National Poetry Month Themed Packet for Elementary. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. Matilda reads a limerick out loud to her class. Copyright Can you write a character for a nice teacher (like Miss Honey) and an unkind teacher (like Miss Trunchbull)? Matilda Story Planner [PDF] Matilda Story Writing Frames [PDF] Matilda Story Planner Example [PDF] Twinkl England 2014 National Curriculum Resources English Key Stage 2 - Year 3, 4, 5, . We would love to have the script and backing music for our end of year production, my email address is rupert.palmer@marner/ Years 3 and 4 Chapter Chat Activity Pack to Support Teaching on Matilda, Chapters 18 - 21. Lesson Plan Ideas KS1 to Support Teaching on Matilda - Twinkl Roald Dahl Matilda Lesson Pack - 50 Pages of Activities! Since my class have chosen to perform Matilda as their end of primary production, I am looking forward to running these activities with my Year 6 class - particularly the characterisation role playing! Allowed HTML tags: