October 1989: John Homan learns Marie Hilley duped him. He left behind a $31,000 life insurance policy, a substantial amount of money in 1975, butMarie blew through it quickly. Be sure to visit ourMovies Based On True Storiessection here. June 8, 1983: Carol Hilley recuperates, and Marie Hilley is finally convicted. It turned out that Audrey poisoned her husband, too, possibly for the insurance money. Wife, Mother, Murderer: The Marie Hilley Storyis directed by Mel Damski and written by David Eyre Jr. The email does not appear to be a valid email address. Husband-Killer Dies of Exposure After Escape : 'Black The documentary includes rare archival footage and photos. 0000001045 00000 n Three years later, Marie took out a $25,000 life insurance policy on her daughter Carol; a $25,000 accidental death rider took effect in August 1978. Today, Im featuring another Alabama black widow, Marie Hilley. Hilley was conscious at the scene but had convulsions and lost consciousness while being transported to a nearby hospital for treatment. You are nearing the transfer limit for memorials managed by Find a Grave. Shortly after, his teenage daughter Carol started showing similar symptoms, sending her mother Marie Hilley into a panic. Reviews. On November 1982, after changing her hair color and losing weight, Marie returned to New Hampshire and met John Homan, posing as Teri Martin, his deceased wife's sister. She later dies of a heart attack and a hospital. Within a few months, Carol began experiencing trouble with nausea and was admitted to the emergency room several times. Before moving to Carol's current city of Jacksonville, AL, Carol lived in Anniston AL. The remains of Sonya Marcelle Gibson, an eleven-year-old friend of Carol Hilley's who had died of indeterminate causes in 1974, were also exhumed and examined,[1] but were found to contain only a "normal" amount of arsenic. Enter the cemetery and follow the right (sign). DoctorsbelievedFrank had died of hepatitis,and he was buried without further inquiry. Are you sure that you want to report this flower to administrators as offensive or abusive? Radford University. Relatives & Associates. 06/04/1933 0. Her defense attorney put her up in a hotel,but on Nov. 18, 1979, she went missing. Frank got a job in the shipping department of Standard Foundry while Marie worked as a He was only 18 years old when he met Audrey. The gruesome tale of Marie Hilley 0000002910 00000 n Try again later. cemeteries found within kilometers of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. Investigation Discoverys American Monster: Alabama Murder Mystery delves into a story that had numerous twists. HUnF}W{DYj$1%o)$p9w8. 1991: Wife, Mother, Murderer, the true-story movie based on the case, debuts on ABC. In Anniston, the speculation continues to this daywas there indeed someone who had agreed to help Marie escape, only to back out at the last minute? She was very meticulous in her dress, former FBIspecialagent David Steel told Snapped, airingSundaysat6/5conOxygen. She died shortly afterward from prolonged exposure to the cold. Frank got a job in the shipping department of Standard Foundry while Marie worked as a WebMarie Hilley. Thefamilysoon learnedMariewas doing the same for her daughter. Inside a box in the cellar, she found a pill bottle and brought it to police, who testeditand found it contained arsenic, according to Snapped.. As they were all male, Marie was profiled for being a rare case of a female having a diabolical mind. It seemed Mariewould never answerforher crimes untilJanuary 1983,whenauthorities in Keene, New Hampshire began investigating a possible case of identity fraud. xb```"WVno``0ptxSEDyYg3100&L G2'4[LQ^2IR)*(`(0id<0 J100i `! "Aqs,_0wp 4i@d-309 R) You have chosen this person to be their own family member. Mariewassoonindicted for the attempted murder of Carol, and several months later, she was charged with Frankspoisoning,according tocourt documents. Frank was constantly seeing his doctor, who kept prescribing more potent drugs. He died in 1989. Search above to list available cemeteries. They fall in love and begin living together. Homan promptly alerted police. 0000002488 00000 n Hilley 12/11/1965 Huey died of cancer in Anniston, AL, at the age of 57. The coroner believed she had been crawling around in the woods, drenched by four days of frequent rain and exposed to temperatures that dropped to around freezing. To Alabamians of a certain age, the story of Hilley's crime and escapes long ago took on the aura of legend. Some in the Hilley family thought Carols symptoms were eerilysimilar tothose that killed her father. At the time, nobody knew that Marie had purchased a life insurance policy on her. On February 28, 1987 Marie Hilley's children buried her beside Frank Hilley, the husband she'd murdered. 1960s:Frank and Marie Hilley seemed like a loving couple with a nice church-going family. Frank Hilley Murder: How Did Audrey Marie Hilley Doctors attempted to revive her and raise her body tempterature but were unsuccessful, and she was pronounced dead 3 1/2 hours after being found. WebTwo books have been written about the case, and it was also the subject of the TV-movie, "Wife, Mother, Murderer: The Marie Hilley Story", starring Judith Light. Police compared the note to samples of Maries handwriting and found it to be a match. Real Name: Audrey Marie Hilley. WebFour days after she vanished from the motel Hilley was found delirious on the back porch of a house in Anniston, Alabama, less than a mile from her birthplace in Blue Mountain. (LogOut/ WebOn February 28, 1987 Marie Hilley's children buried her beside Frank Hilley, the husband she'd murdered. Before moving to Carol's current city of Jacksonville, AL, Carol lived in Anniston AL. Marie Hilley Though he wasn't from one of Anniston's moneyed families, Frank treated her like royalty. About four years later, in February 1987, Audrey was given a furlough from prison to visit John, who by then had moved to Anniston to be closer to her. Another twist came when she told John that she had a rare blood disease. Frank Hilley Murder: How Did Audrey Marie Hilley They began dating and got married in May 1981. Shes bleeding, shes bruised, her clothing is torn from her body, Manis told Snapped. She married Frank Hilley on May 8, 1951; they had two children, Mike and Carol.