While the American government has its own intentions for influencing other nations, there are often unintended negative consequences, commonly referred to as blowback. Central America has suffered heavily from American interventions. This suggests that the negative repercussions of intervention overshadowed any gains. Despite the risks, in some cases military intervention is required to halt mass violence and has been successful in doing so. Military operations can cause casualties among both civilians and combatants, which can be devastating for families and communities. When a government or militia commits war crimes, genocide or crimes against humanity it can result in wide-spread calls to intervene. WebThe Pros And Cons Of The American Invasion Of Iraq The American invasion of Iraq in March 2003 led to the collapse of Saddam Hussein, yet unleashed a huge partisan Military intervention is a topic that has been widely debated for several years. Most times the U.S. send troops to overthrow autocratic rulers and build democracy. A final major argument against humanitarian interventions is that many times events that probably should have had military intervention to prevent have not received international action where-as other contexts have. Partly due to these negative effects, many people debate the authority of the U.S. to intervene in the affairs of foreign nations. The argument is particularly important when one speaks about the international intervention into the Korean War which broke out in 1950 (Krieg, 2012). There are also diplomatic opportunities that can arise from military intervention. The first is the scale of the problem: not every repression is a genocide. This is because Rwandan armed groups believed the US or other countries would not intervene following the failure in Somalia. For years, America has depended on partnering with countries to help combat terrorism and promote regional stability. Many people argue that interventionism leaves places worse than they were before American troops arrived. For those wanting to gain a better understand of the pros and cons of humanitarian intervention, we also recommend the online course An International Security Series: Genocide. Pros And Cons Of Military Intervention 22 chapters | Whether it actually deterred any action by China is less clear, as it is difficult to discern Chinas intentions. Boston, MA: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Diplomatic opportunities can arise from military intervention, but they are not always guaranteed. Pros and Cons Not only that but peacekeeping These unintended consequences are often referenced in debates in modern times as the American public has gradually stopped supporting interventionism, especially as nations are sometimes less stable than before American intervention, such as in Iraq or Afghanistan today. One of the most important interventions was the Mexican-American War, as it largely increased the size of the U.S. Canadian Social Science, 9(1), 116-134. WebFirst, global powers must only employ military force to combat extreme catastrophes such as ethnic cleansing, genocide, and crimes against humanity.