Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville. Privacy Policy The Corps evaluates permit applications for essentially all construction activities that occur in the nation's waters, including wetlands. The 1,510-acre island in the Mississippi River just north of Helena River Park is accessible only by boat and is an excellent point for advanced . View MDWFP Regional Map. Finding Access: Corps of Engineers Offers New Public Land Map This is the official public website of the Headquarters U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Hunt App works on iOS and Android mobile phones as well as provides access to our mapping solutions from your computer. You will also find several interesting exhibits that explain the missions of the Corps at Sardis Lake. They are interactive and provide rules and regulations, boundaries, what game is available in each location and identify restricted areas. National Forests, Corps of Engineers lands, etc., that have statewide seasons without special regulations. The Corps of Engineers has taken hundreds of thousands of acres of prime hunting and fishing ground from us. FAX: 662-487-3127, Pavilion Reservations There are 12 Army Corps of Engineers in Mississippi, serving a population of 2,986,220 people in an area of 46,912 square miles. Vicksburg, All Campgrounds Private All Public Lands* National Parks* State Parks* County/City Parks* Forests* Army Corps* Military KOA Good Sam Escapees Passport Casinos Walmart Truck Stops: RV Dump Propane Open All Year Tents Allowed Accepts Big Rigs Pull Thrus 50 amp Hookups Showers Laundry Internet Pet Friendly Pool Playground Fishing . Waterway Management Center (Columbus): From US 82, Exit at US45/Plymouth Bluff Access Road Exit and go North. Grenada, An official website of the United States government, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, Civil Works Project Partnership Agreements, Former Fort Crowder Chemical Warfare Materiel Site, Former Naval Auxiliary Air Station Quillayute, Missouri River Wildlife Management Areas Map, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - "We want to open the door to a different type of hunt and spread them around the state, if you will. 100 Moore Street This came after a limited number of senior-only hunts were initially offered during the 2022-23 season at Mahannah and Phil Bryant wildlife management areas. The Mississippi Valley Division's navigation responsibilities include planning and constructing navigation channels, locks and dams, and dredging to maintain channel depths of the harbors and inland waterways within its 370,000-square-mile boundary. In partnership with local port authorities, MVD personnel oversee dredging and construction projects at numerous ports and harbors. Camping and Day Use. The USACE Vicksburg District is engineering solutions to the nation's toughest challenges. Hunters may use long bows, recurves, and compound bows. For other public lands, consult the administrative agency for information on regulations and permits that may be required. | The Canal Section of the Tennessee Tombigbee Waterway stretches North from Amory, Mississippi to Jamie L. Whitten Lock and Dam near Dennis, Mississippi. Phone: (662)327-2142. Note: The purpose of this map is to depict private land parcel coverage. WMA There are 12 Army Corps of Engineers in Mississippi, serving a population of 2,986,220 people in an area of 46,912 square miles.There is 1 Army Corps of Engineers per 248,851 people, and 1 Army Corps of Engineers per 3,909 square miles..