He was on duty the night a German bomber that had been badly damaged by ack-ack fire abandoned his bomb load on the dance hall above the shops in Green Lanes between Princes Avenue and Tottenhall Road. He said the new housing development that is now Myrtle Road just off The Fairway (where I was born),was built on the site of a Nursery. Bamboo cane area dividers, Italian shiny coffee machines and music.. He even used to ask children for a tip! Bruno was my neighbour in the flats above the shops on the N Circular Rd and round the corner to Bows road He moved from the Quick service cafe to the Bezazz and as you say it was the hub for many. Hi I lived in Princes Avenue with my grandparents in 1969 and reading the comments the memories came flooding back. Dr Stewart was a wonderful Dr who never seem to rush you, yet never seemed to run late with his apt & made you feel really at ease. His house and grounds backed onto the new river on the opposite bank to ours which was in Lynbridge gardens. Recall Mrs Potts and Mrs Langford and Miss Buchanon (whom I disliked nasty old bat). Wendy (was Wendy Small ), Hello Wendy, I do recall the ladies shop you mean. Did your dad run a newspaper stand by The Fox. I have spoken to a friend of mine who was born in the mid 30s & has lived near Hedge Lane most of her life but she doesnt remember a bomb dropping at the top of Hedge Lane. The name Bezazz brings back happy memories of the late 50s and early 60s. And talk of the Beezazwe had the Two Bare Feet coffee bar in Winchesterif you could get past Sgt. Was it also another name? Mr. Pratt was very critical of my dovetail jointing but roped me in scenery building for the annual Gilbert and Sullivan Operas as did Miss Green, Art, for paintings. I also remember going to the Intimate Theatre with my mother every Tuesday evening. I dont remember the Rubber Mac ShopMa made me buy my Mac (Grey Gabberdine, de reguer worn over the right arm when hescortin the ladies (no rain at the wrong time in them pre global warmin days) but de reguer in Broomfield or Grovelands Park to spread for the ladies (Sir Walter Raaly like etc)) from Fifty Shillin Tailors? I lived in Madeira Road. Many years ago. Ha ha yes and he had those bottle top glasses Dr Meldrum !!! As she asked for opera top petticoats and long legged knickers the woman behind the counter would operate the very cleaver drawers lining the walls holding the goods. Between Windsor Road and Park Avenue was a greengrocers called Burkes, there were 2 Janes and Adams shops, the toy shop already mentioned, plus 2 doors from that there was the electrical shop an old sign saying Ultra Radio was still up on the front at the first floor (last time I looked). Poultney and his Perlice in the Guardroom. Mum was Pool Attendant at Barrowell Green but we still had to join those long queues to get in..so long a waitso full had to wait as Mrs. Barry only allowed the extras in as people left. Yes Bezazz coffee bar, went their most nights as well around 1964 onwards coffee, egg & chips, juke box, pinball machine, 3/6d last all night!..some faces Denis Day, Mick Stanton, Mick Smith, Dave Todd, Michael joannou, Michael De Bear,Wendy & Susan Smale, Laureen Blackwell, the cast goes on! I remember going there with my Mother and having lovely ice cream in a silver sundae dish. The day the dance hall fell silent - Palmers Green Jewel in the North I also seem to remember that the path to Dr Baxters surgery had a pergola over it which used to be covered with blossom (? Maybe a member will remember Jays. Its population was very small, and there were no more than a few isolated houses in the mid-17th century. One was called the UK tea company. He really lowered the tone of Palmers Green. I think that this garage was called Saul & Slatters a John Slatter who worked there, married my cousin Margaret Cantwell in 1962. In the summer we sold ex Wimbledon tennis balls. I am Geoffreys sister Carole. Winchmore Hill And Palmers Green Memories - Facebook as many did back then or another location. I was Jean cook then with a brother Brian l remember the bombing of the dance hall between princes avenue and Tottenhall rd and the trolly bus wires catching fire and my friend Louise loosing a leg l remember Doreen young and Gary spicer.also the smell of Mac fisherys shop. My earliest memories of the site are from WW2 when, as a youngster in a pushchair I saw an aircraft being wheeled out of the building which stood there. I remember my Nan going I to Tescos on Green Lane and used to run around Brookfield park and go into the burned down museum with the bees and the art work. I owe so much to your father who be came friends with my father and would meet for a drink in the COCK TAVERN. The buildings opposite however, which was the bombed out Princes Dance Hall, were rebuilt in a totally different style. The other side of the Bank was a school outfitters where I was bought school uniforms, blazers and badges etc. No Dave,my brothers name is Derek married to Cathy. Palmers Green is often nicknamed 'Palmers Greek' or 'Little Cyprus' because of the many Greek, Cypriot and Turkish immigrants who have made this bustling enclave of north London their home. Going back toward Hedge Lane on the North sideremember a chap who used to make basket work/wicker goods/walking sticks? My name is John Bye, I dont know if you remember me. I do remember a Vauxhall dealer being at the top of Hedge Lane where Yaser Halim is now. Probably TottenHALL RdSchool Mr bennett was headmaster was St. Michaels School..The fever hospital was Greentrees further up Tottenhall past Bird in Hand Pub and before Norfolk Pk alleyway. I started at Hazelwood in 1963 too and l also live in Singapore. Palmers Green N13, is lovely, a Edwardian area with plenty of independence shops, the parade of shops has beautiful building above them a lovely 1930s style park, a railway station journey to the countryside and Moorgate and properties are still very affordable. Where are you now and all the others from these years? Hi David, I think I remember you from Winchmore. In the meantime, here are some memories of Palmers Greenfrom other sites. She must have been quite young then (unless it was a different Miss Hughes), but then young children think anyone over 20 is old. Hey are you the same Anne Poole from Southgate SC. The wood walls remained! There was a garage forecourt at the top of Hedge Lane where in intersects with Green Lanes, Was that a WW2 bomb site does anyone know? I still hanker for an ice cream like Doms scraped onto a cornet with a spatula not scooped! No I cannot remember the name of the garage and can barely remember the garage let alone that it was selling Jags. AnnywayI bought my first camera from Mr Kalms (Dixons) Edgeware (Agfa Silette) on the knock (so much a week) and cycled to Edgeware to pay the monthlya Canon copy of the Leica followed f1.8 lens but paid its way at weddins and I think I was one of the first to get back with ome developed colour (Ferrania) to the celebrations in them days. Then in to tea and rock cakes and bashing out Boogie on Grans cherished piano. I was born at 7 Oakthorpe Rd, PG in 1944 and moved to East Anglia in 1971. Opposite were the cottage gates where Italian Prisoners of War sold the plaitings of straw for pocket money. I then became a (successful) travel writer and ended up as a journalist for an american newsletter. Annyway back to Patricia (and her Ma), they worshipped Grouts and in my stores upstairs I ave loads oGrouts stuff and the 60s lectric Singer sewing machine kept ready an oiled like for my grandaughter (6) and er new baby sister comin October. Some boys from Winchmore worked for him on the window cleaning. Veluchis barber shop near the Triangle- only one and three pence for a mod style hair cut.