Because it was the Herd's only charter flight of the season, boosters and prominent citizens were on the plane, including a city councilman, a state legislator, and four physicians. Seventy-five lives were lost. Wayne County Democratic Sen. Robert Plymale was 15 at the time and was with friends in Kenova, near the airport. "That had taken a toll on my football coaching, a lot of bad things. The tragedy was "the worst domestic air crash this year," a Federal Aviation Agency spokesman in Washington said, and it was described as one of the worst in history involving an athletic team. Among the losses were nearly the entire Marshall University football team, coaches, flight crew, numerous fans, and supporters. A Southern Airways DC-9, apparently exactly like the one which crashed, arrived at Tri-State at 11:50 p.m., carrying a team of investigators for the airline. Marshall Football Team Dies in Plane Crash - Famous Daily She never could explain it other than saying God had spoken to her. Gov. It was raining hard, and he remembered seeing ambulances speeding past the group. Cabell County Democratic Sen. Mike Woelfel said he was 17 years old driving in his car in Huntington when news of the crash came on the radio. Plane crash victims The plane left the airport about 7:30 p.m. Friday. People would come to the house and say this was meant to happen. So why would anyone living with all that baggage intentionally go up in the air? Classes at Marshall, along with numerous events and shows by the Marshall Artists Series (and the football team's game against the Ohio Bobcats), were cancelled and government offices were closed. "You couldn't count on it," Dawson said. The official cause for the crash was either altimeter malfunction or pilot error. The dog's name was Sturmisch. To be honest, when she told me, I didn't believe her because we had never had a plane trip.". I had 75 angels there.". A Tragic Plane Crash in 1970 Killed Most of Marshall's Football They turned around, headed back home and immediately got lost. Cappadony said at 1 a.m. that FAA investigators were expected to arrive in about 45 minutes. Instead, the descent continued for another 300ft (91m) for unknown reasons, apparently without either crew member actually seeing the airport lights or runway. The airliner's crew was Captain Frank Abbot (47), First Officer Jerry Smith (28), plus two flight attendants. For Marshall fans, the crash is always on their minds as they walk into the stadium for a Herd game. On Nov. 14, 1970, the chartered jet crashed in fog and rain into a hillside upon approach to an airport near Huntington as the team was returning from a game at East Carolina, killing all 75 on board. A week later, he died at age 66 as a result of the injury. Mary Jane Tolley didn't go because the local veterinarian recommended she stay because the couple's dog was sick. Ferrum won the national junior college championship his first year there in 1965. He said the National Guard had spread sheets on the floor in preparation for the bodies which he said would probably be brought in in plastic bags. Largemouth bass were Tolley's favorite. "We stayed friends forever," Dawson said proudly. "Where nobody could see me," Dawson said of his hiding spot. Hokie Stone is the native Virginia limestone that makes up many of the buildings on the Virginia Tech campus. Attorneys recall Marshall crash suits, settlements On Nov. 14, 1970, the charter flight carrying the Marshall football team crashed after a game against East Carolina in Greenville. "He didn't tell anyone what he was going to do until the last minute," Hamrick said. This time, they decided if all couldn't go, none of them could go. One of Dawson's greatest contributions may have been the recruiting of four African-American athletes out of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. "I didn't do anything except for fishing, hunting and construction work," he said. God's providence? These are some of their stories, 50 years later. "[7]:36 At least one source says that water that had seeped into the plane's altimeter could have thrown off its height readings, leading the pilots to believe the plane was higher than was actually the case. Members of the Young Thundering Herd attend practices in August and September 1971. Members of the current team also visited a nearby The airport was not properly equipped. He said the plane skimmed the top of an abandoned house before it crashed. Marshall coach Rick Tolley demonstrating a move to team captain Dave Griffith, Mike Blake and Dave DeBord (left to right) in 1970. "Just a very smart guy. Dawson eventually became a successful construction company owner. He went out to see. There were 64 children who became orphans after losing one or both parents on the flight. HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (AP) Marshall University commemorated the 50th anniversary of one of the worst sports disasters in U.S. history Saturday, a plane crash that killed most of the football team. [24], Marshall was scheduled to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the air disaster in their football season opener on August 29, 2020. Plymale said his mother was a professor at Marshall. The NCAA granted Marshall permission to use freshmen on the varsity squad, something which was not allowed at the time. 16 and undefeated at 6-0. The report additionally notes, "Most of the fuselage was melted or reduced to a powder-like substance; however, several large pieces were scattered throughout the burned area. [4] The controllers advised the crew that "rain, fog, smoke and a ragged ceiling" were at the airport, making landing more difficult, but possible. Before the noon ET game, a crowd will gather at Spring Hill Cemetery once again to observe the past but also celebrate what they and the university have become. [12] Lengyel led the Thundering Herd to a 933 record during his tenure, which ended after the 1974 season. On Friday, the 36 players who died in the crash received degrees from Marshall in their fields of study. A chartered jet airliner carrying the Marshall University football team, coaches and a number of prominent Huntington residents crashed in flames on its approach to Tri-State Airport Saturday evening. The scene was described as chaotic. marshall The entire Marshall football team, along with their coaches and staff, were killed in the crash. Four of the crash victims were students in her class, and Marshall faculty were sent to attend the funerals. Spring Hill Cemetery, site of the Marshall Memorial for the 75 plane crash victims. You see, out of the tragedy has come not a celebration but an annual realization that some good has been made out of the worst thing imaginable. In 2011, Frank Beamer directed the Virginia Tech team buses to detour on their way to Marshall's Joan C. Edwards Stadium. The town died. Head coach Rick Tolley was among the crash victims. This flight was the only flight that year for the Marshall University football team.