Services for this location have been relocated to 220 Blanton Avenue. The State Prison was opened in 1989 Riverbend Maximum Security Institution has a total population of 785, being the 8th largest facility in Tennessee. The state classifies the prison as a maximum security institution. Sleeveless shirts or strapless dresses, or any clothing that exposes a bare chest, upper arms or midriff. Mental health units are provided for offenders with acute mental health needs. TSP was closed by court order and replaced by Riverbend Maximum Security Institution in 1992. If you have any questions, please call the contact line below. 34 offenders are from the largest metropolitan counties: Shelby (24), Davidson (5), Knox (4), and Hamilton (1), 10 offenders were convicted in East Tennessee, 9 offenders were convicted in Middle Tennessee, 31 offenders were convicted in West Tennessee, Larry McKay, 2/26/56, 64 years old and Michael Sample, 5/23/56, 63 years old, my brother has a life sentence our mother got sick and passed away when i called to ask about a virtual phone conference for our mothers death he was denied do yall really not offer these options for your inmates. Riverbend Maximum Security Institution - JAIL EXCHANGE If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. In the 1979 novel Suttree by Cormac McCarthy, the title character's friend, Gene Harrogate, is sentenced to a three-year prison term at Brushy Mountain after being caught burglarizing a store. Historic Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary - Petros, TN Clothing shall fit in an appropriate manner. [1][4] As of 2008, Brushy Mountain was the oldest operating prison in Tennessee. The original prison was a wooden structure also built by prisoner labor. Whiteville Correctional Facility - Tennessee It's a popular spot for photographers and videographers if they are granted the correct privileges to shoot on site. The Riverbend Maximum Security Institution (RMSI) is a prison in Nashville, Tennessee, operated by the Tennessee Department of Correction. The Tennessee government agency responsible for state prisons is the Tennessee Department of Correction. The majority of inmates at Riverbend Maximum Security Institution are high risk dangerous offenders, and have committed violent crimes. We are observing social distancing guidelines. Click here to get a list of nearby MoneyGram locations. Whiteville Correctional Facility (WCFA) is a time-building prison with a security designation of minimum to medium. Individuals, who successfully complete the training work, with HCTCP approved construction companies. You can view the list here. D Block. "We didn't have chicken thieves," Harvey says. Body scanners are now at all TDOC facilities. Manage Settings In addition, there are units for the mentally challenged and a sheltered workshop program available to offenders in this unit. This list also does not include county jails located in the state of Tennessee. Parole Technical Violators Diversion Program. Education programs at the prison include GED and Adult Basic Education. This page is not available in other languages. Many believe this is due to its location on the Cumberland Plateau. Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary last named Brushy Mountain Correctional Complex (also called Brushy) was a large maximum-security prison in the town of Petros in Morgan County, Tennessee, operated by the Tennessee Department of Correction.