I don't remember how I did it'.'. Rivera is charged with first-degree murder in the death of Mollie Tibbetts, who disappeared July 18 from Brooklyn, Iowa. You have chosen this person to be their own family member. Around the same time, investigators found blood inside Riveras car. Remove advertising from a memorial by sponsoring it for just $5. Photos: Remembering Mollie Tibbetts | Local News | wcfcourier.com He seized the news camera and initially, threatened the pool photographer with jail. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, Sexton: Child's words cut deeper than sentence in Corbett murder trial, Jury finds wife, father-in-law guilty in Jason Corbett trial, Closing arguments begin in murder trial of Thomas Martens, Molly Corbett, Molly Corbett, Thomas Martens give exclusive interviews to ABC News' 20/20, Continuing Coverage: Corbett murder trial, Attorneys for Thomas Martens seek to withdraw from Corbett wrongful death lawsuit, Hold off on new trial for Molly Corbett and Thomas Martens, N.C. Attorney General says in petition to N.C. Supreme Court. Mollie Tibbetts Murder Case: Iowa Man Gets Life In Prison : NPR It seemed that he followed her and seemed to be drawn to her on that particular day. By In his mind, he absolutely needed to consume blood in order to survive. Rivera, 26, has been jailed since his arrest in August 2018. All Rights Reserved., Protected: PATREON ONLY! You have permission to edit this collection. Prosecutors showed graphic photos of the crime scene where the body of 20-year-old University of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts was found a month after she disappeared in the summer of 2018. Earlier Thursday, jurors were shown videos of a woman running and a vehicle later tied to Bahena Rivera driving by her seconds later that investigators called critical to solving the case. During court on Friday, Tara Scott, a DNA criminalist of Iowas crime lab, said she analyzed a swab taken from a bloodstain found on Riveras car, following the recovery of Tibbetts body. He incapacitated her on 385th, headed straight west until he hit 200th, turned South and headed straight to his residence which so happened to be on 200th, committed the unspeakable act (s), headed south until he hit 460th, and then headed West to the cornfield area. Man gets life sentence in 2018 killing of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts Verify and try again. When he was interviewed by authorities, Oxygen reports, Rivera admitted to being attracted to Tibbetts. Your Scrapbook is currently empty. Whats so unbelievable about all of this is that Archie actually convinced a group of friends that killing 7 people would bring baby Craig back from the dead! A Serial Killer In Tampa Bay, Protected: PATREON EXCLUSIVE: 4Chan Murders, Richard Trenton Chase: The Vampire Serial Killer of Sacramento, Protected: PATREON EXCLUSIVE: The Exploited Outlaw, Protected: Patreon Exclusive With Crime Scene Photo, Robert Maudsley: Britains Cannibal Serial Killer, Protected: The Female Hannibal Lecter, A Patreon Exclusive.