaticians, communication and policy experts, and any other positions as may be required to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID19 in state, local and NGO settings. $2,084,057 in SNAP administration funds. The IVR is there to help you get the information you need when you need it. Child Support Payment Information - Montana Department of Health and Human Services Displayed information is the most current available and is exactly the same as the information available to CSSD staff. Healthy Montana Kids Plus. Type in a descriptive or key word (for example "Denials". Children, Families, Health and Human Services Interim Committee work, Performance Audit - State Efforts to Mitigate Fraud, Waste & Abuse in the Montana Medicaid Program - June 2018, Performance Audit - Community Benefit and Charity Care Obligations at Montana Nonprofit Hospitals - Sept 2020, Financial Compliance Audit - DPHHS - April 2020, HR 1, Resolution to support health care workers, HB 25 Clarify funding for education of children in residential treatment, HB 37, Clarify requirements for the Medicaid medically needy program, HB 38, Establish legislative intent for home and community-based services waivers, HB 39, Provide for continued interim review of child protective services matters, HB 57 and fiscal note, Revise requirements related to child protective services congregate care, HB 60, Clarify terminology used in voluntary child protective services process, HB 61, Eliminate sunset for Title X statutory appropriation, HB 70, Revise state suicide prevention program, HB 78, Require certain employees to report suspected child abuse and neglect, HB 90, Create an emergency protective services hearing in child protective service removals, HB 96, Align organ donor awareness SSR fund with administering agency, HB 121, Require elected official approval of local health board and officer actions, HB 123, revising laws related to local boards of health, HB 137 Generally revise vaping and alternative nicotine products laws, HB 140, Requiring provision of information before the performance of an abortion, HB 145, Allow local boards of health and health officers to issue recommendations, HB 167, Referendum to adopt the Montana Born-Alive Infant Protection Act, HB 208, Establishing requirements related to mental health services for birth mothers, HB 209, Generally revise family laws relating to children and parents, HB 216, Allow Medicaid reimbursement for license outdoor behavioral programs, HB 231, revise laws relating to certificate of need, HB 235, Create nutrition incentive program for SNAP, HB 236, Revise local health board & health officer powers, duties, and penalties, HB 249, Revise laws to regulate marijuana advertising, HB 250, Revise immunization requirements for pharmacists, HB 274, Family preservation act for applied behavior analysis for at-risk families, HB 275, Establish uses of Medicaid waiver funds, HB 296, Establish grant program and other uses of DD general fund appropriation, HB 327, Provide default definitions for covenants limiting the use of real property, HB 328, Provide guidelines for assessing language development in deaf children, HB 334, Revise laws on medical exemption from vaccines, HB 337, Constitutional amendment to define person, HB 339, Require child support cooperation for food stamp eligibility, HB 341, Require Medicaid Appropriations be used only for Medicaid expenditures, HB 343, Revise laws related to dentistry and dental hygiene, HB 344, Revising laws relating to designation of public health facilities, HB 356, Prohibit anonymous reporting of child abuse and neglect cases, HB 360, Revise laws regarding medical record fees, HB 364, Require CPS to share limited information with certain reporters upon request, HB 369, Support school-based prevention programs, HB 388, Establish a Montana Health Crisis Preparedness Program, HB 400, Revise laws related to physician assistants, HB 601, Establishing requirements for certain long-term care facilities (DPHHS reporting to Child & Families Committee), SB 16, Allow minors to consent to emergency shelter and services, SB 17, Clarify minors ability to disaffirm contracts for housing is restricted, SB 33, Require 30 day notice before termination of participation in HCBS waiver program, SB 43 and fiscal note, Require administrate rulemaking for substantive changes to HCBS programs, SB 100 Provide for the welfare fraud prevention act, SB 101, Provide for the direct patient care safe harbor act, SB 102, Revise behavioral health licensing laws, SB 103, Revise embryo transfer technician licensing laws, SB 104, Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act, SB 108, Authorize elected official approval of city/county health board rules, SB 155, Provide for equal access to anatomical gifts and organ transplantation, SB 166, Generally revise laws related to licensed addition counselors, SB 167, Remove termination date for medical malpractice related portions of the HELP Act, SB 177, Revise laws regarding clergy reporting child abuse and neglect, SB 218, Revise requirements related to reports on the medical marijuana program, SB 236, Provide transparency in health care pricing, SB 244, Require Medicaid coverage of weight-loss reduction procedures, Gov.