This Asgardian swordmaster is great at closing in on her target and delivering devastating close combat damage. Baton Snare is Daredevils long range attack, and it ignores Line of Sight and Cover, as well as letting you advance Daredevil towards the target before dealing damage. GregWebster 2 yr. ago. His other attack, Shrapnel Blast, is closely tied to Magnetos Leadership ability and its associated Innate Superpower, so well have to explain that first: Master of Magnetism lets Magneto place a Metal Construct (a Size 2 terrain feature that comes with his miniature) on the battlefield in the Power Phase and gain 1 Power from it and any other Metal Construct in play. Thanos standard Strike attack is Strength 6 and has a chance to Throw the target, and his other free attack, Cosmic Blast can Slow the target, and you can pay up to 3 Power to add that many dice to the attack roll. Ursa Major is an aggressive fighter with a simple but fun playstyle. When being attacked, Mysterio can always use his excellent (5) Mystic defense, unless the attacker pays 2 Power. Both attacks can be enhanced by the Stop Squealing and Die Active Superpower for a Power cost of 4, which adds 3 dice to Sabretooths next attack. M.O.D.O.Ks reputation as a mad mastermind might lead you to expect that hell be a really complex character to play, but behind the very wordy titles of his superpowers, hes actually pretty straightforward. For the purposes of being moved or colliding with things, Logan is treated as being Size 3 even though he is otherwise Size 2, and if he is damaged by Mystic attacks, the first time it happens, nearby allies suffer 1 damage and gain 1 Power a weird but thematic superpower. His other attack, Tornado Claw, is a Beam 3, Strength 4 version of the same attack, so that Logan is teleported to the last target in the Beam, and it also has a chance to cause Bleed. The Cabal is an Affiliation that is considered the greatest supervillains on Earth and acts as an evil counterpart to the Avengers . She is also a Leader of the A-Force affiliation, and her Leadership ability gives 1 Power to one ally when another ally takes damage. She also has the Reactive Superpower Retcon Powers Activate!, which can be used when either defending or attacking with Gwenpool. When Hulkbuster would be turned to its Injured side, it is instead removed and replaced by Iron Man/Hulkbuster, an Iron Man model with a different profile. To fuel all this, Mysterio gains 1 Power every time he makes a roll with at least one blank dice roll in it. Her Leadership ability allows one ally per turn to gain 1 Power when interacting with an Extract Objective token, and it also allows all allies to place a token on an objective to keep contesting it even when none of your allies are around until an enemy starts contesting it. He can also heal 3 damage on a nearby allied character, but that character then also gains the Bleed special condition Hood is getting his powers from a demonic source, after all, and finally, Hoods Invisibility Cloak lets him use his Mystic defense (his best defense) for a defense or dodge roll and add blank dice rolls as successes. tactics card now specifies the ally must be KOd by an enemy effect, which theyd already told us was coming, to prevent Hulk/She-Hulk/Ghost Rider shenanigans and other unintended cases. He also prevents targets from modifying defense dice when he attacks them. To make sure you can always use this ability to survive being KOd, the Tippy Come Back Reactive Superpower always lets you return the token to Squirrel Girl for free when shes targeted by an attack. Affiliations. In addition to that, his Pumpkin Bombs attack is extremely flexible: It can be either Physical or Energy, and it can cause either Bleed, Poison or Incinerate.