He hosted approximately 60,000 people from around the United States at Camping World Stadium in Orlando, Florida,on23 February 2019, as a collaborator of The Send a national campaign organized by a group of leaders hosting stadium gatherings worldwide. Koulianos published his first book titled The Jesus Book on 1 March 2010. Who is Michael Koulianos? Jesus School Through their faithful leadership, Jesus Image has seen thousands come to Jesus and multitudes healed by the power of God. She has traveled with her home church Dwelling Place of Houston since then leading worship and equipping worshippers all . michael and jessica koulianos church. Michael has been in full time ministry since 2001 and he and Lorisa have four beautiful children: Hannah, Salem, Freeland, and Truman. `` Living for Jesus '' St. Josaphat `` millennium '' directory book, published in 1988 our Full of life again adjoining the other parish buildings only a few blocks from its original.! Many have asked if Koulianos is a prosperity pastor. We will worship Him, learn of Him, and go out from this place of His presence to share the Gospel with the entire world by the power of the Holy Spirit. In 2004 is reaching the nations with Jesus Image Church is focused on the presence Jesus. Michael and Jessica Koulianos wedding in Southern California in 2004Join us as we lay our lives down at the feet of Jesus, seek His presence and learn how to share Him with the world! 101 McLay Drive. 1,833 talking about this. Church. The personal, regional, and global expansion of God's kingdom through His manifest presence. Michael is the son of Theo and Evelyn Koulianos who owned a school. Shortly thereafter, he was ordained into the ministry. The pastor passed down his teachings to his children, who seem to have strong faith and religious beliefs as well, according to their Instagram posts. Recorded Live at Jesus Image Church in Orlando, FL | October 31st, 2021 Join us on December 17th and December 18th for Jesus '21, Central Florida Comments are turned off. Michael served as a pastor. Michael Koulianos | Waiting on Jesus - YouTube Koulianos is also making monumental moves with the likes of Vladimir Savchuk and Pastor Tim Ross. As of 2021, her net worth has been marked at $8-$10 million, with most of her wealth coming from her self-authored books, her Life In The Term ministry, and her television show called Enjoying Everyday Life which began airing on WGN TV and BET in 1995. A couple of years later, he says he was overwhelmed by the power of god following a series of supernatural events in October 2007 in a church in Westport, Connecticut. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page..