444 North Michigan Avenue Suite 400 Chicago, IL 60611. 200 Chicago, IL 60611. Answer: You are correct that in Michigan only licensed dentists can own a dental practice (i.e., a professional corporation or professional limited liability company in the business of providing dental services). All rights reserved. PA 161 Program - Michigan dental assisting levels, along with the requirements Any person who sells, purchases or assumes the practice of any person licensed to practice medicine or dentistry in this state from the individual or his estate shall notify, within 10 days of . . Act 368 of 1978 PART 166 DENTISTRY 333.16601 Definitions; principles of construction. https://dev.michigan.local/som/json?sc_device=json. Act 368 of 1978 333.16323 Dentist, dental assistant, dental hygienist, dental therapist; fees. PDF DENTAL THERAPISTS: LICENSURE S.B. 541: SUMMARY - Michigan Legislature Ph: 800-589-2632 & 517-372-9070 Don't miss our latest facts, findings, and survey results in The Rundown. Enter and space open menus and escape closes them as well. Dental Therapist Licensure; Temporary License; License Renewal An individual who was granted a license under Part 166 as a dental therapist could engage in practice as a dental therapist to the extent permitted under the bill. Left and right arrows move across top level links and expand / close menus in sub levels. Should you have further questions, please contact our Licensing Support Team at BPLHelp@michigan.gov. Sec. CE credits can be earned in the following ways: Up to 10 hours can be obtained FREE by reading articles, magazines, etc. Unless a longer . Hospitals are very often organized as non-profit corporations; this enables them to employ physicians, nurses and other licensed professionals. The Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act (MIOSH Act), Act No. '8/rer,9>2xL.q\ qL>3^?N,H|W^O;pEbJj[N%Xq%:%0MYbcHi>Kgo[}3tV,U;`/wI';>sq@&3O]_'?@3~?=$y~JrKO- 4 }7]DF"^tOM(Lu1M:gEwNw :[ 48%8yc")e>|Y_ax=+ \D requirements for dental assistants in this state. Fax: 517-372-0008. If you are having problems completing the application process, please contact us at 517-241-0199 for assistance and we can help walk you through the process. endstream endobj PDF 77% 2022 - Michigan Dental Michigan Legislature - Section 333.16657 Sec. (1) An individual shall not engage in the practice of dentistry, the practice as a dental hygienist, or the practice as a dental assistant unless he or she is licensed or otherwise authorized by this article. Sec. includes links to all the information you need to understand the Welcome to the Michigan Board of Dentistry website! The dentist either individually or through his/her PC or PLLC remains the owner of the dental records and provides dental services, paying the management company or other investor rent for the real estate and equipment and fees for the management, administrative and billing services. 161 (PA 161) was passed in Michigan, allowing dental hygienists to practice in approved public dental prevention programs to provide services for underserved populations . . View the different dental assisting levels, along with the requirements for each. You can also view the allowable duties at each level. Prescribing. Discover them all on these pages, or click the button below to ask a specific question. ASK THE MDA. Click here for the Dentistry website. Michigan Legislature - Section 333.16654 Search by state to find state statutes, regulations and administrative rules governing the practice of each member of the dental team. 16654. RDA/RDH. (1) Pursuant to section 7301 of the act, MCL 333.7301, an individual seeking a controlled substance license or who is licensed to prescribe or dispense controlled substances shall complete a 1-time training, offered after promulgation of this rule, in opioids and controlled substances awareness that meets the following standards: Learn more about Dental Therapists Practice of Teledentistry A dental therapist may provide services described in section 16656 included within the scope of practice as a dental therapist and under the supervision of a dentist in any of the following health settings: (a) A hospital that is licensed under article 17 . "Teeth floating" or "floating of teeth" by persons experienced in that practice and limited by this rule is deemed an act that may be delegated by a . Fluoridation, pre-medication and lead apron use are just a few of the guidelines that directly impact how you practice dentistry. Popular name: Act 368 333.16605 Use of words, titles, or letters. In an effort to reduce the use of paper, effective January 1, 2022, licenses issued or renewed will only be sent electronically unless a paper copy of the license is requested during the application or renewal process. Michigan Legislature - Section 338.31 2023 Dental Assisting National Board. Too many people in Michigan are negatively impacted by limited access to dental care, Davis said. ** We are no longer accepting paper applications for Dentistry Licenses. Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau. Jobs at the MDA - Michigan Dental Association If youre interested in a career that allows you to make a difference, check out the state of Michigan career portal for a list of current openings in state government. . The rules implement a 2018 law that made Michigan the eighth state to authorize the practice of dental therapy. Founded in 1948, The Pew Charitable Trusts uses data to make a difference. This administrative action is critical to successful implementation of dental therapy in the state because the law requires that the midlevel practitioners work in settings that primarily serve low-income and other underserved communities.