Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, Dr. Tjelmeland specializes in the full range of cosmetic procedures for the body, breast, and face. Enhance your overall body contour and improve your breast size or shape with breast augmentationthe most popular procedure performed by Dr. Tjelmeland at Meridian Plastic Surgery Center. An Orlando doctor facing federal charges in an alleged scheme involving pelvic mesh lawsuits had his medical license restricted this month after he punctured a womans organs and arteries during a January liposuction, resulting in her death. For full functionality of this site, it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Linking and Reprinting Policy. Last year, with the Iowa licensing board case as well as the federal civil and criminal cases still pending, the number of malpractice claims against Smith continued to mount. Follow Iowa Capital Dispatch on Facebook and Twitter. 317.575.0330 I have suffered ongoing health issues due to the surgery bladder and bowel issues which have caused sepsis multiple times.. Indianapolis Plastic Surgery | Meridian Plastic Surgeons No materials from this website may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way. Many attorneys consult for free or a minimal fee, so don't hesitate to contact a lawyer for help today. to 12:00 pm Court records indicate Smith was scheduled to go to trial this month on the federal fraud charges, but a continuance was granted. The plaintiffs in the new lawsuitPatricia Thatcher, Carly Playford and Brooke Snodgrassare seeking reinstatement of their jobs, lost benefits, attorneys fees and other relief. Our plastic surgeons and staff are committed to providing patients with the highest quality of cosmetic, plastic, and reconstructive surgery and care available at any medical facility. Dr. Chacon and his attorneys did not respond to a request for comment. A review of the case by Dr. Harvey W. M. Chim, a board-certified plastic surgeon with expertise in liposuction, found that Walker fell below the prevailing professional standard of care by causing the injuries that led to the patients death. Theres the physical damage, and the years and the money it takes just so you can get back to where things were at the start, but the worst part is not knowing who you can trust after something like this, said the former patient, who asked that her name not be used due to the nature of her medical condition. The health department would not say Monday whether it is currently investigating any other medical professionals involved in the fatal liposuction. According to the suit, Meridian first denied but later acknowledged there had been a camera in the room. Mar 31, 2021 at 5:30 am An Orlando doctor facing federal charges in an alleged scheme involving pelvic mesh lawsuits had his medical license restricted this You have to go beyond page 1 in the search. Two weeks ago, the Iowa Board of Medicine announced an agreement to settle its case against Smith by having him voluntarily surrender his Iowa medical license.